Thanks so much for reading my story! I thought I should leave a little Author's note about my story. First of all I wanna thank those that left me guys rock! But I want to give a special thanks for those that were there since chapter 1.. your reviews motivated me a lot to write! Thanks RollingStar-Miss Kuchiki-, Anicka, SoraXNamine, & LoveCarriesMyEntireWorld. :D I made a few changes on my story, there was a few moments where Ulquiorra seemed OOC.. so I changed it a bit so he can be IC.. I always try to keep him IC as much as possible.Like for example, when Orihime died, Ulquiorra was begging her not to leave him and he told her he loved her twice.. I was like hmm that seemed kinda OOC for him so I changed it.. he actually whispers he loves her once.. and he doesn't beg her not to leave, he actually just held her in his arms. But I know you guys noticed that through out the story Ulquiorra starts to show more emotion..he was still serious and a little cold, but when he was with Orihime he actually started to feel things he never felt before, and that's what I tried to show the readers. He can't always be mean and cold with Orihime cuz then wheres the romance to the story, you know? So I just thought of a way that he could still be IC but showing a different side to him that was actually believable. Umm some of you might of felt that their relationship was a bit rushed..but actually it really wasn't, I never intended in doing more than 10 chapters for this story. Everything was planned out since the beginning but I just added a few more cute moments between the couple :p. I hope you all enjoyed my story as much I enjoyed writing it… thanks again. :D

A question for you, the reader :D

I have a little question for those that liked and read my story. I'm planning on doing another UlquiHime story But I wanted to know if you guys wanted me to go through with it! Lol Yes another Ulquihime story! I love the couple! Lol Ok heres a lil summary of the story: What would happen if Orihime never said goodbye to Ichigo before leaving to Hueco Mundo? Instead of Ulquiorra letting her say goodbye to that one person before leaving to Hueco mundo, he actually just kidnaps her. Everyone in soul society and Orihime's friends, including Ichigo think she's dead. So there will be no one to save her. Orihime doesn't like Ulquiorra AT ALL!! She fears him and plus she's deeply in love with Ichigo.. And Ulquiorra thinks she's so annoying!! But Aizen's orders Ulquiorra to make Orihime fall in love with's one of his plans to make Orihime weak. Ulquiorra goes through with the order but finds it difficult to accomplish. He knows he has to act nice but Ulquiorra..nice?!! He's gonna try different ways to make her fall in love with him, but Orihime is not that easy. Through out the story Ulquiorra will actually start developing feelings for her, but it will take a while. I'm planning to make this story long.. to show the process of their relationship..I assure you their first kiss will take a while but will be very cute haha. So its up to the readers.. would you want me to make another Ulquhime story? Well let me know with your review!

Thanks again…much love…Gissy.