
A/N: Wooooo, well, it's been a long ride, but this is the FINAL chapter! Hope you all like it! I have treasured this story, and all my faithful readers. Thank you for giving me a chance! I really hope that everyone has loved this story as much as I have. I will be starting another fanfic soon.

Raz2b: Thanks! Yeah, Sirius was totally losing it. And it gets worse in this chapter!

Dracosnewgirl: LOL! I'm so glad you liked it! Especially the smut! That's my specialty, heehee. And here's the conclusion. Maybe you were right, maybe not!

Iloveanimeguys: Lol, well, it just gets sadder here! And it MIGHT be Lily, or it MIGHT not! You'll find out in this chap! LOL, and sorry for the wait on my updates.

Hospitality on Parade: Thanks, kiddzo! Hope you like this one, too! Maybe it'll make you topple out of your chair again!

Blot-of-Blood: Yep, it's a spell, but there is something they DON'T know! HEEHEE! And of COURSE you are a faithful reviewer! YOU ROCK! Oh, and WHEW, thank god the threat of the metal claw is gone!

Rose Red Misery: Lol, thanks! Glad you liked it!

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns the Potter-verse. I'm not her. YOU do the math.

Last time:

They nodded, and Severus spun on his heel, marching out the room. Sirius trudged after him, his mind flying in circles. As the door shut behind them, and they began descending on the moving stairs, Severus turned to him.

"So," Snape said, "There it is. It's a spell."

Sirius nodded, grimacing as tears collected in his eyes.

"A spell," he repeated to smaller boy's words, pain evident in his voice, "Yes. But … it felt so …"

Severus nodded, his face hardening again. Sirius snarled and growled out a curse as a tear finally broke free and slid down his cheek. Severus stepped closer, and timidly reached out to wipe it away, but paused.

He dropped his gaze and hand, then rumbled, "Dammit, Black. Who the hell did this to us?"

Sirius shrugged, severely swiping at his face with the sleeve of his rumpled robes. Severus looked at him once more and his face softened into a look that Sirius had never seen on the Slytherin's thin face before. Sorrow and regret chased around the peaky features, and his mouth trembled. Sirius's heart clenched, and he reached out to embrace him.

Severus shrugged Sirius off, and turned his back to him, saying, "Stop, Black. I won't succumb to this damn spell anymore. I won't be controlled."

Then he walked away, not once looking back. Sirius's eyes began flooding again, and his cheeks were suddenly wet once more. He leaned back against the wall, and slid down to rest his head on his knees. For the first time he sobbed somewhere besides his home. He cried, his heart ripping in two. How had the spell taken such a hold on them?

Suddenly he was enfolded in a tender embrace. His head jerked up, hope filling him that Severus had come back. Instead his gaze met a pair of familiar sad brown eyes.

"Remus," he rasped out, clutching to his friend, "Remus … Snape …"

"I know," Remus said, great regret filling his voice, "I know Sirius, and I'm sorry."

Sirius swiped at his face and asked, "What? How do you … do you mean you …?"

Remus sighed and lowered his face and whispered, "Yes, Sirius, I was the one who put the spell on you two."

Sirius shrugged him off and swung a fist at his friend, roaring, "What the hell? How could you do this to us? Why?"

Remus easily ducked the wild barrage, and answered, "I thought it would help, Sirius. You two were always fighting. It wasn't supposed to turn into this."

Sirius struggled to stand, and bellowed, "Help? Help?! What the hell, Remus? How could it help for us to be forced to fall in love with one another?"

Sirius paused at the unconscious admission he had just made. Remus's face crumpled, and he too stood and stepped back.

The werewolf said miserably, "It was only a spell to make you like each other. It wasn't supposed to make you … I'm sorry Sirius. I'm so sorry."

Sirius felt tears forming again, and stomped his foot, frustration, hurt, and extreme pain filling him, as he yelled, "Sorry? You damn well should be!"

Sirius turned and ran, leaving his friend to lower his head and whisper, "But it wouldn't have turned to love unless you both already had those feelings for the spell to expand on."

But Sirius didn't hear the quiet words of Remus. He continued to run, wending his way once again to the Document Room. He threw the door open to reveal Severus, sitting on the table where he and Sirius had first become one. Severus turned to him. Sirius's breath caught at the tears on Severus's face that matched his own. Sirius stumbled forward as Severus clumsily wiped his face, attempting to conceal his grief.

Sirius rasped out, "It was Remus. He did this to us."

Severus's eyes hardened, and after a moment he said in a venomous whisper, "He admitted to it?"

Sirius nodded, his heart speeding. This was the moment of truth. Would they go back to what they had been?

Severus's eyes narrowed and he spat out, "Did the werewolf say why he did such a thing?"

Sirius's throat squeezed at the look on Severus's face, and he answered, "He said it was only supposed to make us get along better. He must have got it wrong."

Severus chuckled bitterly and shot back, "You think? Well tell him to lift the spell."

Then the Slytherin stood, keeping his gaze averted from Sirius's face, and walked out of the room. Sirius's eyes clenched shut. That was it. The end of their … whatever it was they had. He turned and trudged back to his common room. As the portrait opened, he was met with an unusual silence. He looked up to find Remus and James sitting in the room alone, staring at him.

He curled his lip and tried to walk past them. James leapt out of his chair and stepped in front of Sirius, holding a hand up to stop him. Sirius attempted to knock his hand away, but James grabbed his shoulders and held him in place. All the fight went out of Sirius, and he slumped against his best friend, giving in to the agony that had been barely restrained.

James stroked his hair and said softly to him, "It'll be okay, mate. Remus lifted the spell. He really was trying to help. You know he cares about you too much to do this on purpose."

Sirius paused. Remus had lifted the spell? Then why the hell didn't he feel any different?

He raised his head to look at Remus and ask, "When did you lift it?"

Remus smiled wryly and said, "Earlier this evening when James told me what was going on with you."

Sirius stumbled back, and asked, "But … when? What time exactly?"

Remus frowned and said, "Not sure. About two hours ago."

Sirius's mind raced. That would have been after he tried to rape Severus. But … the feelings hadn't gone. And Severus must have still felt the same, too, if the pain he'd shown was any evidence. So … why did they feel the same?

Sirius turned and ran from the common room, James and Remus calling after him. He sped down to the dungeons, finding the Slytherin entrance. He stopped, frantically trying to figure out how to get in and talk to Severus. Just as he was about to start pounding on the wall, Severus stepped out of a darkened doorway. Sirius spun and ran over to Severus.

He skidded to a halt and huffed out, "Severus, he lifted the spell several hours ago!"

Severus's composed face cracked, and his mouth opened, then closed, then after a moment he said carefully, "Are you sure?"

Sirius nodded, searching Severus's face for any signs of what he was thinking. Severus seemed lost in thought, his brow knit in concentration. Sirius felt a swell of hope, and flung himself at the other boy. His lips met the startled Severus's in a heated, frantic kiss. Awkwardly, Sirius grabbed at Severus, shoving him back into the dark room he had emerged from, their lips never parting.

Severus's lips were frozen in shock for a moment, then he opened his mouth, his tongue meeting Sirius's, both equal in desperation. Sirius tugged Severus's robes off, and began to work on his pants. Severus returned the gesture, and soon the two boys were standing naked, facing each other and panting.

Severus paused, and said, "This can't go on, Sirius. This has to be the last time. The spell just needs to wear off."

Sirius nodded, willing to agree to anything if it meant that Severus would touch him. He stepped forward and slid his arms around Severus's bony hips. They met in a kiss again, this one soft and full of emotions neither would ever admit to the other. Sirius slid his hands down to grip Severus's buttocks. Severus groaned and ground his twitching erection against Sirius's matching one.

Sirius tenderly lay Severus back on the stone floor, and knelt between his legs. Their lips parted and Sirius looked down on his once enemy. Both of them gazed at each other, allowing their feelings to be telegraphed to one another through their eyes. Sirius slid his hand down Severus's torso, stroking each scar lovingly.

Severus sighed, his eyes falling closed. His long-fingered hands traveled to Sirius's thighs, and gripped them tightly as Sirius's hand finally found his aching member. Sirius smiled sadly as Severus sighed out a pleasured murmur. Sirius began to move his hand, pausing to moisten it with his tongue.

Small sounds of bliss began to escape Severus's lips as Sirius stroked him. Sirius spat on his own dick, and scooted his hips forward. Severus wrapped his legs around his hips, groaning out a plea to be filled. Sirius happily complied, the head of his cock slipping in. Severus cried out, and gripped Sirius's shoulders, pulling him down for a kiss.

Sirius shuddered, as he slipped into Severus further, and their tongues clashed. Severus groaned into his mouth, and dug his bony fingers into his shoulders. Sirius gave into the maddening lust gnawing at him and began to piston in and out of Severus, who in turn thrust his hips up and down to meet him. Sirius lost himself in the sensations of his manhood encased so snugly inside the boy he could never say he loved.

Severus's pulled his mouth away to cry out, his fingernails making furrows in Sirius's back, bringing a similar sob of ecstasy from him. He moved faster, pummeling Severus, his lips pulling back in a grin of rapture. Severus gasped, then stiffened, orgasm taking him. He began to tremble, his seed bursting forth to be smeared between their sweaty stomachs.

Sirius yelped at the sensation, and the corresponding rhythmic tightening of Severus around his dick. He pumped faster, his own orgasm smashing into him, flinging him forward to rest across Severus's shaky form as he saw stars, his momentous ejaculation making Severus's tight hole more slippery. He gave one last great thrust, and sighed. They lay together for long minutes, embracing, still connected, gasping for breath.

After a moment, Sirius sat up, a feeling of desolation sweeping over him. This was it. They were over. He discovered that there was no worse feeling than laying buried in the person you love, knowing that you would never be with them like that again. His eyes shut, and he gritted his teeth. After he had collected his emotions as much as he could, he leaned down and gave one last brush of swollen lips to Severus, whose eyes had gone distant.

Sirius slipped out of his lover, and sat up. They both cleaned up, in silence, then dressed. When they were finished, they stood facing one another. Sirius felt empty, as if all his emotions had been used up. Severus lifted his hand and cupped Sirius's face.

"I love you," he said.

Sirius nodded mournfully, and replied, "I love you, too."

Severus dropped his hand, and seemed to steel himself. Then he turned to the door, and paused.

"I hate you, Sirius," he said in a thick voice, not turning to look at him.

Sirius clenched his eyes and grated out, "I hate you, too, Severus."

Then Severus walked out of the room.