Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter character in this story, except for Elladora, who is my own creation.

The Darkness Within

Chapter One

'Elladora, welcome,' Albus Dumbledore said smiling kindly as he shook her hand. 'Thank you, headmaster, I'm extremely grateful you're allowing me to attend here,' she said. The way Elladora spoke seemed gloomy, but that's not really how she felt inside.

'You should have written to me earlier,' Dumbledore said to her still smiling. Elladora managed to faintly smile back but didn't say anything. She had thought about writing to Hogwarts before but she wasn't sure if she could handle yet another rejection. She had heard that a werewolf had taught here but her situation would be more difficult to manage and hide.

Dumbledore took an old looking witches hat off a shelf and walked over to Elladora. 'You need to be sorted into a house,' he said before completely approaching her. Elladora nodded her consent, she hated to be close to people and she hated being touched.

Elladora sat down and relaxed a little, she didn't sense any harm from Dumbledore. She felt him gently place the hat on her head. Suddenly she thought she could hear a voice from the hat talking in to her ear.

'Never have I met one like you before, different you are, very unique, very clever. I feel the darkness within you; it burns like a flame that wants to die. I sense you want to prove yourself to everyone around you, I feel your intelligent nature, the bravery that's buried deep inside your soul. I believe you would have success in all houses, but I think you would be more inclined to GRYFFINDOR.'

Dumbledore smiled, Elladora thought he seemed surprised though. Elladora considered Dumbledore. He was tall, thin and had brilliant blue eyes and a long grey beard and hair. Elladora thought he seemed like a wizard in Muggle writings and movies. Elladora hadn't seen many, because the man who raised her didn't approve of Muggles.

He took the hat off her head and placed it back on the shelf. He then walked over to his desk and sat down and waited. 'Please forgive me, I am waiting for someone,' he said.

Elladora looked at the door then back at Dumbledore, 'Who are we waiting for?' she asked. Dumbledore kept his gaze on the back of his office door, 'I have invited someone here to meet you.'

'Are there other vampires here?' Elladora asked. Dumbledore shook his head, 'No. Hogwarts has never allowed vampires to attend here, but I'm not like everyone else,' he said smiling at her faintly, a twinkle in his bright blue eyes. Elladora did not return it this time.

'Our guest is someone you may be able to relate to in some way.' There was a firm knock at the door, 'Please come in,' Dumbledore said clearly to the door. As the door started to open noiselessly Elladora felt like she could smell something that wasn't entirely human.

A thin man wearing shabby robes entered the room; the man's eyes immediately went to Elladora. Elladora felt extremely uncomfortable, she hissed slightly as the man walked in and closed the door behind him. Elladora stood up quickly and walked over to the other side of the room, away from the man. She couldn't stand the smell.

'Professor Lupin, I would like you to meet a new sixth year student, Elladora Black.' Lupin took a step towards Elladora but she hissed again, her fangs now showing. 'Please, don't come any closer, I can't abide it, I don't have any trust for werewolves,' she said shakily.

Lupin nodded his head understandingly and moved back a little. 'Professor Lupin will be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and by your re-action I'm sure you're aware that Professor Lupin is a werewolf,' Dumbledore said gently.

Elladora just nodded as she listened to Dumbledore but she couldn't take her eyes off Lupin. 'You have nothing to fear from Professor Lupin. He has nothing against vampires; he is a very kind man.'

Elladora took a moment to steady her breathing, 'I'm sorry Professor Lupin, but I've had some bad experiences with a werewolf,' she said slowly. 'It's alright,' Lupin said gently.

Dumbledore stood up from his desk and walked over to another shelf. He picked up a gold, goblet shaped bottle. He approached Elladora cautiously and handed her the bottle. Elladora finally took her eyes off Lupin and studied the bottle for a moment then she looked back at Dumbledore, 'What is it?' she asked curiously.

Dumbledore walked back to his desk and sat down, 'It's a special bottle just for you to drink from. It contains human blood and when it's empty it will replenish itself.' Elladora smiled slightly as she looked it over, she thought it was the best thing anyone had ever given her, 'Thank you, it means a lot to me.' Elladora quickly put her gaze back upon Lupin. He had walked to the other side of Dumbledore's office.

'And it will come in handy I think, for we can't have you biting and feeding on students,' Dumbledore said looking at Elladora. 'Will everyone be told about me?' she asked. Dumbledore shook his head, 'No, not just yet. But I think it will be extremely difficult for you to hide what you are, and I'm not saying you should try to, but if worse comes to worse then everyone will have to be aware. I'm sure many parents will be upset, but you don't need to worry, I believe that you will not harm anyone. I will fight for you to stay here if I need to, and you will have Professor Lupin looking out for you as he is the only person in the school which you cannot harm.'

After he finished talking Elladora said nothing, 'Do you have any questions?' Dumbledore asked. Elladora looked at Dumbledore again, taking her eyes off Lupin, 'No, not really. What happens now though?' she asked. 'Well you can join the feast in the Great Hall or you can visit your dormitory,' Dumbledore said. Elladora thought for a moment but it didn't take her long to decide.

'I would rather go to my dormitory as I don't eat food,' Elladora said shortly. Dumbledore smiled, 'Very well,' Dumbledore looked over at Lupin, 'and I'm sure Professor Lupin wouldn't mind walking you there.' Lupin step forward warily, 'I don't mind at all, unless you do,' he said indicating to Elladora. 'No, I don't mind,' she said looking at Lupin.

She stood up and nodded towards Dumbledore, 'Thank you again headmaster and goodnight.'

'Goodnight, Miss Black.'

Professor Lupin walked over to the door and waited for Elladora, she walked over slowly, 'After you,' Lupin said politely. Elladora shook her head, 'No, I would prefer it if you walked in front of me,' she said distrustfully. Lupin smiled faintly, 'If you wish.' Professor Lupin walked out of the room and Elladora followed.

As they walked to their destination nothing was said between them. Elladora walked behind him, while never taking her eyes off his back. Elladora contemplated Lupin while they were walking. He didn't strike her as a normal werewolf, if there was such a thing. Elladora had met werewolves before, but not one who was quiet, composed and respectful. Elladora wondered if Lupin knew many other werewolves and that maybe he seems this way because he spends all his time around humans.

On the seventh floor they came to a large portrait of a large lady in pink. When they approached she turned to them, 'Password?' she asked. Lupin smiled at the portrait politely, 'Godric's sword,' Lupin said clearly.

When they walked into the common room Elladora looked around. The room was decorated with a lot of red. The sofas, the armchairs, the carpet and the curtains were all a red colour. She walked over to where Lupin was standing near the bottom of a staircase. Lupin pointed up one side of the stairs, 'The girl's dormitory is up there. You'll come to the door where it will say sixth year girls, enter that one,' he said slowly.

Elladora nodded as Lupin spoke but she said nothing. Lupin smiled faintly at her again and walked back towards the portrait hole. 'Professor Lupin?' Elladora said. Lupin turned back and looked at Elladora, 'Thank you,' she said softly. Lupin nodded slightly and left.

Elladora sighed and looked up the stairs, she walked up vigilantly until she came to a door with a sign on it saying Sixth Year Girl's dormitory. Elladora entered and went to find her room. After ten minutes of searching she found a room that only had four beds taken, the fifth one had her things sitting at the end of the bed.

She walked over to her bed which she noticed was right near one of the windows, she changed into her pyjamas and got into bed; she didn't want to be up when the other girls got back to the dormitory. She had put her special bottle on her bedside table; she quickly took a few sips from it before placing it down carefully. It felt good to have something like that; she could have a drink of blood whenever she wanted. It didn't take Elladora long to fall asleep.

After a few hours Elladora awoke, she could hear voices near her. She moved the curtain slightly and looked at her clock, it was nine pm. Elladora sat up and moved the curtain; she saw four girls staring at her. They all gasped when they saw Elladora. One girl with bushy hair stepped forward, 'you're a...' she trailed off, not finishing her sentence.

Elladora rolled her eyes, and roughly pulled the curtains shut. She lay back down; she could still hear the girls whispering as if they thought she couldn't hear them. It took her longer to go back to sleep this time around. She had a strong feeling that she wasn't going to fit in very well around here.

In the morning when Elladora awoke, she noticed that no one else was in the room. Elladora looked at her clock, it was eight forty. She got dressed and looked at her timetable for her first day, and she saw that she had double potions with the Slytherin's first. Elladora sighed slightly; she wasn't very good at potions.

Elladora was the first person to arrive at the classroom door as she knew that everyone would be at breakfast. Elladora check her bag to make sure she had her bottle with her. After fifteen minutes more students started to pile around the classroom door, though everyone kept their distance from Elladora.

Suddenly Elladora smelt something that aroused her interest, she turned her head to see a tall man dressed in black attire walk towards the classroom door, 'Everyone inside, now,' the man said coldly. Elladora entered and took a seat at a desk in the back corner of the room and took her cauldron and ingredients out.

Elladora looked up at the man in black; he was holding the roll, calling out names checking that everyone was here. It wasn't long until her name was called from his lips, 'Elladora Black,' he said slowly while looking up. 'So, you're the new student.'

She could feel his mind trying to penetrate hers through her eyes, but failing. The teacher eventually looking away and continuing the roll, Elladora listened to all the names and who they went to. She didn't think most people would talk to her properly here.

When he finished roll he told them the potion they were to make and he wrote up the ingredients and the instructions on the board and told them to start immediately. Elladora didn't move as she watched the teacher walk over to her desk and stand in front of her.

'You're my new student?' he repeated. Elladora nodded, 'Yes sir.' The teacher watched her for a moment, 'Welcome, I am Professor Snape,' he said softly, 'begin your work.'

Elladora watched him walk to his desk and sit down. She found it hard to stop looking at him. After five minutes Snape looked up and caught Elladora's eyes. She quickly looked away and started her potion.

Half-way through the lesson she had Snape standing in front of her once again, 'Is there a problem, Miss Black?' he asked. 'Not at all, sir,' Elladora said nonchalantly. 'You are not working,' he said clearly. Everyone one in the classroom had heard him and turned to watch. 'I have finished the potion sir, it's in this vial,' she said showing it to him.

Snape looked very unamused; he took the vial from Elladora and studied it. 'Very well, begin your essay,' he said. Elladora watched again as he walked back to his desk. Before the bell rang for the end of class she had also finished her essay which was meant for homework.

The next class Elladora had was history of magic; she thought it was the most boring thing she had ever attended. Everything Binns talked about she already knew, plus he didn't seem to notice that he had a new student in the class. She decided to get the work done so she didn't have to think about it anymore.

Once she finished she looked around the classroom at her fellow Gryffindors. She saw Harry Potter and his red-head friend, Ron, playing a stupid paper game while their bushy-haired friend, Hermione, wrote notes. Elladora was amazed that they passed any subject at all. She watched Parvati Patil and her friend Lavender Brown read each other's palms, while Neville Longbottom was frantically writing notes and looking things up in his text-book, even though the teacher wasn't talking all that fast.

They all eventually bored Elladora, so she turned her attention to the Slytherin's on the other side of the room. She noticed a pale skinned boy with white-blonde hair and a pointed face staring at her. Elladora smiled to herself, 'Might be fun to play with Draco,' she thought. She stared back at him and he didn't look away. Eventually Draco winked at her then he smirked while his friends chuckled. Elladora smiled slightly back at him, as she did she extended her fangs and hissed slightly. She was surprised no one else in the room heard it.

She felt amused as Draco seemed scared and looked away; he seemed to have gone slightly paler, if that were possible. Draco turned his attention to his desk. Elladora put her fangs away and smiled broadly.

During lunch Elladora decided to go into the library, she noticed Harry Potter and his two friends sitting at a table huddled together. Ron had looked up at she entered, saw her and looked back down so quick Elladora thought his neck might have snapped.

Elladora walked around some of the shelves and approached cautiously close to where they were sitting, 'You really don't know what she is?' Hermione asked them. 'She's human, isn't she?' Ron said. Hermione sighed irritably, 'No, she's a vampire,' Hermione said inaudibly. 'Tell me you're joking,' Harry said.

Elladora moved so she could see them without being seen herself. Hermione just shook her head. 'I can't believe Dumbledore would let one of them in here. I didn't think they were allowed to carry wands,' Harry said.

'Well, most of them are not allowed to and most choose not to anyway, as they are considered non-wizard beings, but they can get special permission from the Ministry if they want to carry a wand,' Hermione said. 'What if she bites someone?' Ron asked. Hermione shrugged, 'I suppose Dumbledore trusts her to some extent, but Dumbledore has been known to trust people here, like Lupin, Firenze and now a vampire.'

'Yeah but there isn't a potion to stop her from biting someone, like there is with Lupin,' Harry said. 'Yes but werewolves and vampires are two different beings. Vampires are human, they're just dead in a sense, and werewolves are half-beast,' Hermione stated. 'And vampires drink human blood,' Ron said disgusted. 'Well I'm sure Dumbledore will have found a way to manage that so she wouldn't feed on another student,' Hermione said.

'Do you think she's part of the Black family?' Harry asked. Hermione looked at Harry and frowned, 'What do you mean?' she asked him. Harry shrugged, 'Well, her last name is Black,' he acknowledged. Hermione thought for a moment, 'She could be, but Black might not be such an uncommon name and you don't know if she's a pure-blood, if she is though it's very likely that she is related to them somehow,' Hermione said. 'I'll write to Sirius and ask him,' said Harry slowly.

Elladora kept listening but nothing else was said about her. When she turned around to leave she saw Draco Malfoy standing in her way. 'So, now Dumbledore has let a vampire into the school,' he said. Elladora slowly put her hand into her pocket. She felt for her wand and placed her hand around it firmly. 'What do you want Draco?' she asked. Draco shrugged and took a step closer, 'You're pretty sexy for a vampire,' he said softly.

Elladora's grip on her wand tightened, 'Get lost,' she whispered. Draco smiled, 'I don't think so.' He moved closer to Elladora. Elladora took her wand out and poked it into Draco's neck. Draco didn't move away and he still smiled at Elladora. Draco pushed her hand away and pushed her against the bookshelf. 'Not going to defend yourself?' Draco asked. Elladora could feel her heart pounding loudly in her chest.

'I've been warned not to be provoked or attack anyone,' Elladora said quietly. Draco touched her arm gently. 'Get lost Draco,' Elladora whispered again. Draco moved closer and smelled her slightly. Elladora could smell him clearly, but before she could get out her fangs she heard Harry's voice. 'Leave her alone Malfoy,' he said firmly.

'What's it to you Potter?'

'She hasn't done anything to you,' Harry said. Ron and Hermione joined Harry's side and Draco saw defeat. He turned to Elladora, 'This isn't over,' he whispered. She watched as Draco left the library quickly. Elladora steadied her breathing and turned to Harry. 'I could have handled that myself,' she said frostily.

'Yes it seemed like you had everything under control,' Ron said from behind Harry. Elladora's eyes turned to Ron and narrowed, 'Why don't you come over here and say that,' she said venomously. Hermione elbowed Ron in the ribs. 'I was just trying to help,' Harry said composedly. 'Well don't,' Elladora yelled at him. She stormed out of the library and went to the common room. She was right; she wasn't fitting in at all.