It just wasn't his day. He had known it wasn't from the time he woke up. It was cold and rainy outside, and he had skipped skool. He sat on the couch, staring absentmindedly at the blank television screen.

It had been a lie.

All was deathly quiet in the odd glowing green house. Gir and Minimoose had gone downstairs to play, or in other words, demolish the place. And for once, Zim didn't care.

Nothing mattered.

The small Irken sat on the couch, hugging his knees, and staring off into the abyss. The dark screen taunted him, his old leader's words still echoing in his mind. They were painful, teasing, and hateful.

"You're nothing, Zim. You're not an invader. That stupid robot of yours is trash, literally. You were just too stupid to realize it. You are banished, and exiled. And there is no quitting this time, defect."

It had hurt.

Nothing like this had hurt the alien this deeply before. Nothing. Not even the rain sizzling his skin could describe this new pain he felt. He didn't know what was going on. He hadn't been injured; he was in perfect condition according to the computer; no cuts or scratches. But something was hurting him.

It was killing him.

The pain was unbearable. Zim felt the tears running down his cheeks in waterfalls. His insides were all knotted up and tense as he continued to cry. He couldn't stop, no matter how hard he tried. They came without his permission. They came either way. And it still hurt.

The pain…

Outside in the cold, cold storm, a solitary figure made its way through the slush. The rain had turned into sleet, and the sleet into snow. The blizzard was strong, strong enough to blind the sharpest of eyes.

The one person that was lost in this storm was predictable. Of coarse he was the only one out, that crazy boy. Why was he out in such horrid weather? Well, when it had been raining and skool let out, he stayed, saying that the storm would die down in a bit. His sister shrugged, marching out into the rain and onto the bus.

The storm didn't calm.

It raged.

And soon, Miss Bitters kicked him out so she could close the skool for today.

So here Dib was, lost in the freezing, wet, blizzard. His glasses had frost on them, and his buttoned up coat felt like a damp rag. He shivered, trying to see where he was going. He couldn't recognize anything around him. He had walked into buildings and fences a hundred times over already.

The he saw a light. One, solitary light stuck out in the white nothingness. It was barely recognizable among the snow. Dib struggled towards it. It was a beacon of hope, as he could see something that wasn't snow. A shadow, then…

His hopes fell.

He stood just in front of Zim's house, the wind trying to force him back. It was worth a shot, wasn't it? He was miserably cold, and though he now knew where he was, there would be no way he could get home in this weather.

Dib walked up to the door, desperately banging on it.


Zim had been sitting in silence for so long, that he flinched when the door banged. Someone wanted in. Zim's eyes were still glazed over.

"Computer, open the door, then shut it behind them." He ordered lazily, his thoughts still on the transmission.

As soon as the door opened, Dib stepped inside, shivering. The warm air of the house gratefully greeted him. As the door swung shut behind him, he noticed Zim, staring off into realms unknown. He frowned. He walked up to the alien.

Zim didn't take notice of Dib. Zim stared vaguely over the bigheaded one's shoulder, still looking at the blank screen. His eyes were wet and tearful.

Dib, however, was staring at Zim with pure shock. Zim was crying. Literally crying. "Zim?" Dib asked, cautiously taking a step forward.

Zim reacted at once.

The Irken recoiled, "What do you want!?" he hissed through a chocked sob. He had closed his eyes, refusing to look at his enemy. He was showing him a weakness, a weakness he didn't want.

Dib tilted his head, confused. "Why are you crying?" He replied, half wondering if he was actually concerned for an alien.

Zim shook his head. "They won't stop, even when Zim commands them to. They keep coming." He explained, unable to understand what was going on.

Dib sat down on the couch, slipping off his soaked trench coat and leaving it on the floor. "Have you been hurt? Who hurt you?" he demanded. In his minds eye, he was still wondering why he was even concerned. Maybe it was because he wanted to be the one that made Zim cry, and hated anyone else who did it? No…

Zim turned away from him, the pain inside unbearable. More tears flooded down his undisguised face. "They didn't hurt me. They told me the truth."

Dib's eyes widened. "What did they say to you, Zim?"

Zim paused, the warm liquid still being carried away by gravity. "They…they told me everything…I shouldn't even be here…Gir is nothing but…they…they called me a defect!" he let out a pitiful wail, curling his knees up tighter.

Dib, being the smart boy he was, was able to understand what was being said. He didn't know whether to be happy of sad. Mixed emotions erupted inside of him all at once, but the one that conquered all was concern.

"They didn't do anything…they just told me…and I hurt…computer says I'm fine…I…I don't know what's wrong with me…" Zim confessed for reasons unknown.

Dib understood. "Zim, do you know what emotions are?"

Zim nodded. "Yes…Anger, Madness, Hate, Determination, Stupidity, Desire, Envy, Happiness, Pleasure, Revenge…Pride…that is all there is. Every Irken knows that."

Dib shook his head. "No Zim, There is more than that. Way more. There is also Love, Sadness, Fright, Embarrassed, Shocked, Confusion, and way, way more."

Zim thought about this, his tears still falling. "Dib-stink, for once, your words makes sense to Zim." He replied.

"You are crying because all your pride was a lie. You're sad, Zim." Dib explained. "And you said they told you the truth? Well, sometimes the truth hurts. Not physically, but emotionally."

Zim stayed silent, Finally opening his ruby orbs. They were still wet, but a new look was in them, a look of wisdom, which had never crossed in them before. "Dib, one more thing. I'm one more thing." he began.

The blizzard outside was slowly calming. The snow still fell heavily, but one could see the town, the street, and the gray sky. The wind had ceased. There was a single opening in the sky, and a single ray of sunlight fell down upon the town.

"I'm scared."

I started this a school when I was really bored. If you hate it, please don't flame me about it. I kind of like it, in a way.

No, this is NOT a ZADR. Could be the start of friendship, but not anything more.

I don't know if I'll add on to this or keep it a one-shot. Depends if I get any inspiration, I guess.
