Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, and he is pleased to see that I am finally taking my grubby hands off of him.

Reviewers rock! Thanks so much - and now with the final chapter I will set you free!

just to clarify - a.noni () - yes, Iruka now has the same affectionate nickname (Ki) for Kakashi as he used to have for Mizuki. Hey, at least he didn't call them "sugarplum" or "pooky-lips".

O K then, let's get this over with!


Genma lofted up the stack of post binders and let them slam down on the desk with a decisive thud.

"All finished. Matched down to the last decimal point. Permission to report to the mission office?" His resentment barely concealed, he folded his arms, expectant of his release.

"How are you feeling? Ribs still sore?" Tsunade asked, raking the binders to her side of the polished mahogany expanse.

"I'm ready for a really good mission, I need something to hone my skills. With plenty of wet work, if you've got any." His eyes were narrow and unfriendly, and they hadn't softened at the amiable questions about his health.

Tsunade looked at him with dark concern. His usual easygoing, fun-loving nature had been noticeably scarce lately.

"Genma, what has you so wound up? That attitude won't do. I do have other things I can put you to work on in the office here. We can bring another desk in and you can sit by me and tell me all your little issues until we find your sunshine face again."

"I already have to talk to the shrink. Two stinking times a week. What more do you want from me?"

"I see that he's got you feeling peachy already. Cooperate with Dr. Marsh, Genma. If I hear that you've been cooperative I'll let you get back to mission work. Until then, no. I don't like what I'm seeing here. Something's set you off since this business with Mizuki came up. Get busy and get yourself straightened out."

"How about if Marsh goes with me? A mission to show him what we do out there. I was going to take him on my next one anyway. I asked him, he's up for it."

He wanted wet work to show the man? That wasn't happening, at least not until Marsh was far more experienced and able to see it in perspective. Tsunade regarded him pensively. " Not just the two of you, no way. But maybe on a two-man, then he can be the third wheel. Let me see what I can come up with. You're dismissed, report for your shift at the mission desk. You know, it shouldn't be too much longer before we have Umino back to run the place. That should cheer you up a little."

Not really. His hopeless fantasies about the taste of chocolate-covered chunin only made is arms feel that much emptier.


The knock at the door caught the blond psyche-nin taking a short break, gnawing at the callous the pen had worn on the side of his middle finger. His wide eyes were lost in a vacant stare at the pool of light under the desk lamp. It took a second to break the stare and he rubbed his eyes hard, rising wearily to answer the door. It swung open when he was still coming around the desk.

He'd never seen the man with a pair of eyes before, mismatched though they were. The red patterned half of the glare was impressive and gave a powerful twitch to that unwanted power he'd now resigned himself to harbor. The other eye, a saintly blue, seemed to exist just to give the red one its blessing. He felt as much as saw the very serious look drilling into him.

"I heard you wanted to talk to me, Doc. Just so happens, I want to have a word with you, too."

"Certainly. Sit, please. We have a few minutes."

"Thanks. Go ahead, shoot. I'm gonna let you go first."

"Okay." He settled back down painfully into the chair, still grateful for the light pain medication that enabled him to persevere. "I understand from Lady Tsunade that you are recommending reduction in rank for Iruka. Can you give me some insight on that? Is it true?"

"Yeah, it's true. I want to make sure he doesn't get rostered for mission duty."


Kakashi cast him an impatient look. "Don't play ignorant. Just the fact that he's conditioned to submit when he sees his own blood could get him killed out there. With everything he's got going against him, I can't figure out how he's managed to complete any missions at all up until now. Do you have a different opinion?"

"Not so much a different opinion as a different approach. Look, he's under a medical hold that prevents him from being assigned until he's deemed fit. That's not likely to garner his attention, even if it goes on for quite some time. Reduce his rank, or suspend his mission readiness certification - that's a direct blow to his self-esteem. Despite what you say, he's been an efficient performer on missions. He's probably been on a great many more than anyone is aware of, since his preference is to take the solo missions, and from what the Hokage says, most chunin want to be in a pair at least when they get a "B" class. It's not necessary to do this, Kakashi. He won't be released until he's ready, never released for it if he doesn't stabilize. You're proposing an attack he doesn't need, and coming from his best friend, it's just going to reinforce his belief in the abusive nature of friendship."

"You think I'm abusing him. Where do you get off saying that to me, after you sneak him off to your place and drug him to get him into bed? I see what you're driving at with his rank. But you expect me to trust you to decide if he's fit for field work? You don't know what the hell the field work is all about, and you're obviously careless with his well-being."

"Lady Tsunade already told you the circumstance that placed him in my home that day, although I don't agree with her decision to disclose his - or frankly, my - private business to you. You seem to think it wasn't for his benefit. I assure you that he…"

"Just hold on. I don't want to hear any details, or any opinions about what he got out of it. I know what the fuck you got out of it. He doesn't look benefited when the subject your little tango comes up. He looks like someone who thinks they've been used."

Marsh paused, considering. It sounded like Kakashi's pure jealousy and possessiveness, probably unfounded. But they hadn't been able to get back to that subject yet, with everything that had gone on. That could be seen as something uncaring, judgmental or rejecting. In any case, he had no facts to contradict what the flaming eye accused him of, of making Iruka feel used. He did not know how the man felt about that important bit of physical therapy at all.

"I will make a point of discussing it with him, rest assured that your concern is duly noted. Is that what you wanted to ask me about? Was there something else?"

"No big deal, huh, Doc? Duly noted, what, now you take him down for round two? "

"Tell me why you want to know."

Where's Ibiki when you need him, Kakashi seethed. "I just want the mistakes to stop."

"Then stop mistaking my intentions. Say what you will about my methods, or even my competence, but don't ever mistake my goal. I have his well-being in mind always. I take my job very seriously, and I don't use patients for my pleasure. If you really want him to get better, you'll work with me instead of against me."

"You act like you think you're his equal. If he wasn't in such bad shape, somebody like you wouldn't even be a blip on his radar. Just remember that. You're not a shinobi and you're not in his league. You're just support personnel. You never, ever should have touched him to begin with." The acid dripping from his words seared them with deadly seriousness. He allowed his chakra to push out sharply. What Iruka needed was more help from Kakashi. What Iruka kept getting was one screw-up after another and this was the main cause sitting right here with the chunin's notch on his undeserving belt.

The sharingan finished gathering the notes exposed on the desk, the expression on his face, the labels on the folders exposed in the open lateral file. It hadn't caught any lies, false moves or devious intent. It found nothing of obvious interest or relating to Iruka, but he filed the information away regardless. Truthfully, the main intent in using Obito's eye was to further illustrated the vast difference in power and talent between himself and the man who should, by all rights, be cowering before him. He rose, awaiting a reply.

"I understand what you're saying. You're entitled to your opinion, as I am mine."

Kakashi shook his head and stalked out, dropping his protector over the powerful eye. Gutsy little bastard, he'd give him that. But he seemed intelligent enough to realize he was being put on notice. And if Iruka was returned to the mission roster, Kakashi would make his own determination, and if warranted, get his rank busted right then and there.

Well, it wasn't like Marsh was unaware that he and Iruka didn't run in the same circles. The implication that he was some lesser being was annoying, but quite revealing of the person making the statement. As soon as the man left he hauled out his file and made his notations. That eye, he would have to do some research on it, it was unsettling to try and deal with it and still have a lucid conversation. If Kakashi ever needed therapy, Marsh was going to make his own appointments with Tsunade to coincide with them afterward, and make them doubles. Youch.


Raidou leaned over the shorter man, propped with a straight arm against the wall and seriously trying not to be critical.

"What do you plan to do to him, Gen? Be honest."

"Show him our job. He thinks he wants to help, so let him see what we're up against. We'll make sure he's all right. I'm not trying to scare him off or get him injured." He expertly rearranged things to make a bit more room in his pack.

"Ehhhh, I don't know. There's more to this than you're telling me."

"No there's not. I just need to see what he can take, that's all. And I want him to know what I'm talking about. He wants me to throw it all in the ring and let him shovel through my brains.Well,I need to know he won't crack in the middle of it. It's real simple." He reached across to the table and grabbed some small tagboard boxes of extra ammo to slip into the side carrier of his pack for good measure.

"You've really been giving him the treatment, are you at least going to stop that?"

"No. If he wants to let his guard down I'm on it like yesterday. Why, are you interested?"

"Of course, but not in him." It was gradually dawning on Raidou that, if this trip enabled the doctor to help Gen, in the long run it might solve Rai's problem as well. Well, maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all, especially since he'd be there to supervise.

"If he wants a threesome I'll let you know." He took a last look through his things, rummaging gently to keep from disturbing his careful organization. "You ready?"

"I've been ready."

"Come on, we have to go see what he's got and what he needs . Tsunade says we should teach him to pack himself. She's thinking he might start traveling on some of the recoveries further down the line. I can see where that could make sense." He shouldered his bag and waited for Raidou to precede him through the door, locking it up behind them.

"So, you plan to keep your appointments now?" He tried not to sound too encouraging. It might provoke that infuriating obstinacy again.

"If it works out." He looked up wide-eyed and unguarded at Raidou, catching his partner's steady gaze. "Hey, Rai - I really am glad that she picked you this time."

He sighed inwardly at way those eyes still shook him to the core.

"So am I."


It didn't help that Iruka had been upset at losing his doctor for the week or two ahead, fearing that he might not return to him alive. At least Marsh had insisted on waiting to leave until he held a departure session and supervised his release papers. Seeing the man in field garb, his pack by the door, was almost too much to bear as a last impression. At least he had indulged Iruka by wearing one of his uniforms, giving in to the argument that the stiff new one would be too uncomfortable. He looked good in it, it fit fine - if just a little loosely, and maybe it would remind him to be careful. At least, Iruka hoped it would.


He waited until the door was safely shut, waiting for the click of the latch. It wouldn't have been appropriate if anyone had seen the way Marsh buried his nose in the sleeve of the borrowed clothing and closed his eyes, breathing in deeply and remembering being very close to the body associated with that faint but intoxicating scent. His mind replayed the expression in the eyes that belonged to a man that under any other circumstances would have been worth fighting to hang on to.

It was absolutely never to be. It wasn't in him to violate his oath, loophole-crazy Hokages notwithstanding. But it was still a breathtaking dream to have in private. A man in his profession knew that fantasy is a fine thing when it prevents you from doing wrong in reality. And it would be wrong to tangle Iruka's recovery up in his selfish, unrealistic desires.

He was going to have to find an excuse to borrow another shirt and keep it. He doubted this one would have the same smells by the time he returned to Konoha.

Raidou and Genma waited jovially by the entrance and lit up when they saw Iruka. Raidou gave him an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder , and Genma flat busted him with an over-enthusiastic hug, cheek rubbing against his neck.

"Oh, man it's so good to see you going home! As soon as we get back we're all going out to have some fun, okay?" Gen grinned, holding him at arms length now to get a better look at him.

Iruka smiled, half-genuine, half-forced, and caught the hands resting on his sleeves.

"Don't let anything happen to him, or to you guys. Please." He was just not up to putting on his professional face yet. But of all people, these two wouldn't hold it against him.

Genma squeezed his hands gently before releasing them, but Iruka held on tight a few beats too long.

"We're going to be careful with him. You just make sure you take good care of yourself. We'll be back before you know it."

One last look around, and Kakashi was nowhere in sight. His throat tightened at the thought of heading out alone as he gave Sakura a hug goodbye, collecting his bag of belongings. He had to leave right now, because he really didn't think he could stand to be there and watch the team walk away first.

Back to his true life, to slip it back on and see how well it still fit. He reluctantly admitted to himself just how appropriate it was that he should be alone for the first steps back. The rest of his days would surely be no different.


"IRUKA-SENSEI!" His name screamed from a block away could have passed for the chorus of angels. It dredged his heart up in a flash and filled it with light.

Naruto yelped in joy at the sight, Iruka walking away from the hospital in his street clothes. He was still thin and moving slowly, but a genuine smile flashed in response to his name. He was carrying a bag with his initials and 113 on the front, confirmation that he had finally been released. "They made you walk alone?"

"Walking is good for me, Naruto-kun," Iruka sighed, feeling strange on a street he'd known his whole adult life, somehow naked to be out in the real world again. "I'm perfectly fine now."

"I was hoping to stay over on your first night home but the old perv wants us to leave this afternoon. Granny's mad because he won't pay up on one of their bets, and he doesn't want to stay the night now. I don't get it!"

"Show some respect, Naruto, say Jiraiya-sensei, or Jiraiya-sama, please."

"Then I'd have to find something even more respectful to call you. That's too complicated! You're my sensei, always!" Naruto snatched the bag away. "And I'll carry your stuff."

Iruka chuckled. "I'm fine. But thank you for helping me."

"I was worried. And mad! I hate hearing this stuff second-hand. I should have been there to get you back again and kick that guy's ass. I can't stand it when I think about that creep wanting to hurt you so much."

"He's back in prison now, Naruto, he can't hurt us anymore."

They turned down the side street, and Iruka noted how old and charming his apartment was. All the small four-plexes around it looked different from one another, and it gave a pleasant Bohemian feel to the neighborhood. He had stopped actively noticing how it looked over time. The little bits of gingerbread on the fascia outside , the comfortable covered front porch, the built in hutches and bookcases inside…a little fussy, but not a bit scary. He'd be okay here, really. He had another couple of weeks before he was slated to return to work, plenty of time to adjust to being unsupervised. No need for anyone to check in on him.

After his disagreement with the copy-nin he'd been noticeably absent. Now it seemed he must have changed his mind about staying for the first week. Not that it was needed. But at least the he could have had the courtesy of letting him know that he wasn't coming…but, well, they hadn't made any arrangements specifically. No time to meet, no day even. So it wasn't a completely promised promise. More of an agreed idea than a commitment. Iruka's tensely turning mind let the copy-nin off the hook and then hooked him again repeatedly for the possible slight.

Maybe if he offered a night's lodging to Jiraiya, he and Naruto would stay. He no doubt was fleeing because the apparently disgruntled Hokage rescinded her hospitality for the night. No, that was silly. The older man was too important and wealthy to find sleeping on some vaguely familiar chunin's futon to be acceptable.

But as they set his things down in the chilly, deathly quiet living room he hovered silently in discomfort, then fled for the kitchen.

"Tea, Naruto?" he asked, pulling out the pot and peering in to be sure it was clean before rinsing and filling it with water.

"Sure, I guess. You can tell you haven't been here in a while. Weird. It's like your chakra wore off the place. Guess it's like getting in a clean bed, it takes a while to warm it up so's your comfortable."

Iruka nodded, proud of the boy's ability to make so astute an observation in such an offhanded manner.

"My feelings in your words, exactly," he agreed. With the heat on the burner turned up, he fetched cups and shook out a fresh towel from the drawer to wipe them with in case dust had settled.

A knock at the door gave him pause as he poured the hot water, smiling at Naruto on his favorite perch on the kitchen counter, his legs now so long they nearly reached the floor as he sat.

"Don't kick the cabinets," he said mildly and went to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

His senses already knew who was there.

"Yo," the mask said, the curve of eye somehow reaching out with warmth. How does he do that? A duffle at his feet, he picked it up and stepped tentatively forward.

Iruka stepped back, a relieved and excited little tickle in his stomach from the idea that they weren't at war. That it looked like he was being cared for a bit after all. "Please, come in. Let me help you."

"I can manage, where do you want me?" he stood as the door closed, expectantly waiting for instructions on where to place his belongings.

"Um, why don't you share my bedroom closet? No need letting your things get wrinkled. Come on, I'll get some hangers."

Kakashi followed and smiled at that inwardly, Iruka sounding so normal and letting him close without worry. The thumping of approaching feet he knew would be Naruto's came to observe them hanging his things,stopping to stare from the doorway.

"You're staying here?" he demanded, frowning. "Is it because I'm not? I'll go tell the perv I'm staying then. You'll just make things worse, coming and going at all hours and such."

"Coming and going at all hours? I don't think Kakashi-sensei is going to be doing such things frivolously, Naruto. He can't help it if he has mission work with odd schedules."

"And as you recall, I am not rostered this week, Iruka-sensei. So if you, Naruto-kun, would be so kind as to stop trying to make him worry, I would appreciate it." He finished hanging the last overshirt, and he sensed the scowl.

"How long are you staying? You look like you're moving in!" the blond pointed accusingly. Naruto could hardly believe it! Didn't Iruka see how he was horning in? Didn't he want to protect himself now that he saw how bad these guys could get when they wanted to own him? He had this special way about him, it made you want to hold onto him. You couldn't fault others for being drawn into it, but he needed to remember to keep them at arm's length. Who could be trusted to let go once they got close to him and tapped into his warmth, so precious and rare in this place and time?

"Don't get all worked up, it's just for a week or two, until we make sure things are stable." Kakashi frowned at him. He was here to protect Iruka; he wasn't the threat. "It's for my peace of mind as much as his."

Iruka watched them stare each other down, but his mind was busy running ahead two weeks to the thought of being there alone. It must have shown on his face, because peripheral vision turned them both to him and they stumbled on each others sentences to ask if he was all right.

They sat him on the futon and squeezed through the doorway to the kitchen simultaneously to bring his tea.

"I guess it's a good thing you're staying," Naruto said in a hushed, reluctant aside. "He's really not well yet is he?"

"No, it's going to be a while. It's good for him to be home, though."

Naruto nodded. "You make sure to keep a good eye on him. Hah, that sounds funny , saying it to you. Good eye!"

The copy-nin thunked him on top of the head and picked up the tea cup. "Just try to behave and don't say anything else to upset him, all right?"


Naruto left shortly after Kakashi put away the groceries, thankful that the boy had been there to keep an eye on his shaky charge while he was gone. The gravely responsible jounin had gone through the hospital bag and pulled out the medication and aftercare instructions. A starter card of anti-depressants to administer only if needed, in case he developed certain symptoms before the doctor returned, and some sleeping aids with specific instructions as well. Surprisingly, his only regular meds right now were the patches.

He herded Iruka into the bathroom and left him to undress and rest in a hot bath, making plenty of noise, and occasionally calling in to him with questions about the location of various utensils and his meal preferences. His intent was to reassure the apprehensive sensei that he wasn't alone, and to make it clear everything was calm and under control. It seemed to work just fine.

Now, see, thought Kakashi. I'm a better therapist than that clown Marsh any day. That was just the thing to help him settle back in.

Iruka looked much, much better wrapped in his thick robe and meandering back into the bedroom. He had insisted he wasn't hungry at lunchtime but Kakaski sensed he'd been too nervous to eat. He'd ply him with snacks shortly.

"You need help with that?" he watched from the doorway as Iruka was fumbling to rewrap his wrist.

"Um…sure. Thanks."

Making sure he wasn't causing any tension by entering the bedroom, he made his way to the bed and sat down next to the intently watching chunin. Taking the arm and elastic bandage in a businesslike manner, he soon had the wrist securely wrapped and returned to the sole possession of its owner.

"Your hair - it's, uh, kind of…" Kakashi looked at the lopsided, damp ponytail.

"Well, it was hard to do with one hand." he said in bemused defense.

The copy-nin raised his hands. "May I?"

Iruka shrugged but his eyes glinted with amusement. "You're going to fix my hair?"

"Why not?" Kakashi went back to the bathroom and returned with the brush. It hadn't occurred to him what a nice thing it was to have someone brush your hair until he had a very rubbery chunin gradually leaning further and further over until he was in danger of falling from his perch on the edge of the bed. That might also have lead to some robe slippage, which would normally be a heavenly thing, but would no doubt be a disaster right now.

He reluctantly stopped making Iruka melt away and pulled up the hair into a proper, symmetrical tail and did the band just so. Slipping a hand to catch the drooping elbow, just below the ridges of deep scarring, he guided Iruka over backwards and down onto the bed.

"I want you to take a few minutes to rest for me. Are you feeling all right?"

A smile and a nod were his reward , and when he pulled the blanket up to the tanned chin, the brown eyes were already hidden behind closed, relaxed eyelids. The trust was almost tangible.

It was as satisfying as it was a relief. It seemed like his battered friend would be able to bounce back once more, with time. He still had complete faith in Kakashi. And now, knowing what it was like to wander through days and weeks without him, the jounin was determined to be more deserving of it.


After the evening meal Kakashi installed Iruka on the futon, too early for bed, but too worn from the long stressful day to go on much longer. He planned to sit in the other chair but, surprisingly, Iruka caught his sleeve and tugged as he went to walk past. He made it clear he wanted Kakashi to sit by him. It would have been the signal to attack under normal circumstances. Tonight it made the jounin feel a bit sad. He was needed, being drawn closer than before. But it felt as if he was being applied like salve to a wound. It was the very definition of bittersweet. The opening he had sought for so long had been delivered courtesy of the near-destruction of his closest friend. And now that it made him hesitate, he was being asked to come closer. Life was such a bitch, always.

Circumstances aside, if Iruka had any clue about the power of his doe-eyes, he was being merciless with them. Leaning on the older man and peering up through his tousled bangs, slightly sleepy and insecure, those eyes performed the heart-quake no jutsu with deadly accuracy.

He was determined not to touch Iruka but now his arms circled him protectively. He absolutely was not going to indulge in any amorous thoughts but the shop-worn perv's mind was actually making him blush. And he swore he would cut out his tongue before he would say anything that might be misconstrued or inappropriately personal…yet the words that eventually tumbled out of his mouth were some of the most provoking he'd voiced ever in his life. It was official. Iruka had rendered him completely senseless.

His only prayer was to come clean now and explain himself, if that was possible. On the futon, holding the bashful sensei as requested. Now or never.

"Iruka, I have a secret that I'll share with you. I find scars to be unbearably sexy. It's not about the violence, or the pain that caused them. it's about the strength of the person bearing the scar. The mark that means you're stronger for having survived and now there's this visible sign…and scar tissue is so sensitive. Your scar - the one on your nose - has been driving me mad for years."

"Huhn?" Iruka's breath caught as Kakashi drew him closer, gently, pulling the mask aside and tipping his head down to place a tiny kiss on the scar crossing the bridge of his nose.

Then slowly, ever so carefully, his tongue traced the path of the scar, once, and then again, from tip to tip.

He blew gently on the line of wet flesh and smiled as he saw that Iruka was frozen in total concentration, stunned at the dizzying feeling of his sensuous attentions to that highly perceptive area.

"I want to make new memories for these," Kakashi soothed, his tone deep and husky. "So that, when you see them, you'll think of me - of us - and how amazed you were that this could bring you so much pleasure."

"That's a lot of work though, Iruka. You have all of these amazing scars, and I want to take my time and get to know each and every one of them, one at a time, as slowly and as long as it takes. Weeks. Months. Years, if you'll let me."

His tongue traced the scar again, then retreated as his lips murmured in a low, longing sound and caressed softly down along the tan cheek to meet Iruka's breathless, slightly parted lips. There he applied the kind of kiss that Iruka was afraid he'd never experience, the one he only discovered that he sought with the help of therapy. He responded in kind, and for several long moments they shared a fluttering heartbeat and the sweet pain of nervous excitement. Somehow his hands, frozen in mid-air since he felt the first touch to his scar, found the courage to reach out and hold onto Kakashi's neck, to reveal that he wanted to keep holding him close and not let go. He felt the lips against his curve up in a smile at the sign of acceptance, even while passionately claiming him and connecting as deeply as separate bodies are capable. The jounin's loose hold grew tighter, and the warmth grew exponentially everywhere the two bodies met in their embrace.

Incredible, Kakashi's enraptured mind glowed. He's amazing, how can he be so nakedly sensitive still, after being subjected so much pain and cruelty. The reaction to his touching and kissing was so raw and unguarded, so honest it seemed he was able to telegraph the impact of his caresses to the scarred chunin's very soul. No lover, man or woman, had revealed this level of responsiveness, even in the throes of lovemaking. It almost made him afraid of the idea of more intimate relations, of bringing such strong emotions into play with someone so sweetly defenseless.

He backed off, pulling gently away, stroking the now-clouding face with a comforting hand, smiling at the sight of those soulful, slightly dazed eyes.

"Such a sexy, sexy kisser. If we keep this up it's going to be too difficult to stop." He nuzzled the brown bangs, and the blushing face tipped down and away.

No, that won't do.

"When you look down I can't see those beautiful eyes," Kakashi encouraged, slipping the fingers of one hand under his partner's chin, trying to tilt his head up. The resistance told him that breaking the kiss had thrown Iruka out of the moment; a little or a lot he couldn't tell yet.

"I don't feel beautiful, I feel foolish, and my scars are just broken parts that didn't heal right. And I don't even know if I can do any of the things you expect a lover to do, and I'm strange and broken in all the wrong places. Why do you want to be so kind to me? Why would you give up a week of your life to babysit me, when I've already caused so much trouble for you already? You touch me like a lover, but I'm not…I'm not normal like that. I'm not going to be able to do all those things now, maybe ever, and then you won't be happy with me. And…"

"Shh-h-h-h-…" the lips were hushed with tenderly placed fingertips. "Iruka, you are beautiful, and there's no one less foolish than you. I know you're embarrassed, but believe me, your strength and courage are not in question. It's an testament to your strength that you're still walking and talking and breathing; it's nothing short of a miracle that you're still able to function as a shinobi, a teacher, a friend and a mentor. There would be nothing left of most people if they'd gone through everything you have. I honestly don't think that I could have survived it myself."

"And as far as being different and broken - do you honestly think it makes a difference to me that you're not smuggling plums? As a matter of fact, Iruka, I'll tell you another secret - once we've done every other scar, every other square inch of your body - that scar is the one I want to please you with the most. I want to find a way to drive you wild and make it your favorite erogenous zone."

"You - you almost make it sound like a good thing," he sounded mildly stunned. The jounin was even conjuring ways to make him feel better about his ugliest secret? They were connecting and it seemed that it was at the level of the heart - at least, that's where it hurt. The acute and breathtaking pain of opening up was something he'd fought away successfully for so long. But maybe, like the pain of suffocation, bearing it bravely would bring a reward. A feeling of unequaled joy when the initial pain was released. It would explain why people sought after it. With so little experience in this game, he could only cling to blind faith and endure.

"I want to make it better than a good thing. I want to make it something that, when you touch it or think about it, your toes curl from the memory of the sheer ecstasy of it. But that's what I want, and I can be insensitive when I really want something. So you have to help me, too, Iruka. You have to tell me if I'm out if line. The last thing I want to do is run over you."

"Well…there is one thing."

Kakashi stiffened a little, worry cropping up quickly. Here it comes, the resistance to their becoming more than just friends. He steeled for it. "What is it?"
"Not 'smuggling plums' …where on earth did you get that euphemism?"

"Oh. I heard it in a song, actually. Seriously." he suppressed a relieved sigh.

Iruka did sigh, burrowing into his chest warmly, perhaps implying things could go further. Kakashi disentangled himself reluctantly and rose, holding a hand out to him. "I've pushed far enough for tonight, we're going to stop here. Let's get you to bed. I'll be right out here on the futon tonight if you need me for anything. I want you to let me know if anything starts to bother you."

"I'll take the futon, Kakashi. You take the bed."

"No way, I'm perfectly fine on the futon. You need to spend a night in your own bed after all this time. You have a pill to take, Doc's note said it was so your first night home is peaceful. I want you in bed before you take it. But there is one other thing. Before you take that pill…kiss me goodnight? Promise you'll kiss me goodnight every night?"

It was the good blush, the one that meant he'd suggested something that was already an unspoken desire for the open-hearted chunin. He was answered with a goodnight kiss to die for.

The End.

(Or as much of "the end" as an ongoing manga ever arrives at…)

Now, how about a closing song: listen to Puddle of Mudd's "We Don't Have To Look Back Now."…

Please stop by the the review page so we can say goodbye! I hope you had fun too...K