Forgotten Love

Chapter 1-Surprise Surprise

Gabriella Montez stepped out of the car door, looking up at her house. Her home. She sighed and made her way to the front gate while her mother grabbed her belongings from the car.

Gabriella closed the big white door behind her and ran to her room. Locking herself in her en-suite bathroom she crumpled to the floor and silent tears started to pour down her porcelain cheeks. She was happy to be home, of course she was, but she expected to feel like it could go back to normal.

Like she hadn't been away.

Like she hadn't become bulimic.

In some ways she felt like a guest in her own home, her mother had been so overjoyed for Gabriella to be well enough to come out of the bulimic unit but it had become too much of a fuss, her mother had redecorated Gabriella's room, bought her a whole new wardrobe and cooed over her like she was a baby. And she had been out for less than an hour.

After Gabriella's tears had disappeared she remerged from her bathroom and into her newly painted blue bedroom. Falling back on her bed, she closed her eyes and thought of the times that she would rather forget.


"That new girls hot!" laughed Chad, earning a playful slap on the arm from Taylor.

"Yeah she is pretty fine," agreed Troy joining, an arm slung around Gabriella's hips.

"You two really are jerks!" giggled Taylor, looking at Katie, the new student at east high. Her hair was a rich brown and fell down just above her shoulders; her eyes were deep viridian, highlighting her smooth complexion. She was confident yet reserved, everything Gabriella had dreamed of becoming.

"Gabs, you seem quiet" commented Chad, his words making Troy lean into his girlfriend to make sure she was okay. Gabriella, however, didn't notice as she was too busy taking in the essence of the new girl. Her slender, toned body highlighted perfectly by her high waisted skinny jeans and simple black vest. Gabriella felt sick to look at her own reflection in Taylor's locker mirror. To everyone else she looked beautiful as always, her dark waves flowing naturally accompanied by her curvy figure and a simple summer dress. To herself, Gabriella looked like a beach whale, and she wasn't too happy about it.

End of Flashback

Gabriella's thoughts were broken by her mother coming in and opening her balcony doors.

"It'll be good to get some fresh air in here," Marie Montez commented, wafting her arms around, motioning the spring air to make its way into Gabriella's room. She was unsure how to act around her daughter, afraid that whatever she said or does would trigger Gabriella and send her back into the whirlwind that she had managed to escape. "Do you need anything; a movie, drink, food perhaps?"

Gabriella felt for her mum, she really did, she knew the pain she had gone through, the worry that she had felt for her daughter's welfare, and Gabriella felt truly guilty. Her mouth formed a weak smile and she simply shook her head, watching her mother as she left the room.

She looked at the clock and got off her bed, making her way over to the dresser and the present she had left there a month before. A delicate picture frame, sliver glistening in the late afternoon sunshine, preciously decorated with shells. Inside the picture was a photo that can only be described as breath taking; Troy and Gabriella smiling into each others eyes, hands clasped together, fingers entwined. In the background Gabriella could make out Taylor, Chad, Sharpay and Zeke all with smiles plastered on there faces. Gabriella smiled at the memory and then sighed when she looked at the clock and saw it was time to get ready.

For a party.

For Troy's birthday party.

Walking into her wardrobe, she found it hard to find the right outfit. Something she felt comfortable in, something that looked nice, and most importantly something that didn't have people talking about her bulimia.

After a good search, she finally settled for a black number, stopping just before her knees, strapless and hugging her in all the right places. She straightened her hair, applied her make up and finished off with her embellished silver heels and diamond bracelet that Troy had bought for her at Christmas. She grabbed the photo frame and headed down the stairs.

Marie offered her a lift but Gabriella declined, preferring to take a nice walk, to clear her head. She had been invited to the party before she'd been sent to the unit and although she hadn't seen Troy in over a month, her mother still advised her to go to the party. She had not seen any of her friends either for a while, and she realised that they were unaware that she was back home.

As she approached the Bolton's house, butterflies started to form and flutter in her stomach. She wanted to turn back, the low beat of the music filling her ears as she walked through the gate. Opening the front door, she was knocked back by the shrill screaming and ear deafening laughter. She counted to ten under her breath and carried on walking, a technique she learned in therapy.

She took one final deep breathe before turning the door handle and entering the living room, where she knew she would find Troy.

She gasped when she found him. There he was standing with Chad, Taylor Sharpay and Ryan in their normal photo positions, but taking up Gabriellas position, inbetween Taylor and Troy was the last person Gabriella ever imagined.


Gabriella gasped too loudly and the whole room, including Troy, swivelled around to find a now pale looking Gabriella standing at the doorway, clutching the photo frame tightly to her chest. She dropped it on the floor and it shattered into what seemed like millions of pieces, the same way her heart was feeling.

Embarrassed and confused, Gabriella quickly left the room and ran out of Troy's house, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Troy stared at the doorway that Gabriella had occupied moments earlier before surging forwards and picking up the item she had dropped.

He gazed at the photo and felt tears surface in his eyes and following Gabriella, the head wildcat made his way out of the house.

"GABRIELLA?...GABS" Troy was yelling at the top of his lungs, looking all over for his brunette beauty.

He found her half way down the street, walking at a fast pace, snivelling loudly.

He caught up with her and placed a hand on one of her arms, turning her around so that they were facing.

"Gabs,' he whispered, 'what are you doing?"

"Going home" she replied.

"No, I meant…I meant what are you doing…out…does your mum know?"

Gabriella scoffed gently, "Ofcourse she knows."

He paused momentarily and then continued, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home from the unit."

"Why didn't you come to visit me while I was going through Hell?" she retorted.

She might as well of slapped him in the face. He felt pain burn him and he knew she was right. He hadn't visited her once while she was in the unit. Truthfully, he hadn't been able to face it, and his parents didn't encourage him to go.

It was the first time any of them had encountered someone with an eating disorder and were bewildered by the situation.

Tears started to roll down Troy's cheek as he moved inches away from her, almost touching.

"Gabs," he whispered, using his thumb to wipe away the steady flow of tears that were trailing down Gabriella's face.

"No, Troy, don't," she mumbled, stepping out of his reach, "I should of never come, I know things have changed a lot recently and I want you to know I don't blame you for anything, I hope your happy with Katie."

"Katie!?" he replied confused.

"Look Troy, you don't have to cover up the fact that you like Katie. I mean, she's beautiful so of course you're going to like her. I've seen the way you look at her, how everybody looks at her, and you can't deny the fact that you've spent a lot of time with her. I mean she was in my place in the photo! She's so much better than I could ever be; she's smart, funny, kind and not to forget gorgeous. So have a good birthday, and I'll see you around."

The tears were rapidly escaping from Troy's oceanic blue crystals as Gabriella kissed his check lightly before turning around and walking away.

Troy attempted to speak but his tears were choking him.

He watched as the love of his life walked away, her shadow submerging, and the stars ever so brightly shimmering in the sky.

A/N So I think this will be a two or a three shot…depends what you lovelly readers want…so let me know! Also Bulimia, if you didn't know, is where you eat a lot of food and then throw it back up in order to lose weight.