Goodbye Dumbledore, You'll always be remembered...

Kneise slowly, yet deliberately approaches the white tomb. She cannot see anything before her teary eyes save a silvery-white glimmering blur. It is poetic that this is her last image of such a great and powerful man, for if he had an aura of colour it would surely be of a silvery hue.

In her trembling hands is an indigo rose, a tiny drop of blood drips off one of its gently fragranced petals. She is oblivious that it is her blood, that as she clutches desperately to this fragile flower she has pierced her hands with its thorns.

She stops before the sepulcher. Deep within her heart an ancient burial song begins. Softly she begins to hum as the song permeates throughout her thin frame. She squeezes her eyes closed and begins to sway gently as she opens her mouth and the beautiful melody dances off her tongue. She sings to herself and Dumbledore's lifeless body only, her voice remains soft and light. The words are lost in the cloud of emotion and images that flood her confused and tired mind, images of the glimmer that never left the great Professors eyes, not even when he was angered, and of his laughter, and his solitary burdens. Scenes danced behind her closed eyelids, and she continued to sing. The song mixed into the pictures and she saw the finality of the moment.

She has not slept well for days, and now her grief gives her release of the things she had tried to bury deep within her. The last refrain falls from her lips as petals fall from the rose she held in her tightly clasped hands. She cannot see that she has ruined the once proud and beautiful rose. But if she could she would only think it fitting; for it is just as the man before her, once proud and wonderful, and now just a ruined shell.

Her head drops, and a wave of auburn hair cascades over her shoulders to drape like a curtain to cover her tears. She weeps openly until there are no more, and then she raises her head and turns eyes as cold and dark brown as the ground that the tomb lies upon. She wipes her tears away, and only succeeds in making her face look worse as she leaves a smear of blood across her cheek.

She is mindful only that something which had brought her comfort and reassurance has been taken from her, from them all. One last lone tear slips down her face cutting a path through the smear of red. She turns and slowly walks away from the desolate scene before her, the thought in her mind of one last Goodbye.