A/N: Hey everyone! I've been a long time Stargate: Atlantis fan but this is my first time writing a fic for the show, so I hope you enjoy it. Please tell me what you think, all opinions are appreciated. Anyway... enjoy the fic.

Disclaimer: I don't own stargate or andromeda. wish I did, but sadly I don't

Searching for Eden


"Are we ready?"

He looked up from where he was crouched at the source of the question. The man was thin and scruffy, wearing threadbare clothes with fluffy hair that was in disarray, but behind the battered frames of his glasses his hazel eyes were sharp and intelligent.

"Almost Radek. I'm blocking the last of the external sensors now. Did you hack into the hatch system?"

"Yes, everything is ready."

He nodded, a small smile gracing his features. Everything was going according to plan. They'd be in and out with what they needed and long gone before the crew of the ship even knew what happened "Good. Go ahead and take your place with Miko and Cadman."

Radek started to leave but turned back and frowned. "Rodney, are you sure we should be doing this?"

Rodney rolled his eyes. "You're not wimping out on me now are you? Please, this will be a cake walk," He tapped a small silver disk, just below the left ear, on his neck. It had a small port for a cable in the middle. "Once I'm jacked into the ship's mainframe, we'll be home free." His face then went serious, none of the previously light mood was evident. "Besides, we don't have a choice. You know that."

"Radek sighed and nodded. "I know." He thought of a sick little girl, sitting in the Puddle Jumper, being watched over by a anxious father. Radek could tell his friend was worried, despite his best effort to hide it. He placed his hand on Rodney's shoulder. "She'll be okay, you know. Is big space cruiser and data we received listed a doctor as part of crew. They will have nanites that Madison needs."

Gratification flashed briefly across Rodney's face. That was replaced with a mock exasperated look as he stood. "Yes, of course they will. Now if the sap-fest is finished, we have a job to do."

Radek laughed to himself as he took his place with Laura and Miko. 'Same old Rodney'.

Rodney watched Zelenka moved to his spot then tapped the radio in his ear. "Alright boys and girls lets get started. What's everyone's status?"

He listened as the small band reported in.

"This is Lorne and Simpson, we're in position."

"Miller and Griffin, in position."

"Cadman, Kusanagi, and Zelenka. We're ready Rodney."

"This is Stackhouse. Markham and I are in position."

"Good, let's get this show on the road. Move on my count. Three...two…one…now!"

The hatch opened right on cue. Rodney smirked.

They were in.

Colonel John Sheppard, commander of the Pegasus, grinned as he watched Ronon devour his third plate of food.

Yep, this was definitely turning out to be a good shore leave.

He had left the Pegasus in the drift's dock and went supply shopping with the rest of the crew. Carson had spent a solid two hours haggling for medical supplies and a few new flexi-novels for light reading while Teyla purchased new plants for hydroponics and a few new meditation candles. While those two were shopping, John, Aiden, and Ronon visited the nearest armory so Ronon could buy a couple new knives and Aiden could ogle the blasters, then found a sporting goods store where John treated himself to a new set of golf clubs.

By the time they all met up again, everyone was starving and they found themselves in an all-you-can-eat buffet watching Ronon eat the owners out of business. After this they would go and hit the beach and he could catch a couple waves. He almost had Teyla convinced to give surfing a try.

"Colonel Sheppard."

Instantly everyone at the table froze. Standing at the end of the table was the avatar of the Pegasus. She was a figure an enigmatic figure straight from the old legends, taking on the features of one of the ancestors. The race that had passed on so much knowledge before leaving the universe. No one quite knew how they ascended, but they remembered the stories and honored the ancients by giving them forms once again as avatars to the great star ships they had first designed. The woman standing in front of them was no exception.

John instantly could tell something bad was happening. 'There goes the surfing plans.' "What's wrong Oma?" The normally solid looking hologram was flickering.

"Someone has broken into me. They were somehow able to hack into my mainframe and are systematically shutting down all of my sensors and blocking all frequencies. I was lucky to get this message to you bef—" Just like that she disappeared.

John jumped from the table, the others quickly following suit, and headed for the door. He pushed through the crowded street, not bothering to apologize to those he ran into. The only thing on his mind was getting back to the Pegasus.

As he ran, John Sheppard focused on one thing only.

Someone was on his ship.

End Ch.1
