I disclaim... and I'm saddened by it TT-TT


Now without further ado, I present to you 20 Hours chapter 3.

He was striding back and forth quickly through office. Four steps to the right, four to the left, four right, four left, his assistant and father-figure looked on worriedly, afraid that by the time he was done he will have worn a hole through the floor three feet deep.

"Naruto I understand that you're nervous but if you don't stop pacing I'm going to be sick."

"Huh? Oh, sorry. It's just that I bought him. I bought twenty hours of SEX! For charity no less!" He shook his head staring at the floor. "I mean, I thought I'd moved on but here I am doing something stupid and impulsive that I know I'll regret again. You told me that was just a phase!"

Iruka smiled sympathetically. He knew what he was going through; hell he'd practically raised Naruto.

"Oh well, no going back now, I've already paid and set everything up with the chairman... Toad-something-or-other wasn't it?"

Iruka chuckled. "Toddman, his name is Toddman."

"Oh, yeah, I knew that, believe it!" (I couldn't help it XD really I couldn't... it had to be done)

The phone on the desk rang but Naruto ignored it. Heaving a great sigh Iruka crossed the room and answered it on the third ring.

"Uzumaki residence, how may I help you? Mhm...mmhm... he's right here, sir, I'll put him on." Iruka handed the phone to Naruto and mouthed out the name Toddman. Naruto smiled thanks and grabbed the receiver putting it to his ear.

"Hello Toddman... I'm doing well, thank you. And you?...Mmhm... I see... Yes, and just remember he is not to know who it is that bought his time... Yes I would like him here at noon tomorrow and not a minute later... Yes you just give him the letter I have written for him and send him in... Yes... Thank you, Mr.Toddman. Have a nice day." he put the phone down and turned to Iruka and smiled half-heartedly.

"Everything's all set. He'll be here at noon tomorrow. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go take a much needed bath and a nice long nap." The brown haired man smiled and nodded.

"Well in that case, I will see you in a few days. I must be going now, the daycare needs me." Iruka let himself out the front door and turned back to look at the house.

"Oh Naruto, I hope this turns out well. I don't think I could take seeing you get hurt again." He whispered to himself before walking away.

Sasuke glared at the mirror in disgust. This last John hadn't been one of his better fucks; he'd had some sickā€¦ fetishes. He pressed the cold, damp paper towel harder onto his bleeding wrist. His ass was screaming and his head hurt like hell.

"This is the last S&M (1) client I ever accept." He said, utter disdain dripping of his words like crystal daggers. He hissed in pain as he pulled the leather dog collar from his neck and prodded the fresh bruise on his cheek.

"Definitely the last."

He pulled on a clean shirt from his bag, careful of the cuts and lash marks on his chest and back. He walked out of the bathroom and paid for his bag of chips and lemon-lime(2) soda at the counter.

Gas stations are a good thing, a really good thing.

1) S&M servant and master ... heeheehee

2) hint hint wink wink (SPOILER FOR FUTURE CHAPTERS) do ya get the picture now?

OMG I finished chapter 3! I even updated a day earlier than I'd planned to X3 You should all be so proud of your Kittie for she is a good girl... ok not really but noone needs to know that. Sorry for the shortness and the suckiness and the filler-ish-ness of this chapter but I swear it really isn't! This chapter is actually very important to the story (nods head up and down).