Chapter 一: The Plot Device


Cloud strode through the crowded amusement park. It had been a year since Vincent had saved the world from Omega, and Yuffie and Tifa decided they needed a "Gathering". It was called such, since "Reunion" held some bad memories and they knew they have a hard enough time getting six recalcitrant males to agree to spend time together in one place.

But somehow they managed and now Cloud, Barret, Cid, Red XIII, Vincent, Reeve, Tifa and Yuffie were all enjoying diversions of the Gold Saucer park.

Barret and Cid had yet to leave the chocobo races, spending their hard-earned money from the past few years with a bit of gambling. Vincent and Reeve were finding every attraction that allowed you to test your aim and accuracy in shooting, with Tifa watching. Yuffie had been dragging Red around, but after the tenth game where one needed opposable thumbs to play, Red told Yuffie he was going to go find Barret and Cid.

Cloud made the mistake of being close by when this happened. Saddened that she'd been left alone, Yuffie brightened considerably when she saw Cloud. He'd noticed her downcast face, and though he felt bad for her, he'd immediately turned and tried to escape but she was not deterred.

Under normal circumstances, she'd mellowed out a bit the past four years, but in the bright, glitzy, loud park, she regained her sixteen-year-old self's energy. And though he never really stopped to think about why, he did not want to be on the receiving end of it. Maybe because it made him feel like an old man, when he was only five years her elder.

What did he know of fun? His idea of fun had been to join SOLDIER. What a joke that was…

"Heya, Cloud!"

Wincing, Cloud nodded his greeting and kept on walking.

Yuffie tilted her head at him as she followed at his side. "What's wrong?"

Cloud glanced quickly at her. She wasn't usually intuitive and never mentioned any negative reactions from him or Vincent.

"Uh, nothing."

Yuffie considered him and it made him nervous somehow so he walked faster. They reached the arcade and Yuffie stopped abruptly as Cloud had already done so. He was staring across the room and Yuffie followed his gaze.

Vincent and Reeve were holding fake plastic guns, shooting at the screen before them, while Tifa stood to the side laughing. Reeve said something to her and suddenly, with his encouragement, she was holding one of the plastic guns and Reeve was showing her how to. Yuffie felt the blond next to her stiffen as Reeve stood behind the buxom brunette, his arms around her as he fitted her hands to the plastic trigger.

Yuffie made a decision. Grabbing Cloud's wrist, she tugged him away.

"Come on," she said to his questioning look. His clenched fist loosened enough for her to grasp his fingers and lead him away. "You took too long," she said conversationally.

Cloud frowned at the back of her head. Yuffie glanced over her shoulder.

"With Tifa," she clarified. Turning back to face forward, she continued. "She's loved you forever, but you seem more fond of dilly-dallying than anything else." Glancing back over her shoulder, Cloud saw probably the most serious and compassionate expression grace the ninja's face. "You can't blame her for moving on." Turning back forward after a moment, she said, "Though, I suppose giving up is a nasty habit. So you'd be better off at least trying to get her back."

Cloud was becoming more confused by the second. Since when did Yuffie have anything to do with his love-life, or lack thereof, as it were. "Yuffie…"

Abruptly, she stopped and spun to face him. Smiling, she continued, "So! You can use me to make her jealous."

Cloud let out an inarticulate, "Huh?"

Yuffie nodded happily, as if it was decided. In Cloud's mind, it so was not, but Yuffie had spun away again and was pulling him after. "Come on! There's a magic show starting!"

Cloud's mind was still reeling as she pulled them into the large auditorium and up to the front row before the stage. She pushed him into a seat and he immediately tried to stand.

Yuffie pushed him back down. "Sit." He made to protest but she shushed him. "The show's starting," she added before giving him a big smile and a wink.

Cloud sat dumbfounded as Yuffie sat next to him and the lights dimmed as the magic act on stage began. The magician came on and everyone clapped, including Yuffie.

Glancing over at her, Cloud could see she was anticipating enjoying this. He wondered when the last time he felt that. Probably every time he went into battle, but somehow he doubted it was the same.

Yuffie enjoyed fighting just as much, but she was able to enjoy other things. Like friends, games, pranks, and good food. Cloud only ever felt satisfaction when fighting or riding his bike. And there were a few times when the group was all together, refusing to leave each other to fight alone, that he felt an indescribable feeling in his chest. He supposed it was love, but then everyone he loved always died.

Yuffie glanced over at him as she clapped after the magician disappeared a Choco-Dove, and her smile dropped at seeing his pensive face. Determined, but smiling, she grabbed his hands and clapped hers against them, encouraging him to clap for himself. Cloud looked at her, too startled to halt her actions.

When he didn't react other than to look at her, she dropped his hands and pouted, sticking her bottom-lip way out. Leaning farther over, she reached up to his cheeks and pulled up at them.

"Come on, Cloud. Smile," she entreated. "Don't be worried you'll get wrinkle lines. With how long you've been holding back, it'll be a very long time before you have to be concerned."

Cloud looked at her with his now misshapen face, looking no happier than before. After a moment he shook her off.


"Ah, you two there!" Yuffie and Cloud both looked up at the stage to where the magician was smiling and shouting down at them. "I trust my next trick can catch your attention! Come on up," he gestured.

Yuffie turned back to Cloud beaming. His eyes widened and he started to shake his head, but Yuffie was pulling him from his seat and tugging him up onto the stage.

"Yes, yes! Let's hear it for our two volunteers!" exclaimed the magician who was answered by a round of applause.

Volunteer? More like sacrificial lamb, Cloud thought, as he came to a stop onstage. Yuffie turned to beam up at him again and he was suddenly struck by how happy she was. How she could be joyful onstage next to someone who clearly did not want to be up there, simply because they were…friends? It was beyond him.

But then Yuffie never let the negative get her down. And if she ever did, she was quick to rebound. Pessimism just wasn't in her vocabulary.

"Now!" started the magician. "Are you two ready?"

Yuffie grabbed his arm and squeezed while nodding energetically to The Great Yomoto. Glancing up at him to see his response, he pressed his lips together and nodded his head curtly, for her sake. She smiled and looked expectantly at the magician.

"Alright then! Move over here to the center there. Now!" he moved behind them and pulled out a shimmering pair of…handcuffs! Cloud's eyes widened as he saw them, and made to move away, but Yuffie anticipated this and grabbed his arm.

"It's fine!" she exclaimed.

He shook his head, and the magician laughed. "Oh-ho, you doubt me young sir? Well, I promise The Great Yomoto will not only remove them with no key, but they will also be found in your back pocket!"

The crowd 'oohed' and 'ahhed'. Cloud's gaze was darting for all possible exits before they zeroed in on Yuffie, who was sending him an imploring look. It said, 'Play along, just this once.' Then she stuck her bottom lip out. He supposed if he were the type, he could call her kawaii. But he wasn't the type and he didn't want to be chained to anyone, no matter how short a period.

But then a click sounded and he looked down, realizing belatedly that the magician had snapped one side of the cuff on his wrist and just snapped the other one on Yuffie's. Glaring daggers at the magician, Cloud watched as he laughed and pulled out a large red handkerchief.

Showing both sides of it to the audience, Yomoto then draped it over their joined wrists and laid his hand over theirs. Muttering some words for effect, a moment later he whipped the red handkerchief off.

Their hands were still joined. The magician frowned, before coughing and smiling. "Just a minute." He draped the handkerchief over them again and moment later pulled it off, but they were still joined. The crowd started to murmur. "Eheh, third time's the charm, yeah?!"

Trying once again, he was unsuccessful. Now sweating profusely, the magician looked away from the homicidal swordsman and shouted for his assistant.

Turning to the crowd, he bowed. "So sorry, folks. We're having a bit of…technical difficulties. Please, do come again!"

Cloud was ready to tear the man apart and shouted his frustration at the useless assistant.

"What do you mean it must be the wrong set of cuffs!"

Yuffie got in between him and frightened woman. "So sorry. He hasn't had his calcium today." Turning to Cloud, she frowned and smacked the back of his head with her free arm. "Be nice!" Turning to the woman again, she asked the question more pleasantly than Cloud.

The woman lifted her joined wrists and pointed at the cuffs. "See. They have no key-holes. They're trick cuffs."

"Trick cuffs?" Yuffie asked before Cloud could explode again.

The woman nodded.

"Master Yomoto was given them by a traveling salesman. He didn't explain how to get them off," she added with an apologetic face.

Cloud's eyes widened. "Seriously?!"

Master Yomoto returned to them, catching the end of the conversation. "I am truly sorry about this," he bowed to them. "Those cuffs must've gotten mixed up with my show things. I will find the solution right away."

"How long will that take?" asked Yuffie.

Yomoto and his assistant shared uneasy looks. Cloud frowned. "What is it?"

"Well…" Yomoto started.

The assistant continued, "…we have to track down the salesman and ask him, so it'll take probably a week—"

Cloud actually growled, causing the magician and his assistant to jump. Yuffie placed a bracing hand on his arm.

"A few days, tops!" Yomoto amended.

Cloud sighed, exasperated. "What are we supposed to do until then?"

"Ah," Yomoto bowed. "Enjoy your stay at the hotel totally free of costs. We truly are sorry."

The assistant bowed as well.

Yuffie looked over her shoulder at Cloud. "Cloud?"

He shifted away and ran his free hand through his hair, agitated.

Rolling her eyes, Yuffie turned to the prostrated magician and assistant and asked, "Can't we just shoot it off? Or cut them off…"

Yomoto was shaking his head vigorously. "The one thing I do remember the man selling it saying was that there was only one way to get it off. Any attempts to get it off by other means would result in the wearers' harm."

Yuffie looked at him in shock before shaking her head. "Fine. Just hurry, please? If you need more motivation, imagine being cuffed to some one with his temper and sword arm," she nodded over her shoulder to Cloud, though with a grin.

Cloud frowned. The magician and assistant lifted their heads, smiling slightly until Cloud shifted towards them. They bowed and backed away with promises of a speedy solution.

Yuffie spun to face the out of sorts blond. "Well, what do you want to do?" she asked, her expression bright and cheery.

Cloud looked at her dumbfounded. "Seriously?"

"Hai!" she affirmed. Grabbing the hand attached to hers, she pulled him off the stage and out of the auditorium. Before she could send them through a chute together he stopped her.

"You're not upset?" he asked.

She shrugged. "There's nothing to be done about it, so why complain? Plus," she lifted her free hand to tap her face.

"What?" he asked when she didn't continue.

Yuffie met his eyes and grinned. "It could be worse. I could be stuck to Barret or Cid. Gawd, I'd have to burn all my clothes afterward from the smell of nicotine!" Tilting her head at him, she added, "Your vices only seem to be destructive to yourself, so you seem to be the best one of them all to be stuck to."

Cloud frowned at her backwards compliment. Or was it an insult. He couldn't tell. His vices? But he didn't have time to ponder that since Yuffie had pulled them into the Game Square chute. He only had half a second to get a grip on her waist or risk his wrist being yanked off as they hurtled through the winding shaft.


Author's Note: Hey, this will have a lemon but I haven't decided whether to cut it out and post it on AFF instead yet. This story is finished already so updates will be regular. I'm trying to write a sequel, but since I can seem to make up my mind on where everyone's gonna live and shite, I think it'll take a while. P

Anyway, R&R please. Hits just means you read the first line and went 'ugh, f-this' and I can't get any value out of that ;D Flames are not welcomed, unless you really need to prove to me that you have no manners.