Thank you for all your replies.

Part 20

They made good time back on their journey to Sherwood. The weather was turning warmer and would have been pleasant had it not been for the intermittent April showers which kept catching them out. A day's ride from Edwinstowe they were met by Friar Tuck who had slipped from his party telling them he had to visit a sick relative in the nearby countryside. Eli not wanting to stop and wait for him while he paused at some peasants or priest house told him they would see him back at Knighton when he was ready.

"Tuck!" said Much surprised.

Tuck smiled as Robin asked him. "Have you got it?"

"Close to my heart," he replied with a smile. "Now we just have to make it a day to remember"

"What? What a day to remember?" asked Much.

John looked pointedly at him and replied. "The thing Robin went to York for, we need it for the journey back."

"Why has Tuck still got it? What is it?"

Robin turned round, his horse still walking forward. "All in good time."

"All in good time? What kind of answer is that? I need to know now. I mean it might be important."

"Shut up," Alan said from behind.

"Let us go with the flow," suggested Djaq.

"Go with the flow," muttered Much. "I would go with the flow if I knew which way we are flowing."

"It will become clear soon," Tuck said reassuringly. Much however was not convinced.

The villagers of Edwinstowe greeted them as they had done on their journey north to Markwick some months before. Marian, Robin and Tuck vanished leaving Little John and the gang with strict instructions not to leave the centre of the village unless the Sheriff, Gisborne or their men appeared.

"Now what is happening? I for one need food and the smell of meat pie from the inn is calling my name," Much said taking one step in that direction.

"No," said John pulling him back. "We stay here."

Much sighed heavily. "Really? I was hoping you might see my need for food."

"I see the need for you to be quiet, you're giving me a headache," said Alan.

"There is no need to be rude," Much replied offended.

"They have been gone a while, we can't have to wait much longer," reasoned Will.

Robin reappeared first looking clean and re-clothed.

"What is going on? Something's happening?" Much said to him.

"Yes," he replied taking a deep breath, nerves finally settling in, "Come we are going."

"Going where? What about the horses? What about Tuck? Marian?"

"Much," Robin said stopping and the manservant almost careered into his master. "We do not need horses for where we are going and as for Tuck and Marian, they will be there too."

"Well alright, as long as after whatever we have to do I can eat."

Robin put his hand on Much's shoulder and answered. "Yes, after you may eat all you want."

"Ah good, well then let us do whatever it is we are doing."

They followed him through the village to the church. Tuck was waiting for them.

"Robin, stand in the doorway, the rest of you over there on the grass."

"Will this take long because I am really very hungry?"

"Shut up!" yelled Alan and Much frowned but remained quiet.

"Why here? Why not inside?" asked Will having cottoned on to what was actually taking place.

"The priest wasn't keen on the idea of outlaws in his church, but said we could use the doorway instead." Tuck explained.

"Oh," he replied with a gentle shrug.

Robin's attention drifted from Much and his stomach to Marian who stood perhaps ten feet behind the gang. He took a deep breath, she wasn't dressed as elegantly as she had been on the day she was to marry Gisborne but because of that she looked even more beautiful. She walked down the path as if it were an aisle finally meeting Robin in the doorway of the church. Tuck opened the doors and stood inside the church and finally Much realised what it all was about, he suddenly forgot he was hungry. A wedding, this was just what he had been waiting for ever since…..well a long time.

Tuck started the ceremony as Robin and Marian shared coy looks at each other, suddenly shy, this was the moment of truth they exchanged vows to love and cherish each other for ever. There was a pause in the proceeding as Tuck hunted down his robe for the ring, fishing it out and handing it to Robin with a smile.

It was a simple ring with none of the extravagance Guy's had been, two Celtic hearts knotted together to signify a perfect token of love. It fitted upon her finger and she fingered it almost immediately thinking of how it would always remind her of this day.

Tuck finally pronounced them man and wife. Robin felt more than a little self conscious, something which didn't occur frequently but after a glance at the gang he noticed half of Edwinstowe were watching on with keen interest too. Turning back to Marian, he ran a lone finger down her cheek and she turned to him, his finger rested under her chin and raised her head up, so they were looking into the depths of the others soul. He sealed their marriage with a kiss, with lips which were warm, passionate, gentle in the beginning, rising to a promise of what was to follow on their wedding night and forever.

As they pulled away the entire audience raised a cheer and applause, Marian just leant up and whispered in his ear "Love you, forever"

The End

To be continued…….