Chapter 10 – Apple Date Part II

Note: No beta. Forgive the errors.


I found myself situated at the table where most of Spencer's students could only dream of sitting at. Being surrounded by the Sons themselves was a wet-dream for many, I'm sure. And if that wasn't enough for any teenage girl, I had the fortune to say I was holding hands with one of Spencer's most available bachelors, Tyler Sims. I should be enjoying myself, right? But I wasn't. I couldn't even fake a proper smile. The only thing I wanted to do was drop dead on the spot. The palms of my hands were sweaty and the heat on my cheeks was intense, I could feel it spreading towards the tip of my ears. It was bad. So very bad. Awkward couldn't even begin to describe the mutual feeling going through the seven people sitting at this table. Myself included, of course. Because after Reid's nickname for me left his lips, the only natural thing from those among us – mainly from Prissy Princess and Giggle Brain - was to question it's origin. For gossip extended purposes no doubt. I couldn't put too much blame on their sheer curiosity. The sinister way the single word was uttered would have even had the Pope asking questions. Never one for disappointment, blonde gave a crude recount of the birthing of his dub for me. With events I was certain only existed in his foul mind. Kate and Sarah only gave each other pointed looks as the boys laughed at their friends ridiculous story-telling.

"Talk about a great first impression. Yup, I learned a handy little trick that day, isn't that right cherry?" Blonde nudged my knee under the table and gave me a coy smirk. I inwardly gagged.

He was the devil in the living flesh. No question about it.

Biker boy slapped his hand against the table as he erupted a heavy sigh from his previous hard laughing fit. "Did you forget Baby Boy and me were there with you that day moron? That shit so did not happen, dude."

Reid snorted and shrugged. "Whatever man. Yeah that so could have happened and you know it. I had her wrapped around my finger, melting like a cherry."

Someone please shoot me.

"Cut it out Reid, you're being delusional on so many levels. It's sick." Mister kitty pipped earning another round full of the laughter from his friends.

And that was how they carried on for the next few minutes. Witty batter back and forth accompanied by laughter and sarcasm. It seemed like an endless joke that was being tossed among them. Meanwhile, it was like I wasn't even there. No one directed their attention on me. Not even for a second. The entire conversation was centered on a joke at my expense and no one played me any heed. Not even mister kitty cat himself. I had just faded amongst their laughing. Even at Reid's cue for me, I had been dismissed without a thought. I should have been counting my blessings, perhaps. But how was I supposed to find in relief in being ignored when I was still here, sitting right next to them.

"First time socializing with us outside of school and you already have an infamous Garwin pet name. You should consider yourself one lucky girl." Kate flashed a smile with her pearly whites in my direction before taking a sip of her drink. Diet something or other, I'm sure.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh-so lucky, believe me." I bit the inside of my cheek as soon as the sarcastic reply left my mouth and mentally winced for the snappy comeback from Ms. Prissy Princess.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

It never came.

"Baby," Kate practically purred. "Do you think you could get me some french fries? I'm practically starving over here."

"Sure thing. Anyone else want anything?"

A couple of orders of burgers, cokes, and fries were requested and Caleb went with him to fetch the food. No one bothered asking me directly if I wanted anything or questioned me for not wanting something. Am I being too crazed about this? Thinking too much instead of just acting. Perhaps they were all just giving me my space to blend in with them. Maybe what I needed to do was just throw myself in whenever the opportunity peeked its head. That's easier said than done. And its not like I wasn't trying either because I was. The few words I had spoken had been pushed aside like nothing was said at all. And if I had been unconsciously hoping mister kitty would be extending his helping hand, I was sadly mistaken. Within a millisecond, I had magically gone back to being ignored by all of them – including mister kitty cat himself. Unbelievable. This was a memorable date all right, something to write down in a journal. If I kept such a thing.

Get a grip Julia!

It wasn't a big deal. This was normal and it was nothing personal. I'm just being a little paranoid. Perhaps I'm being a bit rude myself by sitting here and not saying a word. Or saying little to nothing at all. If they allowed me to sit with them then it must mean they liked me to a certain degree, right? Oh geez. I had to grow some backbone. Open my mouth and speak! It's not like this is a hard task to do. These are people my own age, who go to my own school, who I practically see every single day! Just pretend this is school. Yeah...I have to pretend this is class and I'm being forced to talk in a group assignment or something.


I always did suck at class participation. Oh well. As long as I had mister kitty cat by my side – even if he was slightly ignoring me – I felt mildly safe. So long as he didn't leave me here alone, everything would be just-

"I'll be right back."

-fine... Say what?!

I watched helplessly as mister kitty left my side and walked with blonde to the back of the room where the pool tables were located. Abandoned for a playtime with blonde. Typical. I should have expected it to happen and I did. Just not this early into the date. If this so-called evening could be considered a date. Prissy Princess and Giggle Brain looked at me with weary expressions. They hated being stuck with me just as much as I hated being forced to socialize with them. Great. Knowing that the feeling was mutual wasn't as comforting as it sounded.

"I don't think I have ever seen you around school..." Sarah frowned, looking at Kate to help fill in the blank spot in her memory. "You do go to Spencer, right?" She had to be joking. I stared dumbfounded as both girls tried to narrow down my existence without my input. "Did you just start going to Spencer this year? I heard about a new transfer student or two that came in a couple of months before but I can't remember what they look like."

"Of course she goes to Spencer. Don't you remember that weird chick in the cafeteria awhile back that began shouting about butter," Of course she would have that embarrassing carved into her memory, it made me wonder how many other lucky onlookers would recall said event. Kate glanced with a semi-apologetic look. "No offense. But that was you wasn't it?"

"Well I-"

"I remember that. Yeah, that was Julia. But you're not in any of my classes are you?"

"As a matter of fact, I-"

"I know who you're talking about, those transfer students. No, those girls are in some of my classes. Asian, I think."

I cleared my throat, "I'm in your third and fifth period classes. Front row, third to the right in both."


Que the awkwardness, once more.

After a few moments, they seemed to have forgotten my presence and began to unwind amongst themselves. An occasion snicker at the expense of a girl walking in with 'last years fall color' or something of similar distaste. I fidgeted in my own choice of clothing and briefly wondered if this was 'fashion don't' as they would say. It probably was considering the fact that it wasn't Prada or Chanel like the things Prissy Princess was wearing. Giggle Brain wasn't a fashion queen herself – even I could tell that much - but being involved with the eldest of the Sons gave her a free pass I suppose. Can't say for sure if that would still uphold if they were to suddenly hit spiltsville. More whispers were shared and other words were mumbled, none of which I had an interest in hearing. I suddenly found that being ignored was much easier. If this was what a date with Tyler Sims was like, it was of no wonder why the guy was still single.

I cannot wait until I get mister kitty cat alone because I swear by all that is holy and good I am going to ki-

"Finally, the food has arrived ladies. Time to dig in."

Perfect timing.

"Here." Caleb handled me a plate of fries. "I figured you might get hunger."

"Thanks a lot."

Mr. Brooding was definitely a gentleman to say the very least. Giggle Brain was certainly a lucky girl alright. Caleb placed the food she had ordered in front of her as she thanked him with a small peck on the cheek. She laughed at something he whispered in her ear and then fed him a french fry. It was sickening. In the most amazingly cute way, of course. I had never really noticed before right now but seeing them together I have to admit they do seem to fit pretty well. They kind of seem to counter balance each other. For every serious look he carried, she had a goofy giggle.

"So Julia..." I blinked and realized I was being stared back at by Caleb. Caught red-handed. I held back a blush. He didn't seem to take notice. Well either that or he was being oblivious on purpose. "I don't think I've ever seen you around Nicky's. Not a regular?"

"No, not at all. Before tonight, I don't think I ever even set foot inside this place. Kind of embarrassing, I know."

The gasp from Kate was instantaneous. "You can't be serious. If you don't come to Nicky's then what do you do for fun around here?"

I shrugged my shoulders carelessly. "Library."

Caleb gave me a playful smirk, "Reading more on Wars?"

I had forgotten all about that.

I couldn't hold back the blushing this time as I felt myself turn beet red. How was it that every embarrassing moment of my recent existence some how seemed to involve the infamous Sons in one form or another. Darn that Mister Kitty Cat. This was all his fault. Well perhaps not all his fault but it was at least a good portion of it.


I smiled – probably my first genuine smile of the entire evening – and winked at the brooding teenager. "Wars can be quite fascinating to read up on. The genre is actually perfect when you're in need of a laugh or two. Depending on your sense of humor, of course."

"Was that some kind of inside joke between you two?" Sarah didn't sound jealous. It was more like confused and so was Kate by the look on her face.

"It's something like that, right Julia?"

Looking between the people sitting in front of me, all I could do was nod my head like a simple child. Or like a brainless baboon. Either way I looked like a complete idiot.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?"

At the sound of his voice, my entire body light up in sheer happiness. Mr. Kitty had returned to me and just in the nick of time I might add. I had been seconds from another hefty integration. One that would have more than lucky ended up with Kate and Sarah chanting 'off with her head' or something to that degree.

"We were just getting to know Julia more," Caleb responded with a chuckle in his voice. "Quite the charmer, where have you been hiding her all this time?"

If my eyes could turn any wider at his statement they would have popped right out of the socket. Luckily my mouth didn't follow suit or else that would have really been awkward. To be frank, in the back of my mind I had always come to terms with the fact that if anyone could discover our secret it would be Caleb. The 'eldest and wisest' notion had factored into that conclusion, obviously. Granted, in my mind it was never quite like this. Perhaps a bit more dramatic and a little less witty. Throwing of objects through windows, obscene angry shouting, and banishment of family status was more along the lines of what I had conjured up. Wild imagination at fault. I blame television. This confrontation scene was already unfolding at tensfold speed before unseeing eyes. Reality needed to catch up however since no one had yet to speak a word since Caleb's statement.

"Didn't you know had a sense of humor Caleb." That was Tyler's simple retort as he reached for my hand. There was a smile dancing on his lips but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Nope, his face wasn't exposing an inch of emotion. Unlike mine, of course. "Come on Julia." Wordlessly, I stood up from the table and followed behind him until we were standing in the middle of the dance floor with some slow song playing on the jukebox.


Had I missed something back there?

Not that I was complaining of the simplicity of what had just occurred. But it felt shallow. Like I was out of the loop even though I was directly involved. Perhaps I was being a bit of a hypocrite by feeling the way I was. By feeling angry and hurt that perhaps he had his own secret he was keeping from me. But I couldn't help it. He was hiding something from me, I could tell.

"Tyler, did I miss out on something, I mean, are you okay?"

Are we okay? - was the real question that I had wanted to ask. Lack of courage, prevented from asking.

He stared at me for a minute before shaking his head and smiling. Mister kitty moved his right hand over his heart and did a small clutch. "Wow. I think I might just have a heart attack."

I rolled my eyes and snorted loudly. Thankfully it couldn't be heard over the music playing. "What's that suppose to mean?"

The hands around my waist gave me a gentle squeeze. His head lowered toward mine and kissed my cheek. "You said my name, for once."

I instantly blushed at the amount of affection mister kitty was displaying. In public, no less. I don't know what it was about being in his arms like this but I felt like something in relationship was changing. For the better. Maybe things could really work if we came out in the open. It had been an hour or more already and I hadn't been sent into social damnation. I snuggled closer into his chest and inhaled his marvelous scent. The previous fear that had arisen in me was diminished with his small gestures. Maybe I was being too easy. Maybe I was setting myself for heartbreak, but for right now I didn't care.

Even if it meant making a fool of myself, I wanted to enjoy this moment with him to the fullest extent.

"I saw you talking to them, you know. From where I was standing, it looked like you were having a good time." He smirked. "Didn't I tell you everything was going to be okay?"

Ah, I was wondering when the 'I told you so' moment would come and here it was. Yet it wasn't bad. Not at all. Even if I hated to admit it, the Sons were not as intimating as everyone made them out to be. It wasn't like I was part of their clique or anything like that. I mean come Monday at school I wouldn't chatting it up with Prissy Princess or Giggle Brain but a friendly smile in the hallway I could definitely muster.

"Well..." I shrugged. "I wouldn't go that far." Poking him in the ribs, I giggled as he doubled over from the sudden surprise. "They are certainly better than I expected them to be. But that's as far as a love confession as you're getting from me."

"Don't you think this is as good a time as any to let everyone know?"

Just like that – within a fragment of a second – the atmosphere between us did a complete 180. I shook my head to help clear the confusion.

"What are you talking about? I thought we talked about this before. We need more time before we just spring this on everyone. What's with the sudden change of heart?" I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. "Did I do-"

"I want to tell them all about us. Come clean with everything. I don't understand the point of waiting any longer, that's all." He didn't even look at me as he said that. The words rolled off his tongue without hesitance and without much care.

"No!" I bit my lip at my own outburst and mister kitty looked just as taken back as I felt. "I mean, please just not yet. It's too soon. We're supposed to be on a first date here right it wouldn't be right if we suddenly started dating. Don't' be mad at me. Please mister kitty. I promise we'll tell them all about us soon. Not tonight though..." I was almost in tears. "Please," I practically begged.

He just shrugged.

"I'm a patient boy, Julia. I can wait until you're fully ready to come out with this. In the meantime though be prepared to go out on a lot more public dates with me. Got to ease people into the idea, right?"

Not waiting for my response, he wrapped his arms around my waist and began swaying to the music once again. Like nothing had just happened. Like he hadn't just made me feel like a pathetic crying child with his words.

"Right..." I mumbled.

But it wasn't right. Nothing felt right. Suddenly, I just didn't feel too sure about anything anymore.

Author Notes: Cliffhanger! Been a long while I know. But here I am once again with promises that I will finish this story. Only two chapters left. Maybe an epilogue. Once this story is finished I plan to go back and edit the whole thing. Not sure if I'll do a redux of the whole thing. Perhaps do a simple edit of what I have and then do a redux. But I have to finish writing this sucker up first before I start thinking of that stuff. Only two chapters left. Please give me the strength to do this. Reviews are vital.