Chapter 14

Bella's POV

I could hear my husband and family calling me and as hard as I fought my way back to them I couldn't. It felt like forever. All I could hear was my families worried mumbles but there was no way for me to answer. I felt like I was in a deep pit, no light, no way out.

My mind traveled elsewhere. To all of the horrible possibilities To a place where everything felt to real yet I knew that it couldn't be. I was safe for a while inside my mind. Nothing could get me there. Or so I thought.

I was suddenly at Charlie's house. Although I couldn't feel it my feet where moving me up the stairs of my old home. It was eerie, everything was so quiet. Like those old movies where it shows a ghost town, except without the creepy music and tumbleweeds.

No just silence.

My hand reached out to open the door. The knob was slimy and cold. I looked down to see what it was.


It was everywhere. The rusty smell that always caused me to faint reached my nose.

It was all I could smell.

I looked around at the porch, wet. Not all blood. There was something else too.

It felt as if someone had pulled a blind closed on rainy Forks. Making everything dark. I was scared. Scared of what I would find when I opened the door.

My glance wandered over to mikes house. I saw myself standing there with my hand on his door knob too. It was me yet when I was little.

A sense of dread filled my stomach. I looked at the little girl. Years ago when I was tiny my worst fear was that I would come home from playing at a friends house and walk in on my family dead. My parents always said it was because of the shows they watched back then. But I always knew that it could happen. It terrified me.

I or she was looking back at me. She looked scared. We turned back to our door that was now slightly ajar. Pushing it open further I squinted my eyes shut, not yet wanting to see.

I heard a noise to my right. From the kitchen.

I barley opened my eyes.

"Surprise!!" a bunch of people yelled.

and then. " Oh, no its okay. Its just Bella. Hurry get in here while we wait for Charlie." Alice said to everyone and then me.

Charlie walked through the door.

Surprises filled the room once again. There was then music and laughter in the living room.

I saw Alice come in and pick up the candles next to the sink. She lit them all and placed them on the cake. Her hands flickered a few inches over the flames. High enough that she wouldn't burn herself yet close so she would feel the warmth.

Her eyes closed, I thought she was having a vision but then realized she was revealing in the warmth. She picked up the cake and headed towards the living room singing "Happy birthday." with a smile on her face.

I started to follow her but some how found myself outside in the same position as before. My hand on the door, my foot partially in.

Again I glanced to my right hoping I wouldn't see the little girl who looked like me.

I didn't.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding.

I pushed the door open once again but this time wasn't greeted with surprises or laughter and music.

Just nothingness again.

The smell was back

I pressured myself to go into the living room. That nothing could happen, none of this was truly real.

A pain shot through me. My heart felt like it had been ripped in tow.

In my living room that once held so many memories of love and life was now filled with death and despair.

Mike, Jessica, Angela, Ben, Their families.


Each drained of blood.

My stomach rose to my throat when I saw my whole family in shreds.

My Edward in pieces.

But what hurt slightly more was seeing my dad. My father Charlie dead. With marks like mine, all over his body.

Laughing, thats what filled the room now.

It wasn't joyous. It was pure evil.

I looked up from everything. There stood Marcus, Caius, Jane, and one other that I had never seen before.

"Isabella, meet Adam." I looked at the strange man.

"Bella," He started.

Tears were flowing down my face. I felt like I was going to throw up everything.


"Nonsense, Mrs. Cullen then. You see, your future powers are very important to us. We need you. I have the power of showing you what will happen if you don't cooperate with us." He looked at me with a smart ass smirk.

I hated this man.

"It would be such a shame to kill so many yet it would last us a long time. Such a lovely meal as a bonus." He smiled.

"We'll see you in a week Bella. Choose wisely." Jane sneered.

Everything around me vanished. I started to scream. I just wanted to go home.

I wanted out so bad.

"NO! Let them still be Alive." I screeched. "Don t let you all be dead." I opened my eyes.

Edward was holding me. Rocking me back and forth. He looked like he needed to hunt, that his eyes were showing his broken heart. I cant let this family, innocent lives die. I thought to myself.

Our whole family surrounded us looking at me.

I grabbed Edwards shirt and pulled him down to me.

"Help me! You have to help me save you all." I cried into his ear.

There was a gasp in the room.

There stood the evil people who put me through hell.

Not again.

Hey guys, Sorry i didnt update sooner my computer had a virus and crap so we had to get a new hard drive. it took forever to just find out what was wrong with it. So i am sorry but it wasnt really my fault it was my stupid computers fault. your allowed to blame it. lol

hope you guys enjoey this. its short but i think it works for what i want it too. i dont know when i will get another chapter up. soon i hope but my brother is coming home so i am not sure if i will be able to update for a while. dont be surprised if it is in a month or so. haha.

Thanks for reading although its short. probably my shortest yet but i wanted to get something out there for you. hope you like it.
