This will be my first real story in wolfs rain so go easy on me I don't usually do guy on guy, I watch might suck. If there should be corrections please tell me.



Chapter one- the dream

Sort prolog

The pack is still on the move to paradise. With out Cheza. And everything is all weird , oh well you'l see what I mean.

On ward to story

" so hungry!" Hige screamed with his hand on the back of his head.

"Your always hungry!" Kiba stated in an angry tone " well after this storm calms we-" at that point Toboe butted in "we can get out of this bump of a house?!" he had bright happy eyes as he looked at Kiba. To Toboe Kiba was like is father, and his big brother in so many ways.

"Yes we will, but first we'll have to satisfy tubby over there." he pointed with his tumb to Hige.

"Well I haven't eaten in five days!!" Hige screamed

"We all haven't!" Tsume butted in the argument. Then a load grrrrrrr came from some one's stomach. All the eyes went to Toboe. " what im hungry too." he made a pouty face. everyone laughed.

"Well we should all go to sleep." Tsume pointed out.

"Yes we should" Kiba said seriously. " we have a long journey head of us."

Tsume walked over to a bolder and sat in front of it. Then closed his eyes only to hear foot steps go to the other side of the bolder. It was Toboe. He always wanted to be as close to Tsume as possible.

Toboe curled up in his human form. And fell fast a sleep.

Toboe's dream ( Toboe's pov)

I sat next to the bolder that I slept at last night. I could smell Tsume all over the rock. I had always loved his smell.

I closed my eyes and thought of him for a little, then I felt some one touch my hand. It was Tsume. Why did he do that. I looked Tsume in the eye and he had a strange look on his face. he leaned in closer to me until his lips were on mine.

why, why was he dong this to me. I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I gave a moan when i felt his hands explore my body. His hands reached my pants as they undid them.

His mouth was still on mine. How long could I go with out taking a breath. I was scared. Our lips parted and he moved to my neck suckling on my skin.

I felt his hand take off my pant completely. He touched me and i got hard. He started to rub up and down me.

It gave me a feeling I had not experienced before. I felt..pleasure. I sad his name and he did it harder and faster. My breathing was becoming more heaver now. I heard some one say my name but it wasn't Tsume. And then I woke up.

Toboe's breathing was very heavy but he was not pantless anymore.

"Toboe!" Kiba said loader now. " geez its hard to wake you! Are you ok you looked like you were having a night mare?"

"No im ok no" Toboe said kind of shaken. He always had dreams like that but it never went that far into it.

" you don't look ok" Tsumes voice came. He was stand two feet away. He looked dominating.

Toboe blushed and jolted up "no, no! Im fine!"

"Just be sure you eat that will help." Hige smile at the thought of food.

"For once can you not think of food." Kiba said.

"Guess not. Hee hee" Hige joked


" don't joke retard." Tsume hit him in the head

"Hey just cus we are all hungry doesn't give you the right to hit me!" Hige yelled at him

" come on you two lets just get a move on." Kiba said to the two. Then he looked at Toboe. " are you ready"

"Yeah!" he smiled at them all.


They walked a few miles till the found food.

"Hey!! There's food!!!" Hige screamed with joy. But Tsume grabbed it before he could eat it all. He tore aparte the animal gave a piece to Kiba, a piece to Hige , a piece to himself. He was going to hand the last to Toboe but he wasn't next to him or any of them. They all looked around and then found him all the way up to the hill to the cliff.

The wind blew his hair away from his face. his eye's were closed as he thought about something.

" somethings on his mind." Kiba said

"Hmhmm.." Tsume agreed. Then he called out to Toboe. " Toboe!!" he turned his head slowly felling the wind. " food!!" Tsume yelled at him holding it up.

A smile came on Toboe's face. he ran to Tsume who handed him the food. " don't just wonder off, ok" Tsume said stuffing the meat in his mouth. Toboe nodded. He smiled up at hm as he ate slowly.

" so where we headed." he asked Kiba.

" to get Cheza." he said looking at the sunset. They all turned their attention to the sun. the beautiful colors red ,yellow , pink , orang.

'What was that dream all about. I really want to know.' Toboe thought to him self.

A lot of things were going through the packs heads right know. But what really mattered is that they stick together, but will something change that or will it make it better.

Good bad. The dream was to short wasn't it. Well please don't be to harsh. Review please.