Sugar Pink: Okay, so before you all ask, What is this story going to be about? A remake? I'll just like to say that, yes, it is a remake of The Secretary's Secret, a story I wrote about four years ago. But, it's not one of those stories where I'm just adjusting a few grammar mistakes. I'm doing a lot more than that. In fact, it's a whole new plot, but, with resemblance to the original story. Sakura will still play the sassy secretary, and she does have a secret, just like the original. Except the settings and stuff will be different. Read on to find out more! And if this explanation is still unclear, you can read my author note at the end of this chapter, since I don't like to leave such long author notes at the start of the story anymore. Thanks!

The Secretary's Secret: Teenage Remake

Chapter 1




A bird's sweet chirping can be heard from one of the many cherry blossom trees in the park as the laughter of the many children was carried around by the gentle spring wind. However, a little boy at the age of six with messy chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes caught sight of a young girl sitting on a swing all alone; her tearful eyes, which displayed sadness and gloom, contrasted greatly with the lovely weather of a typical Tomoeda spring mid-afternoon.

Looking at the little girl with great curiosity, the little boy strolled over, and was brave enough to sit on the empty swing next to her. He kicked off with his small feet and it wasn't long before he was soaring back and forth on the swing.

The young girl's attention was caught, and now it was her turn to look at him with great curiosity.

"How come you can swing so high?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly from her crying session.

"How come you're crying?" he asked her back, slowing himself down to a complete stop. The little girl glanced across the playground, and the little boy's gaze mirrored hers.

"That boy over there said he didn't like me," she replied in a soft whimper. "But I really, really, really like him. My mom said it's called a crush." The little girl glanced at her companion and noticed a skeptical, yet confused, expression on his face.

"But not the kind where you crush and hurt people sort of crush. I'm talking about the type of crush where you just really, really, really like someone." She quickly added.

"Oh. I get it." The little boy said. "So you're sad because he doesn't have a crush on you back?"

"Yeah. I told him I really, really, really like him…and he was all ewww get away from me!"

"Why don't you go find someone else who does like you back then?"

"I—I'm scared to now." Her eyes filled with tears once more. "What if I go around saying I really, really, really like someone else, and they don't like me back either? What if nobody ever likes me back?!"

Her tears fell and stained her pretty sundress a darker shade of yellow. She wasn't really expecting her companion to say anything back that will even be remotely comforting. In fact, she wouldn't be too surprised if he got up and ran away because he doesn't know how to deal with her tears. After all, he's a boy.

However, not only did he stayed, but his next words shocked her.

"I like you."

She looked up at him, stunned. "Y-y-you do??"

He nodded back at her innocently, and his hazel eyes held truthfulness. "Of course I do. So you don't ever have to worry that nobody will like you."

"Does that mean you have a crush on me?"

"I guess I do then," he said, offering her a warm smile.

"Really?" she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand, and a smiling was finding itself on her face.

"Here, take this," the little boy held out his hand, and on it, was a single piece of jade in the shape of a key.

"Why are you giving me a rock?" The little girl asked, taking the stone. "It's pretty. Where did you find it?"

"It's a family tradition. When a boy in my family really, really, really likes a girl, he gives it to her. My daddy gave it to my mommy, and—"

"—and your mommy gave it to you so you can give it to a girl!"

"Well…not exactly. I just took it from her jewellery box. But she has so many necklaces in there anyways, I'm sure she won't miss it. After all, they will give it to me one day anyways, so it doesn't matter. I'll like you to have it."

"Oh, thank-you!" the little girl blushed, clutching the necklace in her palm. "Oh yeah…do you go to school around here? I've never seen you."

"No, I'm only here for vacation. I'll have to go back to Hong Kong tomorrow night."

"Oh, but that means I won't see you anymore!" the girl looked as if she's about to cry once more.

"Oh, it's okay! My daddy told me that the necklace is magic. If a boy gives it to a girl, they will be destined to find each other again."

"Oh! So we'll see each other again!"

"Yup! We sure will!"

And tomorrow night, the little boy flew back to his hometown. They never saw each other again ever since their fated meeting that one afternoon in the park. However, like the little boy said, that necklace is magic. Sooner or later, they will find each other again…

.o. Ten Years Later .o.

A loud bell chimed three times, echoing throughout the courtyard of Seijuu High School. Immediately, students erupted from various classrooms, and dull grey lockers were flung wide open as the corridors burst into loud voices of chitchatting teenagers.

A teenage girl at the age of sixteen spun the dial on her lock, and yanked her locker open with ease. She was in the middle of fixing her deep auburn coloured hair when her emerald green eyes, fixated on the mirror, caught sight of her best friend standing behind her.

"Oh hey, Tomoyo!"

"Sakura! All ready for the big day tomorrow? Now, I know you're running against Amiko, but no worries! Just relax, okay?" Tomoyo leaned casually against the locker beside Sakura's, while trying to adjust her heavy textbooks at the same time to prevent them from falling.

"Allow me to help you with that," a deep masculine voice said gallantly, and before either of the girls can make a remark, a sixteen years old young man swiped Tomoyo's textbooks off her hands.

"Thanks, Eriol," Tomoyo smiled gratefully. "We were just discussing Sakura's election tomorrow."

"Oh. Are you nervous?" Eriol frowned, looking at Sakura disapprovingly. "Because you shouldn't be. Stress just makes everything worst."

"You guys, I'm totally fine!" Sakura laughed, tying her auburn hair into a high ponytail and swinging her backpack over her shoulders. "I mean…it is just student council! I'm not running to be the Prime Minister of Japan! And it's not like I have a lot of competition either. I only have Amiko to worry about." Sakura pointed out.

"Sakura! Amiko is the most popular girl in school!"

"Tomoyo, I don't think that fact is going to help Sakura be more relaxed for tomorrow." Eriol pointed out as the three of them strolled along the corridors towards Tomoyo's locker next. This was their usual after school routine. Sakura and Tomoyo would get out of Biology class, and go to Sakura's locker. Then Eriol would somehow pop up out of seemingly nowhere, grab Tomoyo's books for her, and they would head to Tomoyo's locker.

"Whoops, sorry, Sakura!" Tomoyo apologized quickly. "I didn't mean it like that! I just meant that—"

"It's okay, Tomoyo, I get it." Sakura smiled at her two best friends. "You guys have done a lot to help me with this campaign, and I know you would really want me to win. And I have a feeling that I will. I mean, it's not like the three of us are total social rejects. I've done lots of extracurricular activities, and I'm sure the student body will recognize that."

Eriol shuffled his feet and gently pushed his thin glasses higher up. "Sakura…we know you're totally up for the job. But the thing is…Amiko and Syaoran have that whole…relationship thing going on. And you know how everyone likes Syaoran. And well, since Amiko…"

"Eriol! Don't scare Sakura like that!" Tomoyo scolded. "Besides, nobody even knows if Amiko has a relationship with Syaoran Li! I mean, it's been two whole years since he moved here, but there had never been any official declaration that they're dating! For Heaven's sake, they don't even hold hands!"

"But they do go to dances together!" Eriol argued back. "And since Syaoran Li is so likeable, it totally makes sense that I should be worried that Amiko, even if she's just his friend, will have a slight advantage!"

"Are you saying Sakura's hard work throughout the years doesn't give her a slight—"

"You guys! I swear, you two are more worried about this than I am." Sakura interrupted, before one of her two best friends' head exploded. "Listen, I have to go home now. It's my turn to cook tonight, and Touya will be furious if dinner isn't made on time. I'll see you two tomorrow!" Sakura said, jogging off and waving to her two best friends at the same time.

They don't know this…but I know that I'll win tomorrow. Sakura clutched her palm around a small cool stone in the pocket of her jeans. I have my luck key jade with me.




Night came and passed in Tomoeda, and soon, morning is here once again. Sakura settled down in the old chair behind the counter of the library and stretched. It's her turn to the morning shift for the school's Library Club again this week. But that's okay, because it means less work for her, since most students don't wake up early enough to come to the library before the first bell to check out books. On the occasional day or two, there were a few. And today was one of those days.

"Good morning," a friendly masculine voice said smoothly, waking Sakura from her morning daze.

Sakura immediately sat up straighter in her chair, blushing that she's been caught half asleep during her volunteer shift.

"Good morning," she greeted back, trying to muster up some wakefulness in her voice while looking up into the hazel brown eyes of…Syaoran Li.

"Tired?" he chuckled, handing over the books he had chosen.

"Just a little," Sakura replied with a smile, taking the library official stamp out and pounding it on the wet inkpad gently.

"Well, better get a coffee at lunch or something."

Sakura stamped his books, trying to keep the blush on her cheeks down. Gosh, the most likeable guy in school just caught her dozing on the job! How embarrassing!

It's even more embarrassing since I've had a crush on him for two years now. Sakura and Syaoran had worked together in various fundraisers and volunteer work around the school and in the community. Although Sakura wouldn't exactly say that he's romatically interested in her (she wouldn't even exactly say they're best friends!), he at least knows that she exists and would stop to chat whenever he can. That's one of the things she liked about him. Not because he's popular, but because he genuinely cares about other people.

"Don't worry, I can keep up. Ready for your speech this afternoon?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. How about you? Any confidence in winning?" Syaoran asked.

"I have a lot of confidence, actually. But I think my friends are more worried about it than I am."

"Oh, really? Why?"

"Because I'm running against..." Sakura's voice trailed off. She had almost said because I'm running against your girlfriend, and you're the most likeable guy in school ever since you moved here two years ago. But she can't say THAT!

"Amiko?" Syaoran asked, gathering his books in his arms as Sakura finished with his check-out.

"Yeah," Sakura mumbled, closing the inkpad and avoiding eye contact. No way can she hide her blush now.

I shouldn't have mentioned the stupid Student Council election thing at all! Stupid me!

"Why are your friends worried about you running against Amiko?"

Now Sakura glanced up at him, her green eyes casting a skeptical glance at his hazel ones.

"Do you really have to ask?"

Syaoran gave out a laugh, which Sakura found it pleasant to hear. "Well, I am aware how Amiko is popular with…certain populations of the student body. But trust me, you're really down-to-earth and hardworking. I honestly believe you have a good chance at winning."

Sakura beamed up at him. "Really?"

"Yup. Anyways, I got to run." He tapped the books in his arms. "Got to get started on my History paper. I'll see you later!"

"Yeah…later." Sakura sunk back into her chair with a smile gracing her face.

Syaoran Li believes that I have a good chance at winning! I know my lucky charm really works! I wish I can tell Tomoyo and Eriol about it…but they'll probably just lecture me on how I have low self-confidence and how I shouldn't give a piece of jade all the credit for every success in my life. But…this jade…it really works!

Taking her so called lucky charm out of its usually hiding place, which is the left pocket of whatever pair of pants she is wearing that day, Sakura ran her fingers over the smooth surface. It was a truly magnificent piece of jewellery; beautifully carved and strung upon a single thread of green ribbon.

I'll never forget the boy who gave me this back when I was six…I wish I can find him again…




"Well, that was a motivational speech." Eriol pushed the grand doors of the auditorium open for his two friends as the three of them walked out along with the rest of the Seijuu High School population.

"Yeah…no doubt who will be sitting in the Student Council President office this year." Tomoyo agreed. "I mean, did you hear what Kenji Koboshi said?"

"No," Eriol admitted truthfully. "I fell asleep. What did he say?"

"He said if he is made president, he would focus more on more scientific ways of fundraising. You know, having us give dog washes instead of car washes so we can understand animals better." Sakura said.

"And he will donate a greater majority of the money to the Tomoeda Astronomy Tower! Which, no offence, doesn't even affect our school. I mean, yeah, the Year 10 students go to an annual fieldtrip there, but that shouldn't take up the greater majority of our school funds!" Tomoyo grumbled.

"Well, Kenji does love science a lot." Eriol said.

"A little bit too much if you ask me. And don't even bother to ask what the other candidates had said." Tomoyo rolled her violet eyes as she fished out a dollar and stopping at a nearby soda machine.

"What did they say?" Eriol just had to ask.

"Well, one of them made a bunch of unrealistic promises, such as, cutting down school homework and abolishing final exams. Another one proposed we hold our Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine Day dances outside of school, like at some fancy hotel. And then someone asked how are we going to make enough money through our puny fundraisers, the candidate went speechless, and ran off the stage." Sakura informed.

"So basically, Syaoran Li's speech was the best of them all, right?" Eriol concluded questioningly.

"Well, no," Tomoyo took a sip from her cola, "that foreign exchange student from France gave a pretty awesome speech too. He was really confident and everything, and everyone clapped a lot for him at the end. But too bad nobody understood anything he said except for the French teachers. But according to them, it was a really good speech."

"Thank goodness that only candidates running for the president position have to make speeches." Sakura shuddered. "I can't imagine myself standing up there and talking to a bunch of people like that."

"Well, we better hurry back to class. We're voting next period." Tomoyo said, glancing at her wristwatch.

"Yeah, and results will be announced tomorrow morning. Nervous, Sakura?" Eriol asked.

"Not at all," Sakura grinned back, her fingers once again playing with her lucky charm.




Sakura found herself once again spinning the dial on her combination lock on her locker after school, with Tomoyo chattering away about their latest Biology exam marks.

"I can't believe it! I made one spelling mistake, and there goes a whole mark! Can you believe that teacher, Sakura?" Tomoyo fumed, glaring at her paper.

"Tomoyo, you got a B plus! That's a really good mark already." Sakura laughed. Tomoyo was about to make a remark, but, as usual, Eriol joined them.

"I voted for you, Sakura!" He grinned, taking Tomoyo's Biology book from her hands as usual.

"Oh yeah, I did too!" Tomoyo said, forgetting all about her previous anger at the Biology teacher.

"Aww, thanks guys." Sakura grinned.

"Excuse me," a voice said from behind Tomoyo, causing her to jump and moving out of the person's way…who happened to be Syaoran Li.

Although Syaoran's locker had been next to hers ever since he moved here (since they were in the same homeroom, and their last names were close to each other's, L and K), Sakura was still surprised to see him here at this time of day. Everyone knows that Syaoran is the captain of the soccer team, and leaves immediately for practices or games everyday after class. He doesn't even have time to stop by his locker, since Coach Kingsley is very strict about punctuality and there's only a five minutes gap between last period and the start of practice.

Tomoyo and Eriol, who doesn't even normally talk to Syaoran, were even more surprised than Sakura was.

Syaoran seemed to pick up on this. "Surprised to see me?"

"Just a little," Sakura smiled.

"Practice is cancelled today." Syaoran replied, as if he read their minds. He probably did too.

"Oh…well, great speech today!" Sakura said brightly, trying to pack up even faster. Every time she talks to Syaoran Li, a blush will surface on her cheeks. It was as if she has a crush on him or something! Well, actually, she does. But it's just not something that she had told anyone. Not even her two best friends.

"We voted for you." Eriol added.

"Thanks, you guys are awesome." Syaoran grinned.

Sakura zipped up her backpack quickly and slammed her locker door closed. "Well, bye!"

Yanking Tomoyo by the arm, who in turn yanked Eriol by the arm, Sakura walked swiftly down the hallway.

"Oh, Sakura?"

Sakura slowly turned back around, face to face with Syaoran. "Yes?"

"I know I've said it this morning, but…I really have confidence in you for this election. Hope the morning announcements tomorrow will bring you good news. Anyways, I got to go now. See you guys later."

And then, with a friendly wave, he walked on until he was out of sight, leaving the three of them in a small moment of silence.

Tomoyo was the first one to break free. "Hey…from the sound of his voice…do you think maybe…he voted for you, Sakura?"

"What?! No way, what about his girlfriend, Amiko? Surely he voted for her…" Eriol's voice trailed off.

"Oh my god, Eriol, Amiko and Syaoran Li were never even seen to be holding hands!" Tomoyo rolled her eyes. "So of course he voted for Sakura to be secretary!"

"Well, they went to dances together you know!"

"Well, the two of us went to dances together, and you still voted for Sakura!"

"That's completely different!"

Sakura wasn't even listening as her two best friends argued on. She felt a smile finding its way on her face again, and a warm feeling tingling throughout from within.

It's what she likes to call the Crush Effect.




Sugar Pink: Hey everyone! Here the thing: I have writer's block for all of my stories right now, except for Of Diary Secrets and Letters and this one. So, I'm afraid all of my stories will now be on hold (except for ODSAL…hope you all know what that stands for, since I'm too lazy to type out the title again ha ha).

I was rereading The Secretary's Secret and I found it has WAY too many grammar errors for my liking, and the language and plotline was also too childish since I wrote it when I was at a pretty young age. So now, I have the urge to make DRAMATIC changes to The Secretary's Secret, but I also don't want to delete it since it's sort of like a "memory" of how I used to write. So I thought…why not do a remake? Instead of having them being adults in the career world (like they were in the original) I'll do a "teenage" remake. I've noticed that I don't seem to "flow" too well when I write a story in third person point of view. I do much better in first person. But this isn't the type of story where I can write in Sakura's or Syaoran's perspective, so I'll try my best with third person.

Hope you guys will be supportive of my new story and leave a review, since I've worked really, really, really, really, REALLY hard on this first chapter. I want to get this off on a good start. I just want you to know that knowing there are people out there who reads my stuff makes me HAPPY, and I would like to say thanks for taking the time –smiles-