A/N: Hi, this is my first fanfic! Hehe… actually, this is my first time writing a story because I am feeling depressed because my exam was BAD!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it because I enjoyed writing it. I am contemplating whether to post just this one or also with the next chap because I personally think chap 2 is way better! We will see.

A review would be nice… criticism and flames are welcome… praise, if any, would be awesome. Any correctionzzzzzzzz would be very much appreciated! Just as you know, English is my second language but I tried my best to read proof this fic.

Bold words are just my random thought.

Italic words are what the character thought at that time..

Disclaimer: I don't own PoT!

The air smell nice

Tezuka never thought he'll be able to think this way for a girl. But he can't help thinking about her. From the distance, he had seen many things about her. The way she smiles… The way she talks… The way she walks… Everything about her screamed modesty.

The way I like it.

It was a wonderful afternoon in Seishun Gakuen. However, to Tezuka, as long as he can enjoy the peace, the weather didn't really matter. So, every time there was no tennis practice in the afternoon, the Seigaku's stoic captain will spend an hour on the school's roof out of habit before heading home. His 'ritual' usually involving him standing at the edge of the roof while looking over the ground and building below him.He could see a few students in a classroom of the school's building opposite him and a few more on the ground area.

Where is she?

'Yo, Tezuka…', Fuji called out as he walked towards the Seigaku's Captain.

'Fuji', Tezuka turned around and acknowledged his teammate with a nod. Fuji's presence didn't really surprise Tezuka. Most of his close friends (Oishi, Taka-san, Inui, Eiji, and ofcourse… Fuji) knew his habit of spending time on the roof after school. And after spending 3 years with the Tensai, who was also a sadist if he may add, everything seemed to be possible to Tezuka. Nothing is surprising as long as it involved the sadistic Tensai.

'What are you doing here?', asked the Seigaku's Tensai. 'Spying on someone?'

Tezuka took a moment before answering the smiling Tensai. As was mentioned, most of his friend, including Fuji, knew his habit. He knew that Fuji was just being Fuji and his questions are harmless. But, he couldn't help feeling taken aback for being accused of spying.

How does he knows? There is no way anybody could guess why I was here, right? I never told anybody about my secret. Not to Oishi. Not to Kawamura. Not to Eiji. Not to Inui. And, even not to Fuji. So, there is no way he knew it, right?

'Nothing', replied Tezuka indifferently while turning back around, this time looking up to the sky. Although, Tezuka said that, he knew that if he skipped this little habit of his, he would feel his day will be incomplete.

Incomplete… Somehow every time I saw her, my heart skipped a beat.

Standing beside Tezuka, Fuji took a deep breath. 'Hmm… the air smells nice…' commented Fuji to himself. Both Seigaku's Tennis players continued standing there, enjoying the peace and each others presence. After a while, Tezuka began to look down again. Searching…

Where is she?


Tezuka stood there silently studying her. Admiring her. He didn't realize how much he missed her. From her eyes to her lips… to her cheerfulness and innocence… Essentially, her basic existence warmed my heart. How he wished that he could hear her saccharine voice grace him with its presence.

My angel…

Sometimes, I felt angry at myself. If I love her this much, shouldn't I need to confess to her? If I craved for her this much, shouldn't I be there beside her where I could hold her… kiss her… tell her how much I longed for her…? I wanted her to know… I needed her in my life… But why am I hesitating?

After a while, Tezuka took a deep breath. He felt satisfied now and ready to head home. 'Fuji, I think it is time to go home', Tezuka said politely to Fuji. He didn't wait for Fuji's reply and walked towards the door heading to downstairs. He paused as he reached the door. 'You are staying here?'

Taking one last look at a particular classroom of the school's building opposite to them, Fuji followed the Seigaku's Captain. 'Interesting', the tensai whispered to himself.