Sorry about the delay! I'm not going to go beating around the bush, the heat makes me lazy. I didn't have the energy, but I did it! Thankyou for the reviews! Especially axolotlgirl and Sweet LIL loz, for their info on funerals XD Muchly appreciated.

"You're all set now"

Tony stood back and looked at his daughter, dressed in a black, sleeveless dress with white lace around the bottom. She also had socks with buckle, black shoes. Her hair was half up, half down. Tony did it himself, and he was very proud of it too. Tony himself was dressed in a black suit, with a white shirt and a black tie, looking very clean.

"Thanks daddy" Christie mumbled.

"That's okay. So we're ready to go now?"


"Alright. Come on" Tony said, talking Christie's hand in his.

Leading her to the car, he buckled her into her booster seat. Going around to the driver's side, Tony got in, and arranged the little mirror so he could see Christie. She was just sitting in her seat, looking out the window. With a sigh, Tony started the car, and headed off to the church.

Tony arrived at the church and found a parking space. Glancing back at Christie, he saw that she was just looking out the window still.

Turning off the car, Tony got out and went around to Christie and got her out. Tony carried her into the church and found a seat towards the back.

Tony had let Sophie's family take over the funeral plans once he had decided that he wanted her buried close to where Christie was. It appeared that the family had opted for an open casket, which he didn't think was such a great idea for Christie.

Luckily though, there was no point in the funeral where you could go up to the coffin. The funeral went by slowly, and Tony kept looking over at Christie, only to see a thoughtful expression on her face.

After the funeral was over, Tony made his way out of the church with Christie. Unfortunately, on the way out, Tony ran into the two people that he would rather not have seen. Sophie's parents casually passed Tony, but had a coldness about it. The only acknowledgement Tony received was a short nod from Sophie's father, her mother walking straight past, doing nothing to hide her distaste for Tony and Christie.

Tony shook his head and quickly made his way towards his car.

"Who were they daddy?" Christie asked on the way to the car.

"Don't worry about them sweetheart" Tony said, as he was buckling her into her seat.

"Daddy? Was there really somebody I that box at the front?" Christie asked once Tony was in the car.

"Uhh, yeah there was"

"How did it get there?"

"Somebody put it there" Tony answered, trying to keep the answers short with not much detail.

"But why would someone put somebody in a box?"

Tony turned around to face Christie, who had an inquisitive look on her face.

"Sweetie, sometime we need to put people in boxes, like when someone dies."

"Why though?" Christie kept asking.

"Because we need to. No more questions now" Tony felt like he was going to let a few tears out, but he had told himself that he wouldn't. For Christie and himself. Even though Sophie cheated on him, he still cared for her.

Tony started the car, and they drove in silence for about 10 minutes, with 20 minutes left to get home.

"Daddy?" Tony barely heard, coming form behind him.

"Yeah baby?"

"That was mummy wasn't it?" Christie voice was starting to crack.

Tony looked in his rear view mirror, and saw that Christie was extremely close to tears.


"It was, wasn't it?" Christie asked. Tony realised that she should know the truth now.

"Yeah" Tony said quietly, but so Christie could hear it.

Tony heard sniffing coming from the back and looked in his mirror again, to see Christie start crying. Pulling over to the side of the road, and cutting of a few cars while he was at it, he turned the car off and got out. Tony ran around the Christie's door and yanked it open. Unbuckling her seat belt, he pulled her into a hug, just as her cries got harder. Tony himself let out a few tears at the sight of his daughter so upset. They were like that for a good five minutes before Christie's cry's turned into sobs. Pulling away from her, Tony looked at her. Knowing that there were no words appropriate for a time like this, he buckled her back into her seat, went around to the drivers side, and began the drive back home.

McGee stepped knocked on the door I front of him, feeling a bit hesitant. Was this the right time? Was he meant to come over? He couldn't see any other cars parked out fro-

McGee was cut from his thoughts by the door in front of him opening.

"Probster! Come on it! I got a bed and a table. What one do you wanna start on?" Tony said with a big grin.

"Uhh… bed?"

"Correctimo" Tony said and turned around and started walking further into his house. McGee looked around before deciding that Tony wanted him to follow him. Stepping in through the door, he turned around a shut it, took of his jacket and went further into the house of Tony DiNozzo.

"Bed's over there McGee," Tony said, pointed to the corner of the lounge room from where he sat on the lounge next to Christie watching a movie. "We're setting everything up down here because it's bigger. Then we'll take it all to her room after it's all put together"

Tony went back to watching the movie, but Christie was still staring at McGee. McGee gave a wave to Christie, who turned back to the movie after he had done that. McGee shook his head and headed over to start setting up the bed.


Tony spun around on the lounge to face Kate who was standing in the hall way.

"What?" Tony said what a mouthful of chips he had gone and got for himself and Christie.

"Get off your lazy ass and go help McGee" Kate said with her arms crossed and giving him the 'you got 1 second to do what I say before I shoot you' look.

Standing up, Tony headed over to where McGee was still reading the instruction manual.

"How did you get in here anyway?" Tony asked feeling annoyed that he wouldn't be able to finish the movie.

"The front door Tony. Maybe if you don't want people coming in, you had better lock it" Kate said with a grin.

Tony spun around and slapped McGee on the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" McGee said rubbing the back of his head.

"That's for not keeping the enemy out"

Tony felt someone slap the back of his head REALLY hard, so he knew it wasn't Gibbs. He knows Gibbs' strengths.

Turning around he came face to face with Abby.

"Don't you ever, EVER hit McGee again" Abby gave him one final glare before going over to McGee and hugging him from behind.

Tony stood still, looking very confused.

"Where the hell did you come from?"

"The same place I did, DiNozzo"

"Boss!" Tony spun around to face Gibbs.



"Do what Kate said and get your ass into gear. We got a bed to set up and only a few hours to do it in" Gibbs said, already heading over to where McGee was.

A confused but scared looks was passed between the agents and scientist.


"Coming Boss"

5 hours later, a bed and a table stood waiting to be taken to Christie's room, and five very exhausted people, and one hyper child sat on the lounge.

Tony, McGee and Gibbs had managed to put the bed together with little difficulty, same goes for the table. Meanwhile, Kate and Abby had been painting pictures and designs on the walls in Christie's room, with the help of Christie.

"Guys, thanks for this" Tony said to the group, meaning every word for this.

They sensed that, and no sarcastic comment was made.

"Tony, anytime. We're here for you" Gibbs said looking Tony in the eyes.

Tony gave a nod, accepting Gibbs' offer, as well as everyone else's.

"We better get this stuff in her room" Gibbs said standing up.

Tony and McGee got up to go help him, with Kate, Abby and Christie standing on the side lines.

Once the bed and table were in place, the team set about arranging the toys around the room.

An hour later, Tony was saying goodbye to everyone.

Tony headed towards his room, and passed Christie's room on the way. Looking in, he watched her sleep for a few moments. 'You really are a lucky bastard' Tony thought to himself, as he thought about his daughter, and his amazing friends.

Smiling, Tony turned off the main lights and headed to bed.

Feels good. Now, I will do the "holidays, important mile stones etc..." They will not be in sync with the real life, e.g., the first one could be X-mas.