Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: Because all of my reviews for the last chapter asked for an epilogue, here it is (I'm looking at you especially, Rider Arya Svit-kona).

The Wedding

"I do."

Katie mustered up all her strength to say those two words. Those two simple words. Oliver had said them less than a minute before, eagerly. Katie, well, she loved Oliver, but, was he right for her?

Angelina, Alicia, and Leanne, her bridesmaids, told her over and over again that Oliver was right for her. Alicia told her marriage was wonderful. Katie knew better than to disbelieve this, but she felt too many butterflies in her stomach.

Just regular wedding jitters, right?

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Oliver's hands floated to her veil, lifting it up over her head. Katie couldn't help but feel weak in the knees at his gorgeous deep brown eyes. He leaned in to kiss her for the first time as a married couple.

They say that your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die. Well, according to Katie, your life also flashes before your eyes, as you're about to kiss your newly gained husband.

It had been five years since Katie first kissed Oliver, at the ball after the tournament. She clearly remembered the fuzzy feeling of the kiss. Afterwards, they left for the dance floor hand in hand. Leanne and Fred were arguing about something or other.

But, right in the middle of the dance floor, was Percy, on one knee, looking up into Penelope's eyes, a ring box in hand. Currently, the two are married, and sitting in the second row on the left.

George and Alicia, well, they're still married, and the proud parents of a happily gurgling one year old. Aw… Fabian was so cute, what with his little tufts of red hair sticking out every where, much like Harry's (Alicia liked to joke that George was cheating on her with Harry).

Fred and Angelina were going strong. Not married or engaged yet, but, it was only a matter of time. They were, after all, two of the most stubborn people Katie had ever known.

Leanne and Lee were dating, and getting along fantastically. It was just impossible to believe that Lee could make Leanne so sane. But, they weren't going to be dating for long. Lee had specifically asked Katie to help him pick out an engagement ring for Leanne in a week or two.

Ron and Hermione were happily married. Katie had been to their wedding just a few months ago. According to what she had heard, they fought every day, but then made up. It was the strangest relationship Katie had ever heard of, but, hey, that was Ron and Hermione for you. They love to fight.

Harry and Ginny were also married, and have been for several years. Katie and Oliver were invited to their wedding, and it was huge! But, then again, that's what happens when you're the boy-who-lived and all that… Oh! And Ginny's seven months pregnant. It's a boy, and from what Katie was told, it was going to be named James.

And speaking of pregnancy, Katie was pregnant too. Yes! Gasp! She was pregnant before marriage. But, she was only a month pregnant (though, she had started coming up with names, Elizabeth for a girl, and Daniel for a boy). But, anyway, she was getting married now.

Speaking of which, Katie decided it might be nice to come back to earth.

Oliver was leaning in, and Katie smiled at his soft brown eyes. She gently lifted her head up, and pressed her lips against his. Ahhhh…. That was a wonderful feeling.

She loved Oliver, and that was all that mattered. She was doing the right thing, and no one was stopping her.

Katie Bell Wood. KBG.

Katie smirked into Oliver's lips. Now she could wake up every morning to his intoxicating smell.

"OH YEAH!" yelled a voice in the crowds. "MUSICAL TREE IS IN THE HOUSE!"

AN: Guess who that was. Yeah, Fred. I know it's short, but it's an epilogue. Deal with it. And to my regular readers, I won't be posting anything else until after the holidays. My cousins (who I only see once a year, mind you) are coming over for Christmas, and if you have a problem with that, you deserve to get Venetian torture, then the Chinese water torture, then be partially smothered in shaving cream, then have your limbs hacked off with dull knives, then your eyes spooned out, and then be burnt at the stake. What? You think that's not bad? Oh, yeah, Sirius Black will be singing an off key duet with Leanne about oysters. Yeah, that's right. You're all howling in pain now. MUA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!