Yep, this is yet another Duped 'verse story. I love playing in it, and I'm able to surprise myself every time. Surprised, since most of the time, the original plan for the story gets thrown by the side (usually the characters fault; they never listen) and morph into something more interesting and fun to write.

This story marks the return of my wonderful beta, Chaz. She did a wonderful job on burnin' down the first version (I really did make some rookie mistakes, so it was only right of her to do so) and point out to me what I needed to do to make it a bearable read.

The entire story has been written, though Chaz is still processing the next two parts. At least my loyal readers won't have to wait as long until this story is complete.

Right, on with the show. Have fun.

"Not a bad sight, huh?"

Jack had been looking through the transparent wall for a long time, as he had many times in the past four weeks he'd been aboard Moya, amazed at the beauty around them. He may have been to the moon, but never in his life had he thought he'd be able to see all of this. "It's amazing," he said in response to his son's question.

"Yeah. I can't tell you how much time I've spent in here those first months on Moya."

Jack could certainly understand that. He kept gazing at the universe outside. "Where's Livvy?" Before John could reply he added, "I probably didn't need to ask that."

John let out a short laugh. "Yeah, she's hangin' with Pip again."

Jack nodded to indicate he had indeed guessed that. They fell silent as both men gazed outside. After a while John spoke again.

"So, where's Karinta?"

Jack let a smile appear on his lips. He'd never expected to fall in love again. A year or so after Leslie's death he'd gone out a few times but he never really found anyone that gave him a feeling like he had when he met Leslie. After a while he decided it probably wouldn't happen and stopped actively looking. And then his path crossed that of Karinta. The moment he set eyes on her, he felt nearly like the time he met Leslie.

The four weeks since had been amazing, though difficult, and Jack fully understood what John had had to endure trying to win Aeryn over. At least Karinta had some experience with emotions and relationships, but a lot of it had been distant memories for her. And then there was that whole xenophobia instilled into her with the Peacekeepers, but again she had adapted pretty easily. "She went along with Aeryn on the supply run," he responded and gave a small shrug at John's surprised look. "Last minute plan, I guess."

"Scorpius?" Sikozu looked into the room she shared with him. She stepped further inside when she couldn't immediately locate him. She had been sure he was here, but further inspection told her otherwise. Before she could turn around she felt the familiar hold of his strong arms as they came from behind her.

"Yes, my dear?"

The sound of his voice did all kinds of things to her and she let herself momentarily melt into his embrace. She knew the crew didn't understand it, but being a bioloid didn't make any difference when it came to love. After all, bioloids were made of the same genetic materials as their biologic counterparts, so the same chemicals were also available to produce the same kind of reactions as for biological life forms. In fact, it would have been just as easy to have these feelings for a biological person. Her processing core could be instructed to ignore the chemical stimuli, which she'd normally do to maintain a detached view in difficult situations. But this was not such a moment, and her processing core was free to handle the reactions to the stimuli.

She felt that the same was most definitely true for Scorpius' bioloid and she started to smile when she realized he was slowly guiding her to their bed. Though this wasn't her primary reason for coming here, she saw no harm in indulging their mutual wants and needs before she talked to him. No, she thought as one of his hands found its way to her looma and the other to her eema, no harm in indulging a little.

"I don't know about this, Chi." Olivia eyed the controls wearily and then turned a doubtful look in Chiana's direction.

Chiana looked perfectly innocent. "What? You need to learn it sometime, don'tcha?"

Olivia agreed to that. She definitely wanted to be able to fly. But the learning method didn't seem quite right. "Yeah, but I'm not particularly looking forward to getting killed later. Aeryn and I get along pretty well but she'll definitely kill me if she finds out."

Chiana shrugged, obviously not seeing a problem. "So, we don't tell her. Besides, I took her Prowler once and I'm still alive."

Olivia laughed when a mental image popped in her head. She could clearly see it: Aeryn angrily marching all over Moya in search of Chiana. "How long did you have to hide?"

Chiana grinned. "You don't wanna know."

"I don't think I'm that good at hiding from her." She eyed the controls again. "Couldn't we start with Moya's transport pods first?"

Chiana made a face. "Where's the fun in that? Aeryn's Prowler is the fastest thing we have!"

"Exactly my point. Come on, Chi, let's get out of here before Aeryn finds out."

Chiana sighed. "Fine. I'd hoped you'd be more fun to be with than Cri… John."

Olivia smiled slightly at the near slip. She was aware of the fact that most of Moya's crew was accustomed to using the Crichton moniker when they needed Johnny, but that proved to be a problem when her father and herself had arrived. Chiana had been very disappointed that she could also no longer use her nick-name for John, seeing that her father was more befitting the title 'Old Man.' "I'm sure we can have some fun in a way that doesn't involve Aeryn's Prowler."

Aeryn cast a covert glance at her current companion, wondering why she had volunteered to come along. After John had decided to explore this part of the galaxy, relatively close to Earth, they'd quickly discovered that while there were a lot of planets suitable for life, there was literally nobody but them in this area. This meant peace and quiet, which in turn meant that most supply runs could be carried out by one person alone.

As she had prepared to make this run she had intended to ask John to accompany her to the planet, allowing them some time together, without any interference. So when Karinta volunteered to go with her, Aeryn had tried her best to persuade her not to come along. Clearly Karinta had her reason, and she insisted on coming with her. But so far, the woman had been very quiet. Aeryn turned her attention back to piloting. "We're about to enter the atmosphere."

Karinta acknowledged her with a nod, but didn't say anything. Aeryn let out of soft sigh. There'd been many times when she'd wanted to strangle John, just to shut him up, but now she wished someone would talk. The silence was unnerving her. She almost laughed out loud at the realization.

"Is there… uhm… When you first… Was there a difference..."

Aeryn was glad she had just landed the transport pod or there'd been a pretty bumpy landing. Not only was she surprised to hear the woman talk, but the line of questioning was not what she had expected. Furthermore, it needed to be put to a halt immediately. "That's none of your frelling business." She let her hand momentarily grace her pulse pistol, before powering down the pod and make her way to the exit.

As Karinta followed she hastily tried to assure Aeryn of her good intention. "No, no, that's not what I meant. I mean, well, it is, but not like that. I mean, well, Jack and I are, well, we've never actually… I mean…"

Aeryn sighed and turned around to face Karinta. "Yes, there are subtle physical differences between human and Sebacean males. Can we leave it at that?" Much to her surprise, Karinta stood up straighter.

"No, we can not leave it at that! I don't want to frell things up with Jack. I need to know about the differences. I need to know if he needs to be prepared for something. About differences between human and Sebacean females."

Aeryn softened up a bit. "Oh. Well, I don't know. John didn't seem particularly surprised at anything the first time we… were together." She frowned a bit. "Don't you think Jack should ask John that question?"

Karinta smiled. "I may not have a lot of experience with humans, but I'm well aware that a father is unlikely to ask his son advice on this subject."

Aeryn laughed when she realized that John would probably indeed be 'grossed out' if Jack would ask him such a question. As she led the way to the location she and Pilot had chosen, she replied, "I believe you're right."

"Jool, come look at this!"

Jool turned around at the excited sound of her lover's voice. She and Hirsh had taken it upon themselves to explore the various planets whenever Moya stayed in a solar system for an extended time. So far they hadn't found anything of great importance, but clearly Hirsh had found something now.

She walked over in his direction, careful not to disturb the area too much. She took over the familiar looking object Hirsh held out to her, confusion spread all over her face. She looked up at him. "Where did you find this?" He gestured behind him and Jool tried to look around him.

"Over there. There's more."

Jool stepped around him to take a closer look but stopped after just one step. "What the frell?" She turned to Hirsh. "We have to warn the others."

"Scorpius?" Sikozu turned her head so she could see him.


Sikozu snuggled closer to him when his arm closed around her shoulder. "Do you realize where we are? Can you feel… it?"

He looked at her with a bit of concern. "I do not understand. But something did seem to happen with my processing core earlier."

"I keep forgetting you're model isn't as advanced." Sikozu let out a sigh. "The bioloid technology did not originate in the part of the universe we know. Up to now, no one knew where it actually came from." She once again looked up at Scorpius to gauge his reaction.

Scorpius seemed slightly confused, but that last sentence had clearly been understood. "The bioloid technology is from this area?"

"Possibly. It has always been known that part of the technology was specifically engineered to allow the creators, the original creators, to locate a bioloid and override its programming and even deactivate one. No one was ever able to alter the technology so it no longer contained that particular function. Since there were no signs the original creators were able to detect the bioloids, the research was ended."

"Are you saying we have been located? That we might be deactivated?"

"It's possible. I think we are still far away, so probably they can only track us. As far as I can tell we are not getting much closer."

"Like this?" Olivia moved the controls while looking outside to see what happened, before finally looking in Chiana's direction for confirmation.

"Yeah. Now straighten it out and accelerate a bit. Then repeat the turn in the other direction."

Olivia turned her gaze back outside, a grin on her face. She'd picked up on this flying thing pretty quickly, she felt. At least no mishaps, no flying into anything and Chiana hadn't needed to intervene. She moved the controls back and increased the throttle, a bit surprised when she noticed the increase in speed was quite a bit more than she had anticipated.

She glanced at Chiana to see if this would be a problem, but the girl just smiled and nodded slightly. She moved the controls again to make the turn in the other direction but quickly noticed that the increased speed did have some influence on how the transport pod reacted. "Uh, Chi…"

"Oh, relax. There's not much you can hit around here. Just ease back on the turn."

Olivia had already done that and reduced speed the moment Chiana had told her to relax. She looked outside again and studied the stars. "Did I just do a one-eighty?" At the confused look she elaborated, "Did I turn back to where we came from."

Chiana looked outside and then at the navigation controls. "Yeah. Why?"

"Where's Moya, then?" Olivia gestured to the empty space ahead of them.

"You're still not used to the speed, are you? We've traveled so far you can't see her."

"But we've only been gone for a minute or two!" Olivia looked outside again. Less than half a minute passed before she could just make out the outlines of her new home. "There she is!"

Chiana giggled. "Told you we were just… What the frell?!"

Olivia immediately let go of the controls as Chiana took hold of them. "What's going on?" She noticing they were heading for a bare looking planet, not unlike Earth's moon. "Why are we going to that planet?"

"It's not my choice, okay?!"

Olivia glanced briefly at Chiana, noticing she was frantically trying to get the small ship to change its course. "Should I call Moya?" At the responding nod, she tapped her pin. "Pilot? Anyone? The transport pod is out of control! Hello?" Olivia caught the slightly worried glance Chiana threw her. "This isn't good, is it?"

Chiana shook her head. "No, but, but your brother, he'll, he'll come help us! He, he always comes!"

Pilot wasn't sure how to feel about this latest development. Moya had been… uncomfortable the moment they had entered this particular system. Now that Joolushko reported to have found something potentially dangerous, it appeared Moya's instincts about this system had indeed been correct. However, he himself had never felt as comfortable as right now in this location.

He let part of his conscience contemplate this paradox while he informed D'Argo. "Captain, we just received a message from Joolushko. She claims there's something on the planet they were exploring that she's encountered before. She feels it's of great urgency we leave this area immediately."

"Alright, Pilot. Inform Aeryn and Karinta to return to Moya immediately."

"Yes, captain." As his claw moved over the controls to establish a link to Aeryn and Karinta, another part of his conscience attempted to deal with an odd stream of information that seemed out of place. "Officer Sun, Captain D'Argo has requested your return immediately. We need to leave this area as soon as possible." Strange, the stream of information seemed to contain erroneous data fragments.

"Pilot, we are just loading the last containers. We'll be there shortly."

"Thank you, Officer Sun." Hmm, something seemed amiss with a section of Moya's sensor banks. Pilot instructed some DRDs to attend to the damaged banks while he performed a scan to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be. Joolushko had just landed, so that only left Officer Sun and Karinta. Everyone else was already aboard Moya. "Captain D'Argo, Joolushko has just landed. As soon as Officer Sun and Karinta return, Moya will perform a Starburst."

"Acknowledged, Pilot."

"I think I'll ask someone else to teach me how to land."

Chiana started giggling. She was surprised Olivia was taking it so lightly, especially considering she wasn't exactly used to situations like this. "I don't blame ya." She looked at the console. "The transport pod is damaged severely. I don't think we can repair it well enough to return to Moya."

Chiana turned to Olivia to see how she took this news. Again she was surprised by the relatively calm response Olivia gave.

"Well, we can see them from here, so I'm sure they'll be able locate us with Moya's sensors."

Chiana looked through the portal in the direction Olivia was pointing. "Yeah, that'll be no problem." She turned to the console. "But we do need to get out of this transport pod. The atmospheric scrubber isn't functioning but the air outside is breathable." She turned to Olivia. "And very cold. Not too cold for me, but for you it definitely is."

"I'm sure I'll be fine for the couple of hours we'll be stuck here."

Chiana began to admire Crichton's sister even more. Here she'd got thrown into a tough situation and she didn't panic or complain once. Were all humans like that? Or was this a family trait? Dismissing the thought from her head, she stood up. "Yeah. But maybe we can fix the scrubber so we can stay inside."

Chiana began inspecting the transport pod, trying to see if it was actually still airtight. If it wasn't, they might get enough fresh air inside without getting too cold. No matter how hard she and Olivia looked, though, they couldn't find any leak so Chiana decided to attempt some minor repairs, hoping to get the scrubbers working again.

But neither she nor Olivia were good enough techs to fix the scrubbers so they'd work again and Chiana asked Olivia to start looking for something that would keep her warm outside. It didn't take her long to report back there was nothing useful besides a forgotten crate of food cubes, apparently left behind in the small cargo area of the transport pod after one of the supply runs.

"I'll have to make do with what I'm wearing, I guess."

Chiana nodded. "And I really need to open the door now. The air inside is becoming dangerous to breathe."

She pushed the control and glanced at Olivia as she was confronted with the cold air from outside. When the door was completely open she noticed a perfect spot for them to hide from the cold winds: a rock formation that would give them some protection while at the same time allowing them to see both the transport pod as well as Moya. She pointed it out to Olivia, raising her voice a bit to make herself audible over the strong wind. "We'll go there."

Olivia just nodded and Chiana started to walk toward the rocks. When they arrived a short trek later she immediately noticed there was indeed much less wind coming in, making it seem less cold than it actually was. Moving all the way to the back and turning around she could indeed see the transport pod and the area surrounding it. Looking up through the spaces in between the slightly overhanging rocks, she could clearly see Moya as she hung in space.

"Phew, that's better."

Chiana nodded her agreement. "It's the wind that made it feel so cold. As long as the wind doesn't turn in the other direction we should be okay here. And we can see both the transport pod and Moya." She pointed at both as Olivia sat down on one of the smaller rocks on the floor.

"Hey, that's great! We could see them coming!"

Chiana sat down next to Olivia and looked at Moya. "Yeah, you'll see, they'll be here before you know it." A slight frown started to form. Was she imagining things or was Moya preparing to Starburst?

"What's that?"

"I don't know." Chiana didn't want to worry Olivia too much, in case she was wrong and it wasn't actually Starburst at all. She involuntarily gasped nonetheless when Moya indeed vanished from view. "No! They, they wouldn't leave us!" She turned to Olivia. "I think Moya just Starburst away."

"Maybe they were in trouble and had to leave? They could come back, right?"

Should she tell her about the time when Moya had accidentally left Crichton behind? On the other hand, she had to make sure Olivia realized they might be stuck here for a while. "Yeah, but it might take a while. D'Argo once told me Moya accidentally Starburst away while John was not on board. They searched him for monens. But, but Moya was pregnant at the time and Starburst was very unpredictable. It, it might be easier now."

"Months? Johnny was alone for months?"

Oh, great. Olivia focused her attention on that one detail. This was not gonna be an easy conversation. Chiana was fairly certain Olivia was going to demand a detailed overview of her brother's days in the uncharted territory. If she was so upset about that point, wait until they got to the part where they'd left him alone for the second time. She wondered how she got herself into situations like this.

"I'm telling ya, they're not here, Pilot." John surprised himself by staying as calm as he was. Pip and his sister were missing, yet Pilot and Moya seemed certain they were onboard. When nobody had been able to comm them, John had asked Pilot to direct him to where either of the two should be, according to the sensors. This had led him to both girls' rooms, only to find no trace of either.

"Commander, you're on the wrong tier."

John looked around carefully, not wanting to look like a complete idiot. "I don't think so, Pilot."

"Yes, you are, Commander. Both Olivia and Chiana have their room two tiers up from where you are."

John frowned. "Two tiers up?" He looked at Aeryn who had just arrived, a frown forming on her face as well. "Pilot, if I go two tiers up I'm floating in space." John was met with a long pause.

"It appears you are correct, Commander. Moya's sensor input and memory banks show the location of Olivia and Chiana to be two tiers up, but there's indeed only one tier above you."

Aeryn seemed just as puzzled and worried as he was, and John asked, "Pilot, are all ships here?"

"According to the sensors and memory banks, they are. However, given the current situation, Moya's sensors and memory banks may not be trustworthy."

John nodded. "D, check if every bird is accounted for."

"I'm on it, John."

"Pilot, do you think you could plot a course back to where we were?"

"Since Moya's sensors and memory banks seem untrustworthy at the moment, we must assume navigational data is being influenced as well."

Well, the big guy had a point there. John cursed himself for not paying attention to the space and time signature. At least that would have given him something to go on. Instead they were now stuck with untrustworthy navigational data. "Yeah, but it's the information we've got." He felt Aeryn's comforting hand on his shoulder, a sign that she knew he was blaming himself again.

"Not necessarily, Son."

"What d'ya mean, Dad?"

"I've been looking at the stars all my life and I have a knack for recognizing and remembering constellations. I think I can roughly point us in the right direction."

"Dad, I don't doubt you, but you do realize we're a long way from where we left Pip and Livvy, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Constellations, however, can be seen from many light years away. Give me a couple o' minutes and I'll map it out."

John looked at Aeryn to see what she thought. She seemed to agree with Jack, and even John had to agree it was better to have two sets of data to go by. "Alright, Dad, lemme know when you're done."

"John, we seem to be missing a transport pod."

"Thanks, D. At least we know they indeed left. Pilot, I think it's best if Moya stays away from that place. We'll take either Jool's or D's bird."

"Moya and I agree, Commander. Moya felt very uncomfortable in our previous location. The current location feels much better."

Damn, it really was freezing! Olivia glanced over at Chiana, who seemed way more comfortable than she currently was. Olivia guessed at least two hours had passed since they had made a dent in the surface of this barren rock in space. She smiled wryly as she realized the dent was probably in the transport pod, leaving the planet unharmed. Nonetheless, two hours sitting in the icy cold was no fun at all. "I guess we should've taken Aeryn's Prowler after all."

Chiana turned to her, a grin forming. "She'd probably have found us by now if we had crashed it."

Okay, not what she was referring to, but Olivia let out a laugh at the mental image of the enraged Sebacean. "Yeah. Nothin's more important than her Prowler, huh?"

"Hmm, your brother might be."

Chiana had a point. Her brother sure had made an impression and Olivia knew Aeryn would do anything for John. Then again, she knew Aeryn well enough to know she was fiercely loyal to all her friends, which included both Chiana and herself. "I think she finds us just as important as Johnny." She shivered when a cold wind made a short visit into their shelter. She decided to take some extra gear the next time Chiana gave her flying lessons.

"It's still too cold for you, isn't it?"

Damn, she didn't want to worry Chiana that much. She gave a shrug. "It was just a short breeze." Chiana looked doubtful. Of course if her teeth hadn't decided to chatter right at that moment, her attempt at waving it off might have actually worked. "Really, I'm okay. But I think I do need to go for a walk. Sitting for an extended period in the cold is only making it worse."

Chiana seemed to contemplate a bit. "We're probably stuck here for a while. We could go get the crate of food cubes from the transport pod."

It definitely would be a way to be active and warm up a little. Between the two of them, it would be hard enough to get the crate all the way from the transport pod to their shelter. But it also meant being out in the open, where the cold winds were currently blowing. But they needed the food cubes and Chiana would never be able to carry it alone. "Okay, let's go."

Olivia hesitated when she got to the edge of their shelter. She could feel the wind much better here and it seemed even colder than she remembered. Well, this needed be done and she resumed walking in the direction of the transport pod. Just two minutes in both directions; she could do this.

Okay, having to drag a heavy crate with you slows you down. And the crate definitely was heavy. And it was definitely slowing them down. If Olivia had to guess, they'd been dragging that damn crate for two minutes already and they still had at least a third of the way to go. With the wind blowing so fiercely into her face, she felt as if her nose could fall of any second now.

Finally Olivia plopped down on the rock at the back of their shelter and closed her eyes. She felt Chiana drop down next to her, her shoulder bumping against her and the younger woman's hand coming to rest on her upper leg.

"Did that get you hot enough?"

"Yeah." Probably even hotter than Chiana realized. Dammit, what was she thinking? Chiana was with D'Argo. Time for something to distract her from the hand still resting on her leg and what it was doing to her. "Hey, could you tell me about the time Johnny got left behind?"

"So roughly speaking, we'd need to go in that direction, though I can't tell how far we'd have to go." Jack looked around to gauge their reaction, hoping to find some indication they believed him. The response came from where he'd least expected it.

"Moya's logs concur with the Colonel's findings. At Hetch five, it should be about three days traveling."

Jack knew that Pilot's statement changed their opinion, but that didn't matter. It meant they'd actually go and had a good shot at finding his daughter and Chiana. "Great, when do we leave?"


Jack turned to John. "Yes, we. Olivia is my daughter." What the hell was he thinking? That his old man couldn't handle a simple search and rescue operation?

"Dad, you might run into trouble. I know you've been out here for over a month, but you haven't experienced any of the things you can run into."

"Exactly," Jack interrupted John. He couldn't believe the weak argument John was throwing at him. "I don't have experience because there's nothing to run into around here! I need to help with the search. I can't stand having to wait here."

"John," Aeryn intervened before John could reply, laying a hand on his arm. "Jack is right. There's no danger."

Jack watched with interest as John and Aeryn seemed to debate the situation without using words and was pleased to see Aeryn was winning the discussion hands down. Sure enough, a few seconds later John turned back to him, sighing resignedly. "Alright, you can come along."

"John, perhaps it would be better if Jack and Karinta go alone. We need to check out what is happening to Moya. Karinta is a med tech and can help if either Chiana or Olivia is hurt."

Aeryn's comment came as a surprise. A pleasant one, but a surprise nonetheless. Of course, John was being stubborn again, a trait Jack knew he'd passed on to his son himself.

"Aeryn, Dad hasn't learned to fly anything besides a transport pod. It'd take 'em over ten days to get there and then another ten to get back."

That was a weak argument, and John must know this. Jack did have some flying experience even from before he was put in a transport pod. Even learning to fly a transport pod hadn't taken him that long and he should adapt to something else pretty quickly. Besides, there was another reason why this argument wouldn't fly…

"My brother taught me how to pilot a Marauder."

Jack had to work on keeping the smug grin from his face when everyone first looked in surprise at Karinta and then at him. He was going to spend a couple of days alone with Karinta, and nobody was going to take that away from him now.

"Geez, Aeryn, I really didn't need to know that."

Aeryn shrugged slightly, secretly enjoying his reaction. "You were the one demanding to know why I sent Karinta and your father alone."

"You could've told me somethin' else!"

"John, I'm not going to discuss this now. We need to figure out what is happening to Moya." Aeryn felt there wasn't anything to discuss. He'd asked a question, she'd given an honest answer.

John just sighed before responding. "Yeah, you're right. I guess we should start wi…"

Sikozu's voice came over the comms at that moment. "John, Aeryn? Could both of you meet us near the Startburst chamber? It's important."

Aeryn tapped her comms. "More important than finding out what happened to Moya?"


Aeryn quirked an eyebrow at the short response and the somewhat condescending tone in which it was given. She looked at John but he just shrugged. "Alright, we'll be there shortly." She closed the comms and led the way toward the Starburst chamber. "Do you have any idea what she wants?"

"Nope, but it could be RoboScorp knows something. She did say 'us,' so she's not alone."

That certainly seemed possible, but it still did not answer the question what could be more important than helping Moya. But she was sure they'd find out in a couple of microts, once they reached the Starburst chamber.

"Chi, what are you doin'?" Olivia didn't know whether to turn away or keep watching as Chiana took off the outer layer of her bodice.

"You're too cold."

Well, if she was gonna take off even more that certainly would no longer be a problem. "Yes, but I don't think it'll fit me."

"No, but you can put it under you, to insulate you some more from the cold stones."

Olivia swallowed lightly when Chiana simply rolled her sideways to put the bodice on the stone. Olivia's eyes darted toward the young woman's cleavage, now right in front of her face and now even more blatantly displayed. Just a few seconds later she was gently rolled back, and then slightly pushed to roll to the other side while Chiana pulled the bodice so it would form a flat surface that would completely cover Olivia's back.

Once Olivia was lying on her back she looked at Chiana. "You'll be alright, won'tcha?"

Chiana nodded. "Yeah, the cold doesn't bother me so much."

Before Olivia could say anything, Chiana climbed on top of her.

"This should keep you warm."

Olivia couldn't help a groan escaping and closed her eyes. Chiana was only trying to help, but she had no idea what this was doing to her.


Olivia opened her eyes. "Chi, I probably should tell you that I can go both ways." Clearly, Chiana had no idea what she was talking about. "I can be attracted to either a woman or a man," she clarified. Olivia could see understanding dawn in Chiana's face, and it was quickly followed by a grin.

"So, I was right, huh? This is keeping you warm."

Olivia chuckled. "Yeah, you pretty much achieved that when you started taking of some of your clothing."

"Alright, Sputnik, we're here. What's so important?" Much to his surprise, John noticed Jool and Hirsh were there, too. Maybe they really had something important to discuss.

"We may have found the cause of Moya's odd behavior."

Trust Sikozu to come straight to the point, and John had to admit this was indeed very important. But one thing bugged him. "Why didn't you just say so on the comms?"

"Because Moya could hear us. I believe Moya is a bioloid."