A/N: I randomly got intot he Christmas Spirit today, and decided to write this. It'll probably end up being like a five chapter thing, and that's it. Tell me if you like it. The whole thing will be in Bella's POV, so don't get confused. I hope you enjoy it, and I promise it will get more Christmas and wintry within the next chapters, even if you don't think this one is...

Going Home

I was elated. Today was December 21st, the first day of our winter break from college. Not only that, it was mine and Edward's first Christmas together, a spectacular thing and of itself.

We had somehow ended up going to Dartmouth for a semester before my being changed. I don't know how he managed to do this to me; how he managed to dazzle me into submission and going to college. I guess that was how. His dazzling eyes, breathtaking smell, and god-like appearance took me off guard as it always did.

Edward had decided to go into architecture for a semester to see just how he'd like it; it was also one of the very few things he hadn't already graduated in. I started taking a lot of my needed GED's as well as a few extra English Literature type classes. I didn't know w hat I would major in quite yet, but I figured that for as much as I read and wrote, I may as well take more English classes and get credit for what I did on a regular basis.

Even though we were on the other side of the country in Massachusetts, Carlisle and Esme were flying us back to Forks for the Christmas season. I was excited to go, and yet at the same time I wasn't happy about how much money they had spent on the plane tickets. But I guess what was there's was mine now. After all Edward and I had been married for the past six months.

Yes, I was no longer Isabella Marie Swan, but Isabella Marie Swan Cullen. I loved the way that sounded. Bella Cullen. I couldn't help but smile every time I heard it spoken aloud. It was just such a relief for me to hear those names together now, when there was a time in my life when I wasn't so sure it would ever happen.

I sighed in remembrance of the past. I felt a twitch in my lips as I stared out the window of the airplane to gaze down upon Seattle. I was finally almost home, almost able to see Charlie for what could possibly be the last time ever.

I began to become a little tense at that thought. My nerves always seemed to get the best of me when I was thinking about me being turned. Edward still wasn't very happy about it, but was willing to do it now that he got what he wanted; his ring on my finger. I glanced down at the ring subconsciously and sighed again. Slowly Edward's hand came into view and wound its fingers between mine. I shivered involuntarily as he brought the back of my hand up to his lips.

"Everything will be fine, my love," he cooed. I looked over at him and gave a small smile.

"I know, Edward. It's just I'm feeling so many things at once at the same time. I don't know what to do," I said defeated. I wanted to go home, I wanted to see Charlie, Esme, Carlisle and the rest of the Cullen siblings, but at the same time, I didn't want to have to say goodbye. Goodbye to everything, and everyone I ever knew in my human life.

Edward seemed to understand what I was talking about. He probably understood more than I'd ever like to admit. He knew as well as I did that those people weren't the only ones I wished I didn't have to say goodbye to. I still hadn't completely healed from an incident concerning a certain little werewolf.

"Bella, you can still—"

"No! I cannot! Don't even suggest it again. I have your ring on my finger, not his!"

"Bella, I wasn't going to say that," he said softly, looking me in the eyes. I looked down slightly embarrassed. Somehow I always managed to make myself look like a fool when I jumped to conclusions. They always seemed to be wrong.

"As I was saying, if you'd like, you can go see him. Go wish him a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. I think it'd be good for you," he added with slight reluctance somewhat hidden within his voice.

My face dropped when he suggested this. I couldn't put him through that. He'd be worried about me all day, not to mention how I'd hurt him physically, emotionally, by spending the day with someone I know I also love. As much as I may have wanted to do just that, I wasn't going to allow myself to do so.

"Edward, I can't. I can't it just," I couldn't think of a good argument that he would understand and go along with. He would just say to disregard his feelings in the matter and go with what I thought was best. That would just get me cornered.

I felt his hand underneath my chin as he pulled my eyes upwards to look into his. They were molten topaz, burning into me.

"Bella, you need to see Jacob," he told me as I winced. I tried not to think about him when at all possible. He knew we didn't say his name out loud.

"I need you to be completely sure," he continued. "Maybe by seeing him, that small part of your heart will heal itself. Maybe by knowing just how well he's doing, you'll be put at peace with yourself. I need to be able to love you, wholly, completely. Not just a part of you, but all of you."

I couldn't take my eyes away from him as he continued to speak to me. I knew somewhere inside that he was right, but I didn't want to have to go see him. I was sure it would hurt more than heal.

I closed my eyes and ducked my head slightly. Leaning into his shoulder I breathed in his heady scent before whispering, "Okay, I'll see him. Maybe you're right." I looked up at him again from against his chest. "I love you. I'll always love you more."

He smiled down in understanding. "I know you do. And I love you." He stood up swiftly then and my eyes narrowed up at him. He began to chuckle softly as he got our carry-on baggage out form above.

"We've landed," he snickered as he reached his hand for me to help me up. I blushed furiously and walked out into the aisle with him. He kept a firm hold on my hand as well as both our carry-ons, making sure that I would fall flat on my face and get trampled by all the people unloading from the plane.

We managed to make it off the plane and out of the Port Angeles airport with no major accidents on my part; I did trip once walking onto the elevator however.

As we were driving down the one-oh-one at an alarmingly fast rate, I forced myself to look back in the car instead of the trees outside whisking past. My thoughts turned inward as the silence between us grew; we hadn't said a word to each other since my last fall.

It wasn't that it was an uncomfortable silence, but it seemed to be a nervous one. I was scared to see Charlie, along with the rest of the Cullen's. And not only that, but knowing now that I would be going to see Jacob in a few days, I was worrying about that as well.

It was as though Edward could feel the tension in the atmosphere and he reached his hand over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I sighed as I felt my cheek turn cold from being on his stone chest.

"They're all excited to see us, Charlie especially," he whispered into my hair. "I can hear them all now. We're only about ten minutes from home."

I leaned my head back slightly and stretched my neck to place my lips on his collar bone, kissing lightly. I began kissing up his neck and he leaned his head back to elongate his neck, but still keeping his eyes firmly on the road. As I reached his ear he pulled away slightly, letting me know that I was now becoming a major distraction for him. I grinned against his neck before going back to my place leaned against his shoulder.

"You drive me crazy." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well that's your own fault you know," I stated matter-of-factly.

He chuckled at my tone. "We're trying, you know that. We've gone farther than we ever thought possible before."

"Loads of good it's done us," I mumbled to myself as he laughed again.

"Not only that," I continued, "I already did my end of the compromise," I told him, lifting up my left hand. He sighed and kissed my head softly.

"I know. Bella I know. I want to, you don't understand how bad I want to do just that, but I'm not quite ready yet. At least it's not all bad right? Even if I can't sleep with you?"

I nuzzled my head into his chest. "Yeah, it is." And then I groaned in remembrance. The house would be full of vampires for the next two weeks; we couldn't do anything, no practicing during that time. I crinkled my nose.

Edward looked warily down at me. "What is it?" he asked concerned.

My face turned three shades darker of red. He grinned. "Oh," he said in understanding. "That."

I nodded slightly, still embarrassed. "Yes, that. That's two weeks of nothing Edward! Ugh! What are we going to do?"

"You know they'd understand if—"

"No. No way. We are not doing anything with them even near the house," I told him. "There's no way that that is going to happen. Unless they plan on going hunting—"

"That could be arranged," he said, his voice turning husky. I had to start concentrating on my breathing. I couldn't figure out how I felt about that voice he used; it was like a love hate relationship. I loved the way it sounded, and cursed it when we weren't going to be alone.

He leaned his head down as he pulled my lips up to his. He kissed the fervently at first, but within seconds they became much more demanding. One hand reached around my face and got tangled up in my hair as the other slid down my side and rested on the small of my back. Both of my hands were firmly placed on his face, pulling him to me. Just before my awareness completely left me, I remembered he was still driving. I pulled back suddenly and looked around outside. He stared at me in alarm.

"What is it?" he asked breathlessly.

I blinked a few times as I gasped for breath. We were parked, completely stopped. "I thought, well I thought we were still driving so I—"

His lips were pressed firmly against mine in an instant and I started to get wrapped up in his heady scent once again. Then I remembered where we were. I yanked my face back away from his once again. He groaned at me.

"Bella," he complained, trying to pull me closer to him again. I put my hand over my mouth.

"No. I will not do this, for one, in your father's Mercedes, and for two, when your family and," I looked out the window to see the cruiser parked, "my dad are inside that house. Have you gone mad?" I questioned him.

He groaned again before giving me a quick kiss. "Alright. But they will go on a hunting trip," he promised. I grinned back him before kissing his cheek sweetly.

"I can't wait," I whispered to him.

He opened up the door then and pulled me out with him. His arm snaked around my waist as we started to make our way down the pathway to the front door of his old house.

The house was completely decked out. There were lights everywhere, along every part of the roof, on a good portion of the trees surrounding the house, and the little mechanical light up deer. Santa's sleigh was parked on the grass, and there were deer there as well with snow all around on the ground and throughout the branches of the trees and atop the roof. There were colored lights, white lights, flashing lights; the whole works. I didn't even want to know how much they had spent on electricity costs alone for just one day with this stuff.

I couldn't help but stare though. It was all so breathtaking. It was as though a master had put all the lights up and set them perfectly to make sure they glowed just the right amount. I wondered how many people had ever seen this masterpiece.

Edward laughed at my awed expression and I gave him a playful slap on the shoulder. "Hey, it's not my fault I've never seen something so magnificent! Who did this anyway?"

"It was Carlisle. He does this every year. Incredible isn't it?"

"Incredible doesn't even begin to cover it," I mused.

We continued walking toward the door and I could feel the ground beneath me start to come crashing toward my face. Edward caught me just in time and I looked down at where my feet were placed. Black ice.

My face brightened again and Edward just chuckled as he brushed his thumb across my cheekbone.

"So beautiful," he whispered.

Before we had even stepped onto the porch Alice was screaming and shouting, jumping around everywhere. She ran straight at me and grabbed me into a death grip. I couldn't help but grin as she did so. It had been probably two or three months since I had seen my black pixie haired short vampire friend. I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed her. At least I wouldn't have to let her go once I was turned, I thought.

"Bella! Oh my I've missed you so much! You don't realize! It has been so boring not having anyone that I can dress up! I wish you were still around," she pouted to me.

"I've missed you too Alice. When are you coming back out to Dartmouth to visit us anyways? It's been at least two months," I reprimanded her.

She looked down, as if embarrassed. "Well, I know but, Jasper and I got really busy, and then things just got in the way," she mumbled.

I gave her another hug. "I'm only joking Alice, but really you do need to come back sometime. I've missed your company. Your brother can be a pain sometimes."

I could see Edward look down at me shocked from the corner of my eye. Let him think what he would of that.

Alice ran back up the porch steps and into the house screaming. "Hey everybody! Bella and Edward have finally made it!"

Edward and I followed her up the stairs and stepped into the doorway. Alice turned around to us grinning then looking up slightly. My eyes followed hers and my cheeks flushed red.

Edward smiled down at me as he brushed his hand to my reddened cheek. "Mistletoe," he whispered huskily again as the arm that was twisted around my waist pulled me closer and the hand on my face brought my lips to his.

I could feel myself starting to get lightheaded before our lips even touched and when they did I heard a wild gasp come from me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him ever closer.

I thought I had heard footsteps in the background, but I was too preoccupied to know for sure. And then the voice startled me and shook me back to reality.

"Bella!" it cried.

I twisted my neck around to see my mother and Phil gathered around us with the rest of them. They all had a small smile on their face with the exception of Renee who looked as though she was going to die of shock at the way her daughter was acting.

I blushed more furiously than I had all night.