Title- What do I Want, part three
Pairing- Scott/Kurt
Archive- Ask, and ye shall recieve
Disclaimer- X-men is owned by the hard working men and women at Marvel comics, not yours truely
Notes- Well, I feel a little guilty about actually calling this an update, since the entire chapter is pretty much just Kitty and Scott duking it out verbally. Still, you finally get to find out why Scott left Kurt, so at least there's that, right? Right? Don't worry, the next chapter will have tons and tons of slashy goodness... between Wolverine and Xavier. I'm kidding! Although you gotta admit, they are pretty slashy on the show. =P Also, I should probably tell everyone that the next chapter is the last one in the story. After that, it's hunt the typo time and renaming of the 'title'. Obviously, I can't tell you everything about the ending (espially since I haven't written it yet), but hopefully, you will find it satisfactory. This chapter is dedicated to all my wonderful, wonderful readers for keeping me wanting to write this thing, and the kind folks at peterdavid.net and moviepoopshoot.com for re-inspiring me whenever I couldn't think of what to write next.

I cast a half-hearted glance at the page of dark scribbles that was supposed to be my math homework. Rubbing the back of my neck, I tried to focus on the work at hand, or anything else that wouldn't lead me right back to Kurt. Not that I wasn't tempted. All I really wanted that moment was to hunt him down, hold him again, and keep holding him until nothing else in the world mattered to me anymore. But I couldn't. It wouldn't be fair to him. Never mind if it was fair to me.

"Hey, did you know that your door's locked?" Kitty Pyrde grinned at me brightly, and then scrunched up her nose at one of the posters on my wall. "Ew, I can't believe you of all people like that excuse for a band. "But hey," she said lightly as she flopped dramatically onto my bed, "I didn't come here to tell you have no taste in music. I came here to knock some sense into you."

Frustrated as hell, but keeping it well hidden, I turned back to the mess of books and notes on my desk. "Look, Kitty, I appreciate your butting into my affairs, but I'm afraid I don't really have any free time right now."

"I do."

"How much?"

"As much as I need to get you to stop acting like a jerk."

"Well then," I muttered as I flipped through my Chemistry text, "I hope you brought a snack."

Neither of us spoke for awhile, but the room was anything but silent. I could hear Kitty slapping her knees, tapping her foot impatiently, sighing huffily... and then starting the cycle all over again. When she finally thought of something to say, her tone was much less cheerful then it had been.

"I thought you were in love with him, Scott."

It took every bit of restraint I had not to grab her by the collar. I turned around sharply in my chair to look her in the eye. "So you got him to tell you everything, is that it?"

I guess my glare wasn't as cold as I thought, because Kitty didn't even flinch. "Kurt didn't tell me anything." she shot back. "I just happen to not be stupid. I've seen how you look at him. I've seen you practically smother him with worry any time he pulls some stunt. In fact," she intoned smugly as she rested her chin on her hands, "I'll bet you're so in love with him you, like, act all angsty and mopey whenever he's not in the room. But then again, that's the norm for you, isn't it?"

I rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the pain that had been growing ever since Kitty phased through the door. So much for my hidden passion staying hidden. "Okay, Kitty. I'll give. Let's say that I do care for Kurt Wagner in... a more then friendly way. That doesn't mean a relationship between us would actually work."

"Well, you're in love with him, right?"

I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair. "...Yes."

Kitty stroked her chin, looking amused and thoughtful at the same time. "And, it looked like he was starting to feel the same way, right?" She smiled sweetly. "Kurt did tell me about that part."

My entire body tensed up as I remembered how his lips had felt against mine. "Didn't I already tell you that it wouldn't work?"

"Will you please stop this angst fest of yours, Scott?" Kitty stood up, her face red with anger. "Look, you're usually a reasonable guy. You gotta realize that you have to give it a chance for it not to work!" She sat down again, pouting. "I don't get you sometimes."

My manner was brisk and business like as I spoke. "I already know that I'm not what Kurt needs. There's no need to drag it out unnecessarily."

The chill in her tone was unsettling, to say the least. "Well, since you seem to know what Kurt needs, would you mind sharing it with me?"

"Kurt wants to be normal. He needs to be with someone who can make him feel normal." Letting just a hint of the bitterness and resentment I had been harboring leak into my voice, I added, "Someone like you."

Kitty looked like she had just been slapped. She took a small breath before speaking again. "Okay, first off: walking through walls isn't really considered normal, in case you haven't heard. Second... maybe you ask Kurt what he thinks before you do what's best for him."

I gripped the arms of my chair weakly. "Kitty.... I couldn't. It'd be too painful."

Very gently, she put a hand on my shoulder. "Y'know, Scott... if you're willing to go though all this just because you think you don't deserve him, don't you think you should ask him first? If only to make sure you don't deserve him?"

Regaining my confidence somewhat, I grumbled, "Fine, fine! If only to get you to leave me alone." I drummed my fingers against my desk angrily. Looking angry was far more desirable to looking how I actually felt.

Kitty clapped her hands in glee, grinning from ear to ear. "Great, I'll go get Kurt, and---"

"Wait a second. 'Go get Kurt'? Didn't you come here by yourself?"

Kitty giggled nervously. "Yes and no."

"Do you mind telling me what's going on here, Kitty?"

Realizing she had been caught in the act, Kitty sighed, but told me everything. "I... told Kurt I'd go and try to find out what exactly your damage is. My words, not his." she added quickly. "It was my way of apologizing to him. I, uh, don't suppose I have to apologize to you now?

The corners of my lips tugged up a bit, feeling the weight that had been on my chest all morning finally beginning to give. "Well, seeing how you were the one to get me to stop brooding over what turned out to be my own fears, I'll let it slide. Just this once."

"Great!" Kitty looked very much relieved. "I'll go get him now. And don't you dare run off this time. Honestly, you had the chance to finally get some, and you act all noble and angsty and stuff." When she halfway through the wall, I could hear her mutter to herself, "Sometimes I think I'm the only sane one here."

As soon as she was gone, all the old fears settled back in. I tried to keep them subdued, reminding myself it would be better to get it over, then sitting hunched over my desk for the rest of my life.

I didn't hear the puff of smoke. I did, however, hear the unusually formal, "Good afternoon."

I glanced over my shoulder to see Kurt, arms folded and glaring at me mercilessly.

Oh, this'll go well.

More Notes- Yes, yes, I know, I suck. :) But remember, feedback is always, always apreciated. The fourth and last chapter will be out sometime next week.