Leaf Engraved Zanpakutou

Chapter One

I See Dead People

Summary: A ninja kills people; a Shinigami takes care of the killed, Naruto does both.

Pairings: None

Rating: K+

Author's Notes: Hello everyone! I'm TigerTerror – feel free to call me TT – and this is my second time writing for the Naruto Fandom (as well as my first crossover!). I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this story, and I ask that you all give me comments so I know what's liked, what isn't, and what can be improved on.
Also, you should probably thank my little brother for making me write this – otherwise I would've been lazy and put it off for a long time.

Most people believe that Naruto's journey truly began the day he first properly met Haku. This is not correct – in truth, Naruto's journey first truly began the day Haku died.

In truth, it was the first death Naruto had ever seen – and was also the first time he had truly mourned.

It was understandable, therefore, that he ignored the fact that he could see Haku standing over his own body, looking rather bemused over the whole situation.

It was Haku's ghost who first initiated contact – by walking up to Naruto and asking, rather flatly, "I'm dead, aren't I?" It may have been out of character for him but, given the situation, he could be given some leeway.

Naruto did not reply, staring straight ahead without acknowledging Haku the slightest. Haku may have believed that Naruto couldn't see him – but he nonetheless waved a hand in front of the blonde's face just in case.

Naruto's eyes followed his hand back and forth, causing Haku to pause. After a moment, he held up a single finger and moved it around, more slowly this time. Up, across, diagonally down, across… Naruto's eyes continued to follow.

Haku slowly brought the finger forward until it touched Naruto's nose – Naruto went cross-eyed to stare at it.

"So, you can see me."

Naruto twitched, but otherwise didn't react.

Now frustrated, Haku brought his hands close to Naruto's ear and clapped loudly – the blonde flinched at the sound.

In what seemed to Haku to be a deliberate ploy of ignorance, Naruto then stood up, still stubbornly looking through Haku at the body. Haku circled the other boy slowly, trying to work out why Naruto was purposely ignoring him.

Then Kakashi walked over, slowly approaching Naruto. He carefully placed a hand on the boy's shoulder – his arm went through Haku's head in the process, causing Haku to scowl.

"Watch who you're putting your hands through!"

Kakashi began to consol Naruto, voice as low and soothing as a ninja could make it, "Its okay Naruto, these things happen – I've been through similar experiences. Its okay to cry."

Haku waved his hand in front of Kakashi as well, but the older ninja didn't even blink. Slowly, Haku lowered his hand, looking at the transparent limb himself.

Naruto's answer to Kakashi was slow and quiet, "I can't cry – Haku's not gone…"

Haku's head shot up, and he dashed to stand in front of Naruto and address the other boy directly.

"…He lives on in my heart."

Haku then proceeded to trip and fall over.

Haku wasn't confused per say – he was clearly dead, and a ghost of some sort – but he was lost on what exactly as he should do now.

Seeing no other real alternative, he decided that he would follow the only one who seemed capable of seeing him – Naruto. Even if they were going to ignore him.

And so, in this way, Haku proceeded to haunt Naruto.

All through the short time Team 7 remained in Wave Country Haku could get no acknowledgment out of Naruto – the boy's face might twitch in some way when Haku said something or made a large motion too close to his face, but otherwise completely ignored him just as much as everyone else did. Even when Haku had broken down and actually hugged him when Naruto had loudly proclaimed 'his way of the ninja' at Haku's own gravesite.

Well, except that Naruto never stepped through him.

By the time that the group had left to return to Konoha, Haku had begun to wonder if Naruto couldn't actually see him at all, and simply had some sort of sixth sense allowing him to detect his presence. In fact, he had just begun to test this theory when they returned to Konoha, and Naruto was allowed to leave and return to his own apartment.

Naruto began to behave strangely the moment he got entered the small, rather messy apartment he owned. He simply leaned back on the door he had just entered with a loud sigh, tilting his head back with his eyes closed, not moving for several minutes.

Just when Haku's concern was beginning to reach its max point, Naruto turned to look at him – not look through him as he had insistently done since Haku's death, but at him, "You're not real, you're just a figment of my imagination. So go away already!"