What Angry Ferret's Don't Like

I wasn't the first with this idea, I got this idea from fire fawn's welcome to my litter box, so I ain't plagiarizing though similar mine has a lemony twist to it. XD

# I know I should finish my other fictions but writer's block is one hell of a bitch #


Now you might be wondering why there is a white ferret sitting grumpily in a cage, in the Gryffindor girl's dorm room. Not just anywhere in the dorm but on one Hermione

Granger's nightstand, of course surrounded by books, and of course this isn't just any old white ferret, you see this ferret use to be a student at Hogwarts school of witch craft and

wizardry, and not just any student but one Slytherin sex god himself the one the only Draco Malfoy. Now you maybe are wondering why and how he got into this situation?

Well it started the other day during potions when Draco had pushed one to many of our resident bookworm's buttons and spilled his shrinking potion on Hermione's uniform

causing her uniform to become the size of Barbie dolls clothing.

Later when she finally got out of the now ruined clothing, and returning to the classroom

she also noticed how once again Snape had turned a blind eye to the slytherin cruelty towards the Gryffindors.

A week later at the train station Hermione cornered Draco as he was getting onto the train home for Christmas holidays, she turned him again into the bouncing white ferret and

shoving him into her purse and waving goodbye to the Gryffindors. Hermione then turned back to the castle talking the whole way with Ginny.

Thus bringing us back to the ferret or Draco rather sitting in the girls dorm room at the beginning of the three weeks of Christmas break.

Draco's POV

'who does that bitch think she is, turning into this degrading rodent again. This is so embarrassing… oh what's this?' Pavarati Patil and Lavender Brown had walked in

from their evening shower wrapped in towels still dripping wet. 'Now if only… oh yeah, maybe being a ferret for Christmas won't be so bad, maybe it'd be a great present for

once. Maybe I just might not kill the Mudblood bitch.' Draco smiled his ferrety smile as both girls dropped there towels and started to dance to music coming form a black box at

the foot of granger's bed. 'Damn, where's a girl ferret when you need one?' Draco thought shifting from side to side trying to relieve some pressure, cuz as he was glad to

Find even as a little ferret he still had his large package (wink, wink I couldn't let him loose that now could I :P) "aw aren't you just so cute." A naked Lavender bent over his

cage trying to dislodge Hermione's tube top from behind Draco's cage. 'Oh god her nipples are perfectly framed through the holes in the cage.' Draco climbs the sides of his

cage towards the hard peaks of her breasts. Suckling on the little nubs of the naked girls engorged breasts causing the girl to freeze in her perusal of the top and moan. "What

Lav?" Pavarati came around to see what had caused the husky moan. "oh that's hot." Pavarati said right before she shoved her fingers into Lavender's dripping folds. "Oh yes

Pav harder" Lavender moaned causing Draco to lose his hold and fall to the base of the cage trying to see what the other girl was doing.

'Lesbians really are man's best friend fuck the dog. Draco thought as he watched the girls start to go at it, their moans filling the room. "look Lav. I think little Chucky wants to

play too." Pavarati said. 'Scratch that kill granger for calling my chucky.' 'come one let's play." Lavender said pulling Draco from his cage. Fleetingly Draco thought of running to

find help from some one to change him back, but what kind of guy would he be to pass up on every guy's dream to play with lesbians.

"Have a taste little fella. Isn't she sweet." Pavarati said putting Draco to lavender's wet pussy. Greedily Draco began lapping at the girls dripping juices as the two girls kissed and fondled each other above him.

"My turn big boy." Pavarati said shoving Draco into Lavender's face as she began licking and fingering the moaning girl's wet pussy herself. Lavender took notice of Draco's not so little growing problem and started licking and suckling at his engorged cock.

'god bless that woman and her amazing tongue.' The girls had put him back in his cage before they both fell asleep naked on Lavender's bed.

Not that he minded being so contented at the time to complain. "girls I thought we all agreed that if you guys wanted to fuck that you'd close the curtains and put up a silencing

spell." Granger's voice came from the other side of the room as she shut the curtains herself. "how's my little bouncing ferret doing today?" The sarcasm was heavy in her

voice, Draco then turned around and try and kick his shit at her only to have it hit the edge of the cage and stop.

"that wasn't nice." She laughed before she climbed into her bed pulling the curtains closed, luckily for Draco the curtains didn't fully close. Looking through the gap Draco

watched as Hermione got undressed. Draco noticed on her shoulder blade she had two tattoos of mini wings on her smooth supple back. As she moved around reaching for the

many different articles of clothing Draco noticed that she had almost no excess body fat, her round bottom swayed enticingly as she moved her skinny legged jeans up her boy

shorts clad hips. Hermione's 'C' cup breasts were straining against the forest green sports bra tempting to escape their confines. Her once bushy untamable hair now lay in deep

waves down her back to her round pert bottom that Draco's eyes were glued to. Pulling on her tight black t-shirt and threading her white belt through the loops of her jeans on

her hips. "well I was going to give you a nicer cage due to the Christmas season but you had a hussy fit and through your fickle matter at me." Granger blabbered on smiling as

she walked out of the dorm room. 'I swear I'm going to get her.' Draco thought curling up into the ferret sock, grumbling to himself.