To all new readers Hello! To all who have read this before Welcome Back:P! Right; so I didn't think my former prologue for this story was up to scratch; so here's a mysterious NEW prologue to lay your eyes on. Much more relevant. Much more Mysterious... though maybe those who've read on can work it out. Lebrezie Probabley:D LoL! sorry.. never mind about that. Anyway Go ahead and read it already! And if you want to see the old prologue just conntact me and i'll PM it to you.

Reading And Not Reviewing Is A Crime! Please R&R as much as you can :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom hearts, Okay?

oh and since this is a prologue i'm not really doing my normal kind of dedication; This one goes out to my sister (who i'll never let read this but who cares? I love her anyways:D) and my frien Laura who i've known since i was like 7...

Well anyway; let's get on with it: Shall we?



They found her. She was washed up… her memory washed out.

When she awoke; they made fast friends… all three of them… or so two thought…

Best Friends… forever; until the end of time or infinity – whatever came first…

Then She left and suddenly all their lives changed… for better, or for worse? It depends on whose perspective… It depends on how long after She went away you judge from… Or how long after She came back…

Anyway; nothing was the same.

The Ripples of her departure sent each of their worlds spinning…

One grew silent: grief stricken, lonely though not alone; they wondered if a word would escape his lips again; was he forever silenced?

One fought for that feeling of security and comfort, so lost to her, disregarding all else in the pursuit of happiness; but was she unknowingly destroying herself in the process?

And One, felt more frustration then ever before, so confused, so disappointed… he was the first of the trio to feel such pain; though would he ever tell anyone why? Would he let anyone get close enough to understand what made him do so much wrong; cause so much hurt?

I wish he had told me…but would it have changed anything if he had? I guess I know the answer to that…

But it was undeniable that all of that happened because of that day; all the grief that came, all the loss, and the hate…

The feud…

The war…

The heartbreak…

It all came back to it.

But then again… So did the love.

But Love doesn't guarantee Happiness… you'd be naïve to think that…

I was once.

And I guess that was another result of that day as well.

I set many of the events in motion later on though; so maybe it wasn't all because of Her and how she effected Them forever after … but wasn't that just a repercussion?

Or was it just my idiocy?

I'll admit I was an Idiot… not all the time… but when it came to all the important things…

Yes; I have regrets. A multitude of them. I don't think there's anyone dead or alive who doesn't have some sort of regret.

But I pay for my stupidity now; I have to see all the pain I could have prevented unfold before me and I can't do anything about it; I don't think anyone can.

If I could make one wish that I knew would come true; I would wish that I…

I'd wish that I never caused Him to hurt like that. Watching it takes my breath away; well basically…but it's not just that… it's worse…

And I think I realise something now that I was too blind to see then.

And now I'm too late…

I loved Him so much more then I thought was possible.

I'm sorry…

I'm so unbelievably sorry.

And I wish that He could have known.

Hmm... so who'd you think that was? and who did she love so much? Questions; questions... Read on and review as frequently as possible to unravel the mystery.

Thanks for choosing my fanfic:D This is my first!
