I wasn't planning on putting this story up until I finished "Paradise Lost" but I am having a bit of writers block on that one so I decided why not put up this one? I promise I will finish both though.

This takes place 5 years after the boys graduated. I promise this is good.


The Perfect Façade

Its the good life,

Better than the life I live,

When I thought that I was gonna go crazy

Now my grandmama ain't the only girl callin' me baby

Brandon walked on marble floors through an long hallway. It was formally decorated and looked immaculate. As he walked through an enormous house, he couldn't help but think how weird it was that so much had changed since high school. He arrived then arrived at two huge doors, which were open. He walked in and saw Riven standing at his balcony drinking water. "Hey bro, we're all gonna leave soon," he said and then Riven turned around and walked over to his friend.

"Alright, I guess I'll come downstairs and see everyone," Riven said as he put down the glass of water he was holding. He looked happy.

"Don't bother, we decided to come up," Stella said with a smile as she walked into Riven's bedroom, which was the size of the Red Fountain auditorium, accompanied by Bloom and Sky.

"Well, you guys have perfect timing, I've got a board meeting in Magix later, so I should be going soon, too," Riven said to his friends. He had missed seeing his friends lately, things with his work had gotten complicated, his company was expanding…again and that meant he had a lot less time to go out.

"So, we met someone interesting at breakfast," Bloom said referring the 22 year old supermodel that had spent the night with Riven. She was tall, skinny, and had long black hair. She was, as Stella said, the "it" girl in modeling.

"Really?" Riven said trying not to be embarrassed. Just then someone, a very pretty and skinny someone, walked out of the master bathroom with wet hair and wearing just a bra and panties. She looked up, smiled, grabbed her clothes and walked back into the bathroom. Sky, Brandon and Riven all watched intently as the scantily clad supermodel walked back into the bathroom.

"Damn," Brandon and Sky said in unison as they appreciated the view.

"Hey!" Stella and Bloom yelled then Bloom hit Sky in the back of the head.

"I was just wondering how someone could walk around in…well you saw her," Sky explained to his obviously upset fiancé. Sky loved Bloom, he really did, but he would never get sick of meeting the woman Riven dated, they were always smoking hot and fun to look at. Bloom ignored him and turned to Riven.

"Are you ever going to stop dating supermodels?" Bloom asked as she shook her head in an almost disapproving way. She always had a feeling that Riven wanted more from a relationship then what he was getting now, but he would never admit it.

"You say it like it's a bad thing," Riven joked. Riven had always been a bit of a playboy, except when he was dating Musa in high school, and every time someone came to visit him in one of his many homes, it seemed like there was a new supermodel, or actress, or princess, walking around in heels and very little else.

She laughed and they all walked outside of the palatial mansion and to the cars. "Well, we'll see you later man," Brandon said as he, Sky, Bloom and Stella entered their limo. "And don't work so much, have some fun," Brandon finished.

"That's why I have Janessa," Riven said referring to the supermodel in his bedroom. Stella shook her head and laughed before she hugged Riven and entered the limo as well.

"Behave yourselves," Riven said to his friends before the chauffer shut the door. Riven watched the limo leave the driveway as another car pulled up. It was a new Ferrari F430 Spider in a fire engine red. A woman about the age of 19 got out of the car, she had wavy light pink hair and violet eyes, which were covered by oversized Chanel sunglasses. She walked up to Riven and crossed her arms.

"Where is Janessa?" she asked sternly.

"Very demanding today lil sis," he said in a joking manner as he tuned away from Andrea, his little sister and then the two of them walked back into the mansion.

"Look, I don't care that you date the models I use in my fashion shoots, but she is the face of my new line, please have her back to her hotel room by 1 if it's the night before a big fashion show," Andrea said in a pleading tone to her big brother as the two stood in the door way of Riven's mansion.

"It's noon," Riven answered back.

"I meant midnight," she replied back sarcastically, sounding like her brother.

"Since when do I take orders from you?" Riven asked. Andrea had become the biggest, and youngest, fashion designer in the entire universe, thanks to Riven. Before she could answer, Janessa walked down the grand staircase and over to the siblings.

"Okay, you are so late for the photo shoot, and we have a run through before fashion week kicks off tonight, I could kill you," Andrea said to the 22 year old model.

"Sorry, I was…" she stopped realizing that she had just slept with her boss's older brother. "Busy," she finished as Riven let out a small chuckle. When she noticed Andrea was not laughing, she tried to sound professional. "I'll be at the shoot in 20 minutes, promise,"

Andrea nodded and gave Riven a hug before she left. "You have 20 minutes," Andrea said on her way out. Riven then looked at Janessa and she simply walked over to him, gave him a kiss and whispered something in his ear.

"Call me," she said seductively. Riven just smiled and watched her walk out of the house. When she left it was dead calm in the mansion, except for the quiet scurrying of the servants. Riven went back up to his room to get ready for his board meeting in Magix. He got his laptop, his bags were already on the jet, and anything else he needed.

Riven walked up to the mirror and looked at his reflection, he was wearing a black suit and tie. The person he saw looking back at him still surprised him. It had been 5 years since he graduated from Red Fountain, and in that time he had managed to become one of the most powerful men in the magical universe. After he graduated from Red Fountain, he used the little inheritance that he had to buy a weapon technology company. From there, over the past 5 years, this company grew to become the most powerful company in the entire magical universe. A single stock in his company was worth hundreds of thousands. His company had also branched into so many other areas that a person would be hard pressed to find a major company that wasn't bought out by Wakefield Inc. The funny this was, Riven enjoyed being a "business man" even though it was completely out of his character. He got to get his hands on all the newest weaponry and heroic equipment before it ever made its way to royal armies or intelligence units. The noble part of him liked the fact that through his own efforts, illegal weapon control was at an all time high and the only problems plaguing the universe were insane witch and wizards on a power trip – nothing new.

He was the youngest self made multi - billionaire to ever live, he had so much control over the universal economy, no royal family could touch him because of the fear losing his company's business and causing an enormous economic downturn, he could literally buy what ever he wanted, but he wasn't happy. Although, one could never guess considering he seemed to embrace his role as the universe's most eligible bachelor. He had been linked to the universe's most beautiful models, actresses, and even princesses, but those relationships never really lasted past a week. Riven had everything a guy could want: money, power, and women constantly fawning over him.

He took one last look in the mirror before he grabbed his phone and headed out of his room. He walked out of his palatial mansion and walked over to one of his many jets.

"Hello Mr. Wakefield," said a short man with gray hair, wearing a pilot's uniform.

"Hey Alfred, and for the millionth time, it's Riven," He said with a smile as he climbed the steps into his jet.

"Yes, Mr. Wakefield," Alfred began has Riven rolled his eyes. "It should take no more then 3 hours to reach Magix."

"Thanks, I've got one board meeting then we'll be coming back here," Riven said as he sat down on one of the leather seats.

"You aren't going to attend the reunion, sir?" Alfred replied. "I know it isn't my place to pry, but you should attend." Riven raised his eyebrow. "I heard you on the phone with Prince Sky," Alfred explained.

"Well, I haven't decided if I'm going yet," Riven replied as he sat down. Alfred then nodded and walked to the cockpit and got the jet ready for take off.

"I know it isn't my place, but staying in a mansion is no fun if nobody is there to stay with you," Alfred said. Normally, Riven would get offended, but he knew what Alfred was saying was just some advice, and Riven was truly lonely.

"Trust me buddy, I'm not gonna be alone," Riven said in a suggestive tone. Alfred merely nodded and went to the cockpit.

While in the jet, Riven thought about whether or not he should go to the reunion. He sat there and thought about the one person he hadn't seen since he graduated. He had seen everyone he was friends with in high school except Musa. She was the one person he wanted to see the most.

He thought back to a few weeks before his graduation. He and Musa had been tip toeing around a relationship and but when they finally got together at the end of her sophomore year, it was the happiest time in his life. The two were in love and it seemed that nothing could pull them apart, but something did. Riven remembered that night with more clarity than he did the night in which he was named the most financially powerful man alive. The entire group had been invited to the Harmonic Nebula to celebrate Musa's official début into society – it was her princess ball. She was not a big fan of events like that, but she was pretty excited because she would be with her friends and Riven. They danced and had fun the entire night, it was perfect until…

Flashback - -

Riven walked out of the ballroom and was walking toward the bathroom when a woman in the hallway stopped him. She looked as if she were in her late 40's and it was obvious she had a lot of work done. She was Musa's aunt, and the most horrible person Riven had ever met. "Riven is it? We must talk," she said.

Riven didn't want to talk to the snobby bitch, but she was Musa's aunt, he had to be nice. "Okay, is something wrong?" Riven asked as politely as he could.

"Yes, in fact there is. I have been told you and my niece are in a relationship of some sort," she said as she lifted her head as if she were subbing him.

"Yeah, we're dating, have been for almost a year now," Riven said proudly. He was so in love with Musa and he wanted it to be known that he and Musa were a couple.

"Yes, well it's obvious my niece has an odd sense of humor," Musa's aunt replied.

"Excuse me," Riven said a little taken a back.

"Look at her," Musa's aunt said turning Riven's attention to Musa dancing on the ballroom floor with one of her best friends, Nate. "She is a princess, soon to be ruler of the entire Harmonic Nebula, she cannot keep fooling around. You do understand, don't you?" she said turning back to Riven.

"I'm sorry, I don't," Riven said even though he knew what Musa's aunt was telling him.

"She lives in a world completely different from yours, she was raised differently you see. To her, you will be a fling, a humorous anecdote of her foolish youth to tell her friends at a cocktail party when she is my age." She began. "She needs to be with someone, well better suited to accommodate to her needs, let's face it, you have no idea how to act at a ball. You will always feel out of place here, even when you try to convince yourself that you aren't inferior when you know deep inside that you are. You will always attempt to do the Waltz when the Rumba is playing. You will accidentally speak out of term because you don't know any better, eventually she will resent you because you will embarrass her," she finished as she looked Riven dead in the eye. This time it looked like Riven truly understood.

Riven tried to speak, but he was too angry, he didn't want her to get to him, but she did. Riven had always felt inferior to Musa, but he pushed it aside because he was so in love with her, but Musa's aunt was right. Riven would never fit in to the world Musa lived in, he was an orphan and she was a princess. He raised himself and his little sister, while Musa grew up in a palace and was taught proper etiquette, even though she completely disregarded it. He loved her so much, but what if she did grow to resent her? He couldn't bear it if Musa resented him. She would always be out of his league. And, he couldn't get in between Musa and her family, he wouldn't be the reason for any feuds. Riven knew more than anyone how important family was, considering he had lost his when he was very young.

Riven walked back into the ballroom and spent the rest of his night with the love of his life. "Are you okay, baby?" Musa asked as she sat down on his lap and kissed him. He had looked worried and upset and Musa had taken notice.

"Fine, I love you," he said with a smile and kissed her back.

"I love you too!" she smiled and then dragged him onto the dance floor.

A couple days later, Riven broke up with Musa for no apparent reason.

Over the past five years he had done everything he could to be successful, so that he could one day be good enough for her. He had told himself in high school that he would one day be worthy of her, and now he was. He wanted to tell her everything, how he had loved her all throughout high school, and how much he wished he could have been with her. He could be with her now. Of coarse there was always the very big possibility that she didn't want the same relationship he wanted, but he realized that it would be worth the risk, he had to tell her how he felt.

What hurt him the most was that he actually had a chance to be with her in high school. He wanted Musa back, he never wanted to let her go. He would always try to push the feelings that he had for her back and pretend to be okay, but it was becoming hard. This wasn't the life he envisioned.

But, why should he complain? This was the good life, wasn't it?

Well…what do you think? Yes, it's just the beginning and it will get more interesting. Next chapter is about our favorite musical princess. I promise I will try to keep updates in close range of each other.

Will Riven go the reunion? Tell me what you think!

Review Please!