A/N: ok, so as you can see I haven't been writing a whole lot and I'm sorry

A/N: ok, so as you can see I haven't been writing a whole lot and I'm sorry. But now that I'm out for summer, for the next week or so I will be writing intensely so I will probably get a few more chapters done. Also I'm just letting you know now; I'm not going to actually write about the wedding. I'm going to leave that to Stephenie because…well this is her story not mine so I think she should be the one to do it. Although I might write about Bella's changing, but I'm not sure. So anyway I hope you like the last chapter, and I hope you will like this one. Byeas.


The wedding had been amazing, even though I didn't remember much of it. All I was really concentrating on was not tripping as I walked down the aisle. Not that Charlie would have let me trip anyway, its just that I didn't want to trip in the first place. But when I had actually gotten up to the alter, all I could think about was Edward, I don't even know if I said all the right the words but from what I could tell no one laughed at me at any point during the ceremony.

The reception had been pretty good too…I think. Oh what was I kidding myself I didn't really remember anything but Edward. Edward, Edward, Edward. He was the only thing running through my head. He was my husband now! Finally!

That night I had been so exhausted I had just climbed into our bed and fallen asleep. We had talked for hours about what had happened in the past two years, everything that had happened today, and what would happen in the future. Edward said that he would change me as soon as he could but that we had to act normal for right now and then move away after a while so everyone could see that we were really married and loved each other as much as we claimed. If they only knew the half of it!

Edward had said that Jacob had been at the wedding. He also said that when Jacob had spoken to him it had been to apologize for everything that had happened. That really touched me that Jacob would come to my wedding. That he would he would also apologize also moved me. But I was still hurt that he hadn't talked to me, or even let me know he was there. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew he was right, if he had let me know I wouldn't have wanted him to go. And he would also probably be fighting the urge to abduct me on the spot again. He was always concerned for my welfare.

"Bella? Are you awake?" Edward asked softly at my ear. Had he actually stayed the whole night with me? He was usually not there when I awoke in the mornings. Normally he was downstairs with the rest of the family.

"Hmm," I answered still groggy from just waking up.

"Come on sleeping beauty, get up," I groaned but slowly complied.

"Do I have to…?" I complained.

"Yes," he beamed at me. "you do,"

"Fine," I groaned. "But I'm letting you know now that I do not appreciate this dictating. Don't make a habit of it." I put a finger to his chest and smiled.

"Just come on," he smiled again. Oh lord what was he up to?

I got off the bed and went to put on some clothes over my tank and shorts that I had slept in. I quickly found a t-shirt and jeans and pulled them on. I was really going to have to think about getting all of my stuff over here. I was going to run out of clothes quick. Wait, never mind Alice would just buy more thinking I still didn't have enough.

Edward grabbed my hand as soon as I was dressed and dragged me out of the room and down the stairs. I barely got to say hello to Alice and Jasper before Edward pulled me out the backdoor.

The grass was wet from the morning dew. It was still early in the morning so the birds were still singing, very loudly, and annoyingly. My jeans were getting wet from the wet ground. Why hadn't I thought to put on shoes? Oh yea Edward hadn't let me.

When we got to the woods behind house he finally took pity on me and picked me up. He didn't run though which confused me. He walked for a few minutes and then stopped and set me down turning me to him.

"Close your eyes," he ordered. I frowned at him in confusion but he merely smiled at me and shook his head repeating himself. I sighed and obeyed knowing that if I didn't he would make me.

He grabbed my hand again and pulled me forward. I walked slowly not trusting myself not to fall. Edward pulled me closer to him and grabbed my waist when he felt my reluctance to walk with my eyes closed and whispered in my ear.

"Its ok Bella, I got you. Now don't peek," the last was spoken in laughter.

We walked only about twenty feet when he stopped.

"Ok Bella, open your eyes." I did and immediately my jaw dropped at what I saw in front of me.

It was a two story house. Well it looked more like a cottage with the stone sides and wide windows. I instantly fell in love though. It looked cozy. I turned to Edward and threw myself at him.

"Ours?" I breathed.

"Ours," he answered smiling like a maniac at me. "You like it?"

I nodded but answered vocally just to get the point across. "I love it,"

I ran up to it and inside. I immediately came into the living room. The kitchen wasn't far away. Not that we would really use it that much. I ran up the stairs and found three spacious rooms; it saddened me that we would only need one since we would never have children. Every thing in the house was a strange assortment of colors. Nothing matched. I noticed there was nothing electronic. It looked like something straight out of the 1880's. There was no phone, no t v, and no computer, nothing modern. Even the stove was and old 1800 are stove.

"Edward, when was this house built?" I asked at seeing the old wooden furniture that looked like antiques.

"To tell you the truth, love, I don't know. I found it out here only a few weeks ago. Then I went and got papers on it. The company said this house had no record so it was very easy to buy it. And cheep," he said at my face at the word buy. He knew how much I hated it when they bought me anything. His family, my family, I corrected myself gladly. I was so happy to finally call Alice a sister and Esme a mother and Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper brothers and sisters, and Carlisle a father. It made me feel like I had been a part of this family all along.

"Maybe we should find out," I mumbled at the thought about what someone would say when he came home and found someone had bought his home.

"Bella no one has lived here in at least three years. We would have known about it. The only way in that you can get a car down here it through our driveway and only our family and you have been here in three years. No one lives here Bella."

"Still," I mumbled.

He shook his head at me.

"Well I'm happy you like it Bella, so now would you like to back to the house and get something to eat?" I nodded my head and we walked back to the house hand in hand.

"He bought you a what?" Charlie asked later that night when I had ran over for some clothes.

"A house." I stated simply. Charlie apparently needed simple words for this.

"But…but, why?" Charlie's face was one of confusion.

"So we don't have to live with the family for our remaining time here. So we can be alone Charlie." He blushed at the mention of me and Edward alone. If only he knew how impossible it was for me and Edward to actually "do" anything he wouldn't be blushing he would be jumping up and down with pure joy. Well maybe now that he knew about Edward being a vampire, now was the time to tell him.

"Charlie I have to tell you something, about Edward being…what he is. We can't…do anything Charlie." His face only became more confused. I was going to have to be more direct. "Charlie, Edward and I can't have sex." Well at least he comprehended now. Well for a moment. His face of confusion came right back and looked worse than before.


I sighed then dove right in. "one thing about vampires, Charlie and I don't know if you know about this yet, is they're strength. They have amazing strength." I paused to catch my breath. "Charlie do you remember our first date? When Edward and I went to play baseball with his family?" Charlie nodded his head. "Well, the reason why we went because it was lightening and thundering was because when they hit the ball it literally sounds like thunder." I paused again wondering how much I should say. I really shouldn't keep anything else from Charlie; he should know the whole truth. But what if he didn't like the truth? Well, he'll just have to deal with it. Edward and I are married now and there is nothing he can do about that. And there is nothing he can say or does that will keep us apart. "Charlie not all vampires are good like the Cullen's."

Charlie took a sharp intake of breath when he caught my meaning. I put my head down and stared at the floor. "What do mean "isn't good?""

"Really the Cullen's are one in a kind. There is only one other vampire family that they know that doesn't hunt on…humans." Charlie's mouth dropped open but I knew I had to continue. "Alice is psychic dad. She knew that other vampires would be crossing this region, but she didn't know that they would hear the game and come. By the way that's another thing about vampires, they are super fast. That's why they have such fast cars. Edward used to scare the crap out of me when he would drive over a hundred."

"What do you mean over a hundred?" Charlie became red in the face.

"Dad its ok. Vampires have much better senses than we do. Dad they're used to going fast. You should see Edward run, that's scary enough not to mention when I'm with him and he's running he's usually carrying me. I used to be afraid of hitting trees. I was actually stupid enough to think Edward would let me hit a tree." I shook my head and silently laughed at myself.

"Anyway," I got right back on track. "There were three vampires, all with red eyes, that are how we knew they were not like the Cullen's. There was James, Laurent, and…Victoria." I had to force the name out. Just thinking about her gave me chills. Charlie saw my hesitation and surprisingly guessed right.

"So Victoria wanted to kill you?"

"Well…not at the time. First it was James. That was the real reason I was in the hospital. James had cornered me in Phoenix and bit me. So I'm not really looking forward to the pain, but-"

"What pain?"

"The pain of becoming a vampire. I almost became one that night. Edward saved me." that confused look was starting too become permanent on Charlie's face. "When James's venom went into my wrist I started becoming a vampire but Edward sucked the venom out. Dad you have to realize that no one's blood calls to Edward like mine does. The Italians call me his "singer" because my blood sings to him. When he first met me it was all he could do not to kill me. And he's come close to it but he knew what his life would be like without me through Alice's eyes and that was the only thing keeping me alive. Edward saved my life but, at the time I wished he hadn't. At that point Charlie I was so deeply in love with him that I had been begging Carlisle to change me. Carlisle has the most control you see because he works around blood everyday. It took him a long time to gain that kind of self control. Three hundred years. Yes Charlie, Carlisle is over 360 years old. Vampires live forever. They are eternally the age they were when they were changed.

"Stop getting me off track Charlie," I smiled at him. The look on his face was priceless.

I continued to talk giving every detail I was willing to about Edward and I, and the Cullen's. I didn't run out of words until about 8:00 that night. It amazed me that I had been talking for over four hours, but at least Charlie knew everything.

I could see he needed time to think so I, tactfully mumbled something about grabbing clothes, then I went up to my room grabbed anything I saw and headed out the door ten minutes later with about half of my wardrobe in my arms. I said a quick goodbye to Charlie then left the house quickly.

I found everyone at the house playing a silent game of monopoly. Apparently the game had started when I had left and they were just bidding they're time until I got back. I explained to everyone about what all I had told Charlie and they all seemed very happy with my decision to let him know the whole truth.

Edward excused himself and led me into his room a few minutes later. Carlisle had come home so he filled in for Edward and everyone went back to playing the game that could quite possibly go on until the next day, most likely with Alice as the victor. She never tried to use her powers to win; she just couldn't help herself most of the time.

Edward walked over to the stereo. I had only just recently found the courage to press the play button but I would have nothing more to do with it for fear that I would break it.

He turned on some very soft music and set the volume very low so it was really just a beautiful noise in the background.

"What's with the slow music?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"Cant I woo my wife?" he asked with an innocent smile on his face.

"Woo your wife how?" I replied devilishly.

"Oh, the usual. Soft music, low lighting…no clothes." I took a deep breath at those words. Could he really be implying what I hoped he was? "Just me and you. No interruptions. I'm keeping my end of the deal Bella."

I patted the seat beside me beckoning for him to come sit by me. He complied without hesitation.

The second he sat down I scooted over into his lap.

"It was never a deal Edward," I whispered into his ear. "This is enough for me."

"No Bella," he replied huskily. "You're not the only one who wants this, or have you forgotten?" the nod of my head told him that I certainly hadn't forgotten. As a matter of fact the last time we were in a situation like this he had called me seductress, and a creature that should have never been made as tempting as me. Of course I had never believed a word of it. I wasn't delirious after all; I knew that next to a vampire I looked like a rag doll. It had always amazed me that he thought I was beautiful when he could easily have had some other vampire instead of a klutzy human.

"I haven't forgotten," I replied shakily.

"Good," was all he said then he turned and pulled me towards the bed. I followed him eagerly and yet still hesitant that he would change his mind. I really hoped he wouldn't.

As we inched towards the bed Edward began taking off my clothes, first my jacket, then my jeans, then my shirt. Before I knew it he already had me half naked, and we hadn't even reached the bed yet! His tantalizing kisses were keeping me much too occupied. Every once in a while he would thrust his tongue so deeply into my mouth, then suck mine back into his that I would be left panting for air by the time this kiss was broken and I could breath again. But seriously who needed to breathe?

Since I was already half naked I decided he should be too, so I started stripping him. He tried to help but I moved his hands away telling him I could do it myself. And I did. I wouldn't let him break our kisses for anything so when he was equally half naked as I was I decided then would be the best time to move to the bed.

We literally fell onto it, but I never noticed with the strong arms around me. They absorbed all the shock of the fall and then quickly pulled me to the middle of the bed.

I had always wondered what it would be like to make love to Edward. Well it looked like I was finally getting my wish. And I was so happy I was floating on a cloud.