Disclaimer: Everyone knows I don't own anything in this story except what I made up. No harm was intended with this story and I hope now one's too offended.


Chapter One: Boy???

In a tiny dingy alleyway of London, hidden behind a trash barrel in an area many would find questionable: a young boy sits alone. Dressed in frayed shorts and an over-sized t-shirt the boy is slowly turning blue from the chill of the cold night. Boy, as he is known, was put there by his Uncle many hours ago with the promise of pain if he so much as moved an inch. Now many young children would sit for maybe only a few minutes before getting up and exploring. However, this young boy was terrified of moving. For you see just that morning Boy had been beaten by his Uncle yet again for being a Freak. Being only five years old, Boy did not understand many of the terms his Uncle used, he just knew not obeying would result in an unbelievable amount of pain.

Boy looked up as he heard a sound, hoping it was Uncle coming to pick him up. It was getting really dark out know and Boy was cold. Boy curled in on himself as a way to try and conserve heat. Then it hit him, Uncle wasn't coming back he had been abandoned by his family. Boy didn't know what he had done wrong. With that realization Boy began to cry. Boy had always done his chores: he kept the house clean, made the meals, even did the gardening. But maybe Uncle was right. And Boy really was a Freak that didn't deserve to live.

Boy just wanted someone to take care of him. But he knew that would never happen. Slowly but surely, Boy began to fall asleep from the lack of food and pure exhaustion, still crying.