Disclaimer: I do not own any of Degrassi

Full Summary: Marco has just broken up with Dylan after he's caught him cheating. Marco goes into a deep state of depression and feels like he will never find love again. What happens when he starts to have feelings for someone he never thought about, Jay Hogart. And what if Jay is having the same feelings for Marco. Jay has just broken up with Alex, because she's decided to go Lesbian and now she is with Paige. What happens when Dylan comes back for Marco and finds out he is with Jay? How will he take it and will he fight for the one he loves, or is it that Marco and Jay are meant to be.

Contains Male on Male action and flamers will be ignored

Marco was just now walking into school the day after his little argument with Dylan. Usually their arguments aren't that bad. They would just say a few words, break up, and then get back together the next day, but this time was different. It was Marco's decision to break up. He just couldn't handle Dylan dating other people while being with him, and he wasn't going to. This was a sad time for him right now. He was looking as if he was never going to smile again, thinking about everything that occured.


"Dylan please," Marco pleaded hard. "You said you love me so why are you doing this," he asked.

"I love you Marco, and I want to be with you," Dylan replied. "I really do, but I think that we should also see other people, and I can't stop this."

"Then you and me are done," Marco said firmly. With that said he began to walk away. On his way he passed Craig, who had a confused look on his face, but he dared not to ask why Marco looked so upset. If there's one thing you don't do, its ask Marco what's going on right after he's broken up with is boyfried of a long time. Things are just not going to be the same, and neither will Marco. He already went through one bad state when him and Dylan broke up the first time, but now its going to be even worse.

End of flashback

Marco went to his first class ignoring all the greetings that he was getting from people. Right now he was to upset to say anything to anyone. He just wanted to be left alone. Breaks ups aren't easy. Especially if you and the person have being going out for a long time and you can't see yourself with anyone else besides him. Why does love have to be so complicated, but if it were easy there would be no wars. As Marco sat down he put his head on the desk, not even paying attention to what else was going on in class. He didn't care. Right now he just wishes he could just go into a deep dark hole where he doesn't have to deal with anything or anyone anymore for the rest of his life.

Ellie looked over and saw that Marco had his head on his desk. She knew about what happened from Craig and she felt really bad for him. No one deserved to be treated the way Marco was. To her, Dylan is an asshole who should just go to hell. The only thing stopping her from doing something to him right now is that he's Paige's older brother. Ellie really doesn't want any problems with Paige, so she decided to let that go..

"Gosh, Marco is really taking this hard," Alex said interrupting Ellie's thoughts. She had first period with Ellie and Marco, but there was one problem. Her now ex-boyfriend Jay was in the class. They got along real well, but most of the time when he talked to her he was trying to bug her about getting back together, but unfortuantely she was with Paige now, and she was really happy.

"I know, Dylan's a jerk," Ellie stated.

"You're telling me, at least you don't have to deal with the guy," Alex said. She really wasn't to keen of the guy. There was just something about him that she just didn't like ever since the first day she's seen him. The only reason she puts up with him is because of Paige. He might be her brother in law someday so she might as well get use to him. "Someone should go talk to him," Alex suggested. "How about you?"

"Me?" Ellie chuckled. "You've got to be kidding," she said. "I'm not good with dealing with him, while he is in a depressed mood. Why don't you talk to him," Ellie thought. "I mean you talk to him all the time since he's president and you're vice president. You're gonna have to deal with him anyway."

"That doesn't mean anything," Alex stated.

"Okay well if you're not going to talk to him and I'm not going to talk to him, then who is," Ellie questioned. Her and Alex just sat there for awhile. It was surprising though that they didn't get in trouble for talking like they always do. Over the weeks they've been sent to the prinicples office multiple times for talking. You would have thought that they would have learned their lesson, but looks like they haven't yet.

"Hey girls," Jay interrupted rudely taking a seat in between the girls. "What's up with queer boy," Jay said referring to Marco. "He looks like he just lost his best friend," Jay laughed. He was known for being one of the most colded hearted guys in Degrassi. He knew how to make a bad situation worse, and he also knew how to get anyone in trouble with what they do. Jay was such a bad influence on anyone he came in contact with that it was always said that everyone should stay away from him.

"Shut up Jay," Ellie was quick to say.

"You know you can be such an asshole sometimes," Ellie added.

"Is that the reason why you dumped me for Paige," he asked.

"No," Alex said. "The reason why I dumped you for Paige is because I'm a lesbian, alright. I'm not bi, I'm not confused, I'm a lesbian okay. Get it straight."

"Whatever," Jay shrugged. "So what's got the queer down," Jay asked getting back to his orignal question, which earned him a punch in the arm by his ex. "Ow, what was that for."

"Lighten up on him, will ya," Alex whispered. She was scared that Marco probably heard Jay because he was starting to look up, but his head went right back down, before anyone could even say anything to him or wave. "He just broke up with his boyfriend," Alex explained, not like it would get to Jay.

"What was it over," Jay chuckled. "Was Dylan not to fond of dating a guy that was jail bait for him? Or was it because Marco wasn't good in bed or giving a blow job."

"FYI, it was none of those reasons dumbass," Ellie said. "Dylan cheated on him," Ellie stated.

"Wow," Jay acted like he was surprised. "I never knew that fags could cheat or be cheated on. Looks like they are something like straight couples."

"Whatever Jay," Ellie shrugged. She had just about all of him that she could take for the day. One more smart comment out of him and she was going to punch him in the face. Marco was one of her best friends and she hated when anyone would talk about him the way Jay is with him being gay. It wasn't like it was Marco's choice, and now he just broke up with his boyfriend, so he's going through a bad state right now. "Someone has to talk to him, and right now we're trying to figure out who its going to be?"

"What's there to talk to him about," Jay asked.

"Marco needs someone there for him right now more than every right now," Alex said.

Jay just rolled his eyes. He never got this kind of attention whenever he was having a bad day, which was just about everyday. "Look t he dude doesn't someone to talk to him right now. All he needs is maybe a little quiet time, someone to tell him how important he is, and someone to take him out and show him a good time and that there's more out there than Dylan..." he carried on. This was coming as a shock. Jay caring about helping someone other than himself. As he went on Alex and Ellie began to smile at him like he was Regis and he was going to win them a million bucks. Jay could immediately tell from the looks on their faces what they had in mind. "Oh no, not me. I don't talk to the dude, and even if I did, I'm straight or has everyone forgot that."

"We're not asking you to go and have sex with him," Alex informed.

"Yeah we're only asking you to do what you were just saying that someone should do," Ellie added.

"The answer is still no," Jay said firmly. "I don't go anywhere with queers."

"Come on Jay its not that bad," Ellie spoke. "I mean Spinner, Craig, and Sean have all gone out with him and nothing bad has happened," she pointed out.

"But what if the dude hits on me," Jay said speaking his worst fear. Though he wasn't too afraid of that happening, but there was always a chance of it.

"Trust me, you're not Marco's type," Ellie stated. "You're not funny, you're not all that cute, you sometimes don't smell too good, you hang out with the bad types of people," Ellie went on and on and on.

"Okay I get it," Jay shouted. "I'll talk to him, but you guys owe me for this."

"Thanks you're a doll," Alex said.

The rest of the class time was quiet. Jay couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into. Now he has to go talk to Marco. The one person who he never likes to talk to. Marco was gay, and Jay felt as if it were his duties to hate gays. As time passed in the classroom, Jay couldn't help, but stare at Marco the whole time. He couldn't help but notice how nice he looked with his hair and his little mustache. It was okay for another guy to look at another guy and say that he looks nice isn't it. Jay was thinking to himself. He's never noticed all of that on Marco before. It must be because Marco is going through a little phase where he is just going to look sad for awhile, but he has the most adorable lips. Jay wishes those lips were on Alex's body when he was her boyfriend. Right then Jay shook his head. He couldn't believe what he was thinking. That was Marco for crying out loud. He can't adore him, especially since he's gay, but there wasn't any harm in looking for the fun of it. As long as he didn't get caught. Jay was so caught up with staring at Marco that he didn't even notice that the bell had rang.

"Jay!" Alex called.

Jay shook his head. "Yeah what's up," he asked.

"The bell rang, or are you planning to skip another class as usual," she asked.

"I'm going, I'm going," Jay said frustrated as he got up and headed for his next class.

Instead of even going to sit with his friends, Marco went outside to be alone. He knew that all they were going to do is ask him about the whole thing and try their best to cheer him up, but it wasn't going to help that much. Paige would probably try talking Marco into going back with Dylan and that's something he couldn't do. As much as he loved Dylan and wants to be back with him, he knows that's not possible. He couldn't handle Dylan dating him and sleeping with other guys. What made Dylan even think that Marco would accept that. Oh well, at least he didn't have to worry about being cheated on since he didn't have a boyfriend anymore.

"Relationships got you down," A voice said from behind him.

Marco turned around to see one of his worst enemies standing right behind him. If there was anyone who could make a bad situation worse it was Jason Hogart, and that must be what he came over to do. Right now was really not the time. Marco feels like he can't get no privacy anywhere, even outside. "What do you want Jay?" Marco asked frustrated. "Have you come over to make fun of me right now, because I'm gay. Well go ahead, since my life can't get any worse."

"Chill dude," Jay said. "I just came to talk," he said moving closer to Marco. "Is this seat empty?"

"Yes and this one will be if you sit there," Marco replied as a smart allec.

Jay just laughed. Even though he wasn't to fond of Marco, he still found him to be a funny guy every now and then. Glad to know in a state of depression that he never loses his sense of humor. "Marco, Marco, Marco," Jay said shaking his head. "Still the same old guy no matter what."

"What do you want Jay, I'm not up for your bull shit today," Marco hissed.

Jay continued to smirk. Marco was kind of cute when he was angry Wait a minute. Jay has to remember that he's straight, and he can't think that Marco's cute can he? Unless, he might be, no. He's only dated girls and only has had sex with girls. Never has he ever had feelings for a guys, so this was strange. "I just wanted to talk, that's all," Jay said taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah well since when does Jason Hogart want to talk to fags and not make fun of them," Marco shot back.

"Look dude, I'm trying to be nice here, if you can't see," Jay said.

"Who put you up to this," Marco asked.

"No one," Jay lied.

"So let me get this straight," Marco started. "You come up here on my worst day ever, just to talk and not make fun of me, and you claim that you weren't put up to it."

"Yeah, what's so hard to believe about that," Jay shrugged. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Jay said. That somehow just slipped out. He was told to talk to Marco about simple things, but now he's finding himself slipping out some stuff and he doesn't even know why. Is he starting to care for Marco?

"YOU, wanted to make sure that I was okay?" Marco questioned. Jay just nodded. "Okay if you're gonna make fun of me, just go ahead alright, but don't come over here and act as if you give a shit about me or anyone like me because you don't. I'm having a bad day and I really don't need any lies being told to me. I've already been lied to enough this week," Marco said burrying his hands into his face.

"Wanna talk about it," Jay offered.

"Why do you care," Marco asked.

"Maybe because I want to help," Jay said. "So come on dude, you gotta tell me something. You never know, maybe I could give you some good advice."

"Yeah advice on how to get me in trouble that is," Marco snapped.

"I deserved that," Jay admitted. "Look I promise you can tell me and I won't tell anyone and I won't make fun of you. Just tell me something though."

"How do I know that I can trust you," Marco questioned. "Its not like you haven't said the same thing to many other people only to get them in deeper shit than they already were."

"Alright look, I know I've done some bad stuff, but I think everyone deserves a second chance," Jay pleaded. "So what do you say? I promise that if I do anything that you don't like you have my permission to castrate me any way you want to." Jay wasn't even thinking about what he said before he said it, but now it was too late.

"Fine, but you better not make fun of me," Marco warned and Jay nodded. Marco started off by telling him about Dylan and how they met, though he shouldn't have because Jay was there and he knew how they met. As Marco started going on he told him about how dating Dylan was and how they would have their arguing moments like normal couples and then they'd make up the next minute, and even when they broke up, they got right back together the next week. Then he finally came to the horrible conclusion of when he caught Dylan with another guy and how bad it hurt him. "I just don't know anymore. I've been with him for a long time and then he just goes off and does this to me. I love him or did, but I wasn't going to be sharing him with other guys. I want to be with him, I really do, but if he's going to go off and cheat on me with all sorts of guys and expect me to be fine with it, then he must be insane. I guess I'm probably just a spoiled brat and I'm looking for too much in the relationship."

Just about the whole time Marco was talking Jay found himself checking him out. He had a nice slender body, but he wasn't to skinny. The best smile that anyone could have. The nicest hair that you would ever see. So why was Jay finding himself attracted to Marco. This was getting more and more confusing. He's never been attracted to a guy in his life, and now Marco. He's made fun of him for so long. Maybe that's why he's made fun of him, because he likes him, but that can't be true. Jay's not gay. This must be just him feeling sorry for the guy. That must be it. No way in hell could he ever date a guy. He'd lose his reputation and everything. Including his friends who also make fun of gays.

"Forget him, the guys a doosh," Jay said lightening a cigarette and taking a hit. He didn't care if he got caught smoking on campus. Its not like he hasn't gone through every punishment that they've thrown at him. "You'll find another guy and he'll make you happy better than Dylan could. Hey but if you're still mad at the guy, maybe me and you could go wrap his car after school."

"Thanks Jay," Marco smiled for the first time of the day. "You know you're really a nice guy when you're not acting like an asshole," Marco stated. "So hows it with you since Alex broke up with you for Paige."

"I'll live," Jay said finishing his cigarette and throwing it to the ground. "Its not like there aren't plenty of girls out there to replace her," Jay stated. He continued checking out Marco and this time he noticed how nice of lips he had again. Right now Jay just wanted to push his own lips against his.

"I guess you're right," Marco agreed. Then he just sighed and went back to his sad self before he and Jay had started talking. "Today Dylan and I were suppose to go see that new movie, but looks like that's not going to happen."

"Hey well, I was suppose to see that with Alex, before she broke up with me," Jay stated. "How about we go to the movies together. My treat," Jay offered.

Marco looked at Jay confused as ever. "I think I might have something in my ear, but did I just hear that Jason Hogart just asked me, Marco Delrossi, the queer to go with him to the movies. Aren't you afraid to be seen with me or that people might think that you're gay?"

"Its not like we're going on a date," Jay pointed out. "We're just two friends getting over a break up with our ex's just trying to have some fun at the movies."

"Since when did we become friends?"

"Just now," Jay answered. "So what do you say?"

"Sure," Marco said instantly.

"So I'll pick you up around six," Jay confirmed.

"Alright, just don't be late," Marco warned playfully. "Remember out little deal. If you piss me off I get to castrate you any way that I want," Marco reminded Jay, making Jay wish that he hadn't told him that. Now he's stuck with that for the rest of his high school life. Maybe even longer.

"Don't worry, I'll be there," Jay said.

"Good," Marco commented. "So I guess I'll see you around," he said.

"We're going to the movies tonight aren't we," Jay reminded him. "So tonight, six, see you then," Jay said leaving. As Jay was leaving he could not help but think about what was going on the whole time he was talking to Marco. Why was he checking him out from head to toe and at first he wasn't happy about it, but now he's actually looking foward to going to the movies with him, which is strange since he didn't want to do it at first. Hopefully nothing to weird will happen. Him and Marco are both just getting over a break up and maybe this is jus a phase of being attracted to whatever comes your way first.

As Marco began to watch Jay walk away, he couldn't help but feel some sore of attraction towards him. Jay might be straight, but that doesn't mean that Marco can't look. His body was built like Dylan's, though it wasn't because of sports, but Marco still liked it. What was confusing was that he didn't know why he was starting to become attracted to Jay now. There was a time when Marco would grind his teeth at just the mention of his name, but now anytime he sees him, he wants to smile. Marco doesn't know what's happening to him. Is it because he's breaking up with Dylan and he just wants someone right now. Whatever it is, he's never felt this happy since the day Dylan asked him out and now he just can't wait till they go see the movie. He just wants to see what will happen next.

Marco was so excited about this date that instead of waiting inside, he decided that he was going to wait outside for Jay. He's never done that for anyone, not even Dylan. He doesn't even know why he's doing this for Jay. There's just something about him that's attracting Marco towards him. Marco doesn't know what it is, but he knows he has to put those feelings aside. He can't like Jay, because Jay is straight, and he'll probably be freaked out if Marco says to him that he has feelings for him. That almost freaks Marco out, because of the type of person Jay is. He would make fun of people like Marco, and now he was taking him to the movies. What's made him change his ways?

Jay slowly pulled up to Marco's house to surprisingly see him waiting outside of his house. Even though the temperature in Jay's car was normal, Jay was sweating bullets. He doesn't even know why since he was only going to the movies with Marco. It must be because he felt like this was his only time to leave an impression with Marco and he had to make it count. As Marco started to approach the car, Jay took in a deep breath. It was time, and there was no turning back.

Once Marco had gotten in the car and strapped himself in, Jay looked at him and adored him once more. "Ready to go," Jay asked nervously. He quickly hid the nervousness, though. He couldn't let Marco think he was nervous at all.

"Sure," was all Marco could say. He might not have looked it, but inside he was just as nervous as Jay was. Once they began to drive off Marco took this as an opportunity to check Jay out. Gosh he was so hot, but Marco knows that he will never have him since he's straight and there is no way that he's turning.

When they got to the movies, Marco was very surprised to hear that Jay said he would pay for him. Marco had forgotten that earlier Jay said this was all on him, and he tried to convince Jay to let him pay for his own half, but Jay insisted on paying for Marco. Jay was stubborn and wouldn't let Marco win the argument so Marco had no choice, but to let Jay pay for him. They were a bit late for the movie so when they got in there the previews had already started. After five minutes of previews, Marco and Jay finally found themselves watching the real movie. Marco didn't know it then, but this film was a horror film and he really gets scared easily. Not knowing that he was doing it, he started to lean into Jay. At first Jay was a little freaked out that Marco was laying on him, but then he found it to feel pretty good. Soon Marco had just fallen asleep on Jay's chest. Jay did not even try to protest. He just wrapped and arm around Marco and kept him there for the rest of the movie, not caring who was looking.

As soon as the movie was over, Jay woke Marco up and decided against telling him what happened with him sleeping on him. They both left the movie talking about how the day was one of the best they've had since they've been out with their exs. When Jay had finally pulled up to Marco's house, they just sat in Jay's car, in silence for a moment.

"So I had a good time tonight," Marco stated smiling.

"Me too," Jay said back. "Do you want me to walk you up to your house?"

"You don't have to," Marco pointed out.

"But I want to," Jay said.

"Alright," Marco said getting out the car along with Jay. As he and Jay walked up to the house Marco began talking. "This sucks, my parents are out of town for the week, so I'm at home by myself."

"Wow, they trust you," Jay smiled.

"Yeah," Marco said. "I was suppose to stay at Dylan's since I hate being home alone, but you can see how that would have turned out," Marco stated as they finally reached the door. "So we should do this again sometime."

"Definetly," Jay answered.

"I guess, I'll see you around," Marco smiled as he turned the key and proceeded to open the door.

Jay doesn't know what came over him, but the nex thing he knew as Marco was going through the door, Jay grabbed his arm and turned him around to face him. Once Marco was fully turned around, Jay pressed his lips against Marco's, after wanting to do that for a long time.

Marco did not resist. He just let the whole thing happen. It kinda felt good. Like it was better than a kiss that Dylan could give him. As soon as their lips unlocked they stared at each other, for what seemed like hours, before their lips went back together. Jay began to really kiss Marco hard this time, letting his urge take over and not hold back this time. Marco did not fight it. In fact he let Jay take control as he opened his mouth and let Jay's tongue enter. Soon Marco, found himself being pushed inside the house by Jay, and didn't object. Once they were both inside, Marco quickly shut the door.

Jay was really getting into the whole thing as his tongue roamed Marco's mouth in search for treasure. He felt Marco's legs wrap around him, and he knew exactly what that meant. He's never been to Marco's house before but he was able to find Marco's room very quickly as he carried them both back to the room. Quickly he threw Marco on top of the bed and got on top of him and continued his hungry assault on his mouth.

All Marco could do was moan as he felt Jay's weight on top of him. Jay felt like he weighed a ton, but Marco liked his body weight on top of him. At least it was safe to say that it was all muscle.

Jay started moving from Marco's mouth to his his neck, biting, suckings, and licking him there. It was sure to leave marks. Jay didn't care though. As he was continued giving pleasure to Marco's neck, he let his hands run under Marco's shirt, feeling his nice smooth chest that felt so good. He's never felt a guy's chest before, but Marco surely feels like no other. The shirt was really getting in his way, so he quickly removed it from Marco and began kissing all over his upper body.

Marco just laid there enjoying the intense pleasure he was getting. He had to admit, this was better than anytime him and Dylan have ever had sex. Marco, couldn't help, but now want to see Jay's chest, so as Jay continued teasing him with kisses on his body, Marco took the opportunity to grab Jay's shirt and pull it off

Jay lifted his hands in the air to make it easier for Marco to pull it off. Once off he could tell Marco was checking out his chest that chisled like a statue. Jay continue tasting Marco's upper body, until he finally came down to his lower half. Not wanting his pants to get away, Jay quickly pulled them off, and found Marco was wearing no underwear which turned him on ever more. He began to kiss all over Marco's thighs and legs, as he took Marco's manhood and began to jerk him off.

After being teased for awhile, Marco wanted to give Jay some of the same pleasure that he was getting, so he quickly grabbed Jay's hair and pulled him back up, and their lips met once more, before Marco decided to flip Jay over and bite and suck on ever inch of Jay's skin that was visible to him. First he sucked on Jay's collar bone, then went down and nipped at Jay's nipple, before finally taking it into his mouth and sucking on it for awhile. Hearing Jay's moan let him know that he was liking it so Marco thought he would try something more. He kissed his way down to Jay's navel and made sure to sick his tongue around it and then in it. As he finally reached his destination, he slowly massaged Jay's crotch through his jeans to get a good idea of how huge it was. It was pretty big and Marco couldn't wait to take that in his mouth. He quickly undid Jay's shorts and pulled them off along with his boxers and then threw them to the ground. He slowly started by kissing Jay's outer thighs and worked his way up. He wanted to tease a bit before he took it into his mouth, but his teasing soon came to a hult, when Jay grabbed his hair and guided him right towards his manhood.

Marco knew exactly what that meant, so without protest, he simply took him into his mouth, and began sucking on him like a popsicle. Marco's hair was almost in hair and Jay kept pulling him up and down hard, guiding him when he wanted Marco to go up and down and where he wanted Marco to go.

Jay felt like he was about to cum and he didn't want that to happen so he quickly pulled Marco back up and flipped him over and quickly searched his room for some lubricant and a condom. They were both sitting their on Marco's nightstand. It looks like Marco is always prepared for something like this to happen, which didn't surprise Jay. He made his way back over to Marco and with one hand he slipped some lube onto Marco and began pressing his fingers into Marco, one by one waiting for Marco's cries of pain to turn into pleasure. With the other hand he lube his dick up before putting the condom

Marco nodded his head to let Jay know that he was ready. As soon as Jay saw Marco nod, he began slowly pressing his dick into Marco's tight hole. He waited until Marco stopped screaming out of pain to finally push himself all the way in. Marco was so tight Jay felt he could almost cum right there, but he wanted the pleasure to last forever. He began pumping in and out of Marco hearing him moan, made him only go faster.

Marco can never really think of a time he's ever had sex this good. Straight guys obviously give better sex than gay guys do. Marco moaned as he felt Jay's 10 inches of steel go in and out of his body. He knew it was going to hurt in the morning but he was willing to take it all. As he felt Jay pound him harder and harder, Marco began to jack himself off.

That only made him began to cum even faster. Soon he couldn't hold himself as his seed just burst all over his chest and Jay's stomach. That was enough to make his muscle relax around Jay's dick causing Jay to release his seed in the condom and quickly pull out of Marco, before collapsing on top of him, panting. That was way better than any sex he's had with all of the girls he's done. Soon he got from on top of Marco and pulled him close to him and went to sleep, but in his mind he cannot believe what he's just done. He just had sex with Marco. A guy.

Okay so this is my first Degrassi story so please tell me how I did.

I plan on adding more chapters only if I get enough reviews, so if you liked it please review.

If I get enough reviews I'll post another chapter

So please review, because I really worked hard on this and I want to know how I did.