-1Grimm x Ulqui. Somewhat graphic, some blood. Rather long, but mostly smut. Don't read if you don't like yaoi. This is my first attempt at a fanfic I thought might be worth reading by others. Please R&R.

As always, I do not own Bleach or any of its characters. (duh)

There were few who, after the first couple of days, didn't notice Grimmjaw's absence from the halls of Los Noches. The peace was almost unnerving and some of the arrancar were beginning to wonder what had their sixth hold up in his room for so many long hours.

The arrancar weren't the only ones to notice either. The former captains also took note of his behavior and also found it quite unnerving. It eventually got to the point where Aizen decided something needed to be done. First, he talked to Gin about it, since he was apparently becoming the resident expert on hollows, especially the arrancar.

The silver-haired man admitted that he'd been practically stalking Grimmjaw for the last several days and was beginning to think he understood why the espada was behaving so strangely. "Hollows don't mate," he began carefully, "that's just not how it works. But when they become self aware, especially to the point that your espada have," which was pretty much what Aizen had done to the creatures, "they can go through carnal phases. Think of it like a cat in heat," he bluntly surmised.

"Okay…" Aizen wasn't sure how he felt about that. "So, how do we stop it. Some of the arrancar have been saying they think he's diseased."

"Well, as far as I can tell you can't just stop it. It seems that's what he's been trying to do for the last couple days. He's going to have to fuck somebody in order to get over this."

Aizen furrowed his brow, this was absolutely ridiculous. "Then how do we do that?"

"Well, I'm not climbing in bed with him, that's for sure!" Aizen knew first hand just how rough Gin liked it and that took him slightly aback. "The sexual practices of hollows are extremely strange. Did you know that once a hollow enters one of these…'phases', we'll call them, they will only want one other and not for any real length of time. It seems they fall for the first one of their kind they set eyes on and won't be satisfied until they have them."

"That was almost too much information…and I don't want to know how you found all of that out. In fact, I'm putting you in charge of fixing this. Do whatever you have to, just get it resolved as soon as possible." Aizen quickly left his grinning friend.

He immediately went to Grimmjaw's quarters and, after scaring off any eavesdropping hollows, he tapped on the door.

"Go away," the sixth yelled and something hit the door very hard.

"Grimmjaw," Gin called sweetly, "I just need to ask you something. I don't need you to come out. It will only take a minute of your time."

"Then you'll leave me alone?" he gave an irritated grumble.

"Yes. I promise."

"Fine. What is it?"

"Have you seen anyone since it started?"

Grimmjaw's breath caught in his throat and a rush of blood came to his cheeks.

He stammered with embarrassment. "Wh-what are you talking about?"

"You must realize what's happening to you. I'm here to help. Have you seen anyone since it started?" he asked again.

Grimmjaw stared at his door in wide-eyed horror. He'd hidden for days because he didn't want anyone to know and here Ichimaru was asking him about it. "I-I…" he wasn't sure how to respond.

"Look, you don't have to tell me that. Let's do this another way. Tell me the name of the person you'd like to have. I don't care if you've seen them already or if this would be the first time you laid eyes on them. Just give me a name," he urged, nearly salivating at the thought.

Grimmjaw thanked the fact that Ichimaru was on the other side of a very thick wall instead of where he could easily see the arancar's face. "Really?" was his eventual reply.

Gin smiled. "Yes. Really."

"Ulquiorra," he replied quickly.

He'd expected some sort of confirmation but as soon as he heard the name, Gin was off to other things, the most important of which was finding the fourth espada. The former captain only told the arrancar one thing. Aizen was fed up with Grimmjaw's behavior and it was his, Ulquiorra's, responsibility to fix it as quickly as possible. That was all the obedient espada needed to hear.

Not an hour later, there was another knocking on Grimmjaw's door. He jumped twice as high the second time as he did the first. "Who is it?" he asked carefully while still trying to maintain his gruff façade.

"Ulquiorra. Come out, now," he ordered.

Surprisingly, the door opened but instead of the teal-haired man exiting, he only emerged long enough to grab Ulquiorra by the collar and drag him into the room, slamming the door behind them.

As the sound of the door echoed through the halls, Grimmjaw stared down at Ulquiorra with wide eyes filled with anticipation, anxiety, and…something else. His skin was rosier and warmer than usual. Almost immediately, the fourth knew what Grimmjaw's problem was. He couldn't suppress a small chuckle at his comrade's condition. He also knew, immediately, what he needed to do. There was only one thing to do.

Grimmjaw's eye twitched at the sound of the other man's condescending laughter. "Damn it!" he swore, screwing his eyes shut and stepping away from Ulquiorra. He wasn't in the mood to be laughed at and that was only adding to his already high tension and embarrassment.

"I was beginning to wonder if this wasn't your problem but I figured you could handle something like this on your own," the green eyed man stepped toward Grimmjaw as he backed away.

"Eegh," Grimmjaw continued to back up until his back hit the wall. "Bastard, you know that's not how it works. After you see somebody, you can't just…"

Ulquiorra closed the gap between their bodies and placed a finger on the taller man's lips. "I just thought you'd have come to me when it started…instead of making all this fuss." Suddenly, he grabbed the taller man by the collar, much as he had been grabbed moments before, and used it to throw Grimmjaw onto his bed where he handed with a soft thump.

Before the sixth had time to think, he was on his back with Ulquiorra pressing him into the soft cushions of his bed. He blinked in incomprehension as the smaller man began to remove their shirts.

"Don't look at me so stupidly," Ulquiorra ordered.

"But…Ulquiorra…" his voice was beginning to fail him. His head was spinning. For nearly a week he'd locked himself in his quarters and secretly lusted for a single other hollow. He'd convinced himself that there was no way that Ulquiorra would be willing to get fucked by him and only the slightest chance of him wanting to fuck Grimmjaw. In the more recent days, he was beginning to think that the uncontrollable lust was beginning to wane. Now this. The object of his dreams, fantasies, and nightmares was straddling his thighs and stripping them. It wasn't that he hadn't been attracted to Ulquiorra before. In fact, on several occasions, he'd thought to himself about just how attractive the stoic arrancar was and how rewarding it would be to have him writhing beneath him in ecstasy. However, what he fantasized about and what could actually happen were two different things and Grimmjaw knew that well. He never dreamed that the fourth would be a willing participant in his lust and he knew the green-eyed arrancar would never allow himself to be dominated by something weaker than he. It all came down to the simple fact that Grimmjaw, though he would never admit it, feared for his life when the idea of coming onto Ulquiorra as forcefully as he wanted to even crossed his mind. The fourth espada would not hesitate to cut him down for such a transgression and Aizen probably wouldn't bat an eye.

"Shut up or I'm leaving right now," the smaller man threatened as he began to work on their pants.

Grimmjaw bit his lip and nodded. He could pester the fourth about his reasons for helping him out some other time. Instead, he reached his hands up to touch Ulquiorra's skin, stopping occasionally to toy with his pale nipples, or the black four, even lingering for a second on the soul chain hole in his partner's throat. After all the fear, embarrassment, and regret, he was beginning to thank his lucky stars that it was Ulquiorra that he saw first. At least it wasn't Yami, or someone like that.

Once they were naked, Grimmjaw attempted to assert his dominance and roll them over so that he was on top. He was wholly unsuccessful. Ulquiorra easily held him in place. "I'll flip you over and fuck you like the bitch you are if you don't settle the fuck down," Ulquiorra continued his threats. They both knew that would not bring an end to Grimmjaw's suffering and only further his embarrassment. He settled down and opted instead to place his hands on either side of Ulquiorra's hips.

The green-eyed man smirked at how easily Grimmjaw followed his commands and submitted to his threats. As a reward, he leaned his head down and began to nip at the taller man's nipples, which were already hard, receiving a strangled groan in response. He brought his hands down Grimmjaw's sides and felt his muscles twitch beneath his taught skin. Using one hand to continue toying with one of his nipples, he brought himself face to face with the man that was impatiently waiting to penetrate him.

"Understand this, Grimmjaw Jeagerjaques, even though you will be inside me, you will always be beneath me," and he planned to use their sexual position as an example of that.

Grimmjaw growled a little but didn't complain. He was going to get laid. Ulquiorra could have said nearly anything to him at that point and it wouldn't have mattered. Ignoring the condescending words, he moved one of his hands from Ulquiorra's hips and to the smaller man's semi-erect length. Briefly, he considered taunting the fourth for being turned on by someone who he called trash on a regular basis but reconsidered, knowing after that sort of comment, he might find himself alone once again.

Ulquiorra gasped at the sudden and rough contact and began kissing the taller man. Quickly, Grimmjaw decided that he'd made the right decision. Ulquiorra was an amazing kisser. Somewhere, in the very back of his mind, he wondered how he'd gotten so good. It felt as though the smaller man's dexterous tongue was exploring every inch of his mouth and he fought to keep up with the nimble movements, his senses running haywire with over active hormones. To make up for the franticness of his side of the kiss, Grimmjaw continued to roughly, almost erratically, pump Ulquiorra to his full length. It wasn't until they broke apart for Grimmjaw to breath that he could see it, but just from the feel of it in his hand, he was silently grateful that he was not going to on the receiving end during their encounter.

When Ulquiorra shifted his hips again, allowing their erections to press together in a most enticing way, Grimmjaw groaned and pressed back as hard as he could. It frightened him that it felt so good that he felt he could get off that way if the heat and pressure was kept up so, reluctantly, he laid his hips back down on the mattress and continued to stroke Ulquiorra. He grit his teeth the entire time.

Slowly, the green-eyed arrancar sat up and took a moment to admire the sight before him. Grimmjaw gave a small whine at the loss of contact and his features were taught and torn between the pain of having to suppress his instincts and the pleasure of having them fulfilled. Having the weaker arrancar at his mercy in such a state was almost more than he could handle. Placing a hand on either side of Grimmjaw's soul chain hole and pulled himself up a little so that the larger arancar's erection rubbed teasingly between his ass cheeks.

This small, but very enticing, movement caused Grimmjaw to grip the other arancar's erection even harder, so hard that he swore he saw the slightest wince of pain the other's features. That reaction was not a deterrent however, no it made him want to be even rougher with the fourth, knowing that he could take as much as the sixth could offer and much more.

Looking Grimmjaw dead in the eye, but without so much as a blink, Ulquiorra spread himself and began to slide onto the length beneath him. The taller arrancar couldn't maintain the eye contact for very long, though because once he was halfway down, Ulquiorra flexed his muscles around the intruder, causing him to roll his head and arch his back. Enjoying the reaction, Ulquiorra slid down the rest of the way only to settle there for a short moment before raising himself up again.

As Ulquiorra withdrew, Grimmjaw looked up at him again. After all that had happened, this felt like the moment of truth for him. Was Ulquiorra really planning to ride him like that? If so, the thought alone was almost more than he could handle. And, wait, was that blood on his dick? The red substance almost coated him after a few more of Ulquiorra's movements.

"You-you're bleeding," Grimmjaw told him as he stared up in total awe. The sight and scent of the blood was flooding his senses and sending them into an even more overloaded state than they had been.

Ulquiorra made a small sound of dismissal, his attention totally fixed on his task. "Of course I am," he told the teal-haired arrancar. "You wouldn't be satisfied unless I left here with wounds to clean." Grimmjaw was known for his bloodlust in battle and in a situation just as intense, it was only natural for that to surface. "And I told you to shut up," he reminded as he withdrew, especially slowly.

For some reason, that was what sent Grimmjaw to the point of no return. Using his grip on Ulquiorra's hips, he arched off the bed again to slam into him with as much force as he could manage. He lost what little control he'd managed to maintain since the object of his lust had entered his quarters and Ulquiorra seemed to appreciate that, moving in time with the thrusts and helping him increase their friction and speed. When Grimmjaw brought his knees up behind Ulquiorra, the dark haired arrancar leaned back and placed a hand on one to steady himself. Grimmjaw's movements were so wild that he was beginning to worry that he'd be thrown off the bed…if it weren't for the vice-like grip that dug into his hips. That one shift caused a change in Ulquiorra's demeanor that even Grimmjaw could see. Once Grimmjaw realized what he'd found, he made sure to hit the spot as hard and as frequently as possible.

Stars began to cloud his vision and his features softened as the sensitive bundle of nerves within him was stabbed over and over again. He was even beginning to make his own small sounds of appreciation that were nearly drowned out by Grimmjaw's groans and moans. Every time Ulquiorra landed on Grimmjaw's hips, his weeping member slapped against the larger arancar's stomach making a satisfying smacking sound. During the rest of their encounter, that was all the attention that Ulquiorra's erection would receive. He was too proud to jerk himself off on top of Grimmjaw especially since the teal-haired arrancar seemed to forgotten everything but his own burning pressure.

After the rough administrations that brought him to his full erect state, he'd half expected a hand job while he was penetrated. He was a little disappointed but that wasn't why he was there and the way Grimmjaw was behaving was enough to entertain him if he needed to finish later by himself.

Several long minutes later, Grimmjaw found his release inside the one he needed to give it to and almost immediately went limp on the soft mattress. Once the larger arrancar was motionless, save his ragged breath, he slowly dismounted and carefully made his way to the bathroom to clean up. He felt gross and was still painfully erect. Once he washed up a little, the feeling of grossness was gone and he made his way back to his clothes. Grimmjaw still lay on the bed but his focus seemed to have returned as he watched the smaller arrancar walk back across the room.

Yes, he was finally glad that Ulquiorra had been the first hollow he'd laid eyes on all those long days ago. It had been a lot of suffering and humiliation but after all that, it was finally worth it. That little bastard was a good fuck and one hell of a kisser. At that realization, he grew slightly saddened that it was all over and Ulquiorra was getting ready to leave him alone once again. That was when he noticed something. The dark-haired arrancar was still very hard and flush that decorated his skin while working so hard on Grimmjaw had not yet faded. Suddenly, he felt the slightest twinge of what could only be call some form of guilt. In his selfish frenzy, he'd neglected to take care of the one who had helped him out.

When Ulquiorra noticed Grimmjaw's staring, he shot a disdainful look to the reclining figure. That look was all it took to put Grimmjaw to action once again. He quickly stood, grabbed Ulquiorra by the wrist, and pushed him back onto the bed.

"What the fuck?" Ulquiorra managed as Grimmjaw pulled him to the edge of the bed and knelt on the stone floor before him, his face even with the still weeping length.

"Shut up or I'm going to let you leave here like this," Grimmjaw half joked as he began to lap up the beads of precum as they emerged from the throbbing head.

Even at those tiny administrations, the green eyes peering down began to shine with lust. He didn't have an argument for that and simply leaned back on one hand, giving the larger man more room to operate, and laced the fingers of the other hand in the messy teal hair in his lap, occasionally guiding his motions.

Ulquiorra let a heated moan escape when Grimmjaw finally took the entire length into his mouth which made Grimmjaw give a pleased growl. The vibrations from the growl caused another moan from Ulquiorra. When Grimmjaw brought a hand up to squeeze and message Ulquiorra's balls, he felt the length twitch in his mouth and throat, letting him know that the end was near. He grinned at the whorish sounds Ulquiorra failed to suppress and the way his body would move in response to even the most subtle of touches. This was a side of the fourth that he'd never seen before, much more interesting

than the same, blank expression and condescending attitude he was used to seeing.

When he felt Ulquiorra's cock begin to pulse, he tried to swallow as much of the length as he could but found two small, but very strong, hands in his hair, pulling him away. As soon as the tip popped out of his lips, white streams began to shoot out of the tip, coating Grimmjaw's face, some landing in his hair.

Grimmjaw made a sound of disgust as wiped some of the cum away from his eyes to see Ulquiorra smirking down at him.

"You look good with cum on your face," he told the taller man as he stood to go wash his face.

He was nearly dressed again when he heard the sound of a bath running and Grimmjaw emerged from his bathroom once again, still nude. "Are you going to let me leave now?"

Grimmjaw laughed a little, "You could've left at any time," he reminded.

"If I was going to so willingly suck you off, would you leave?" Ulquiorra answered with a question.

They both knew the answer. Of course he wouldn't leave. To have the fourth on his knees like that for him would be far too tempting to turn down. He simply smirked silently at the idea.

"That's what I thought," Ulquiorra started to button his shirt.

"If that's why you stayed…then why did you come here in the first place?" Grimmjaw finally asked the question that had been plaguing him since he'd first heard Ulquiorra's voice outside his door.

"I was sent here to find out why you were so moody and fix it. Apparently, it was even beginning irritate Aizen-sama," he explained.

"Then you knew before you came here that I…" he trailed off, unwilling to finish his sentence.

"The thought had crossed my mind but I didn't know that's what you problem was until you dragged me in here." Ulquiorra walked up to Grimmjaw and began to circle around him.

Suddenly, Grimmjaw felt very vulnerable once again.

"The next time this happens, I expect you to take care of it yourself instead of making others go out of their way for you." he stopped once behind the taller Arrancar. "One more thing." He grabbed the mess of teal hair and pulled the taller backward, forcing him to arch his back and lean against the shorter or risk falling clumsily to the floor. Without any further warning, he sunk his sharp teeth into the others neck.

Grimmjaw tensed and tried to get away only to be forced to his knees with his arm twisted behind his back and the teeth in his neck tearing his flesh even further. Once he was satisfied with the wound, Ulquiorra pulled away, taking only a short moment to lap up some of the blood as it escaped.

"What…why?" was all Grimmjaw could manage.

"Rest assured, Grimmjaw, that when I go through the ordeal that you have just endured, I will not be so shy and let this scar remind you that when that happens, your ass is mine," Ulquiorra nearly purred before releasing the taller arrancar and exiting the quarters without another word.