After being pronounced man and wife, they walk back to the room Lorelai got ready in. The others decided to wait until they came back to congratulate the newly weds.

Lorelai turns around in Luke's arms. "I'm not dreaming am I?"

He smiles, leans in and kisses her softly, "No, you're not."

"Thank God," she breathes, and wraps her arms tight around his waist, burring her face in his neck.

The Reverend taps on the door, "Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Danes, I need you to sign the marriage license."

He places it on the table for them to sign.

She signs her new name for the first time, next to her husbands'.

Luke is her husband.

She smiles.


Lucas William Danes

Lorelai Victoria Danes

After gathering all their things from the room, they walk out to their family. Rory runs over to her mother, as April heads over to Luke. "Congratulations Mrs. Danes!"

"Thanks, babe," she says through a smile.

Rory and April switch parents, "Congratulations, Lorelai."

Lorelai kisses April's head, "Thanks, sweets."

Rory hugs Luke tight, and whispers, "Congratulations, Dad."

"Rory, you don't have to call me Dad," Luke says, looking in her bright blue eyes.

She shrugs, "I know, but I want to. You've earned the title."

Emily walks up to Lorelai, smiling, "Best wishes Lorelai. I'm very happy you've found who you want to be with."

Lorelai hugs her mother, "Thank you for coming, Mom."

"I wouldn't have missed this day for the world," Emily says, holding her daughter close, "I love you very much Lorelai."

She closes her eyes. "I love you too, Mom. I don't show it as I should, but I do."

Last but not least is Richard.

He gave his little girl away today.

She smiles at him.

"Thank you for giving me away, Daddy. It meant a lot," she says.

"Thank you for asking me," he says, pulling her in for a hug.

"I love you, Daddy."


They all go out for dinner that night, Emily and Richard's treat. During the second course, Rory says, "Ok, it's present time!"

April hands over her gift, "Sorry I didn't know what to get you guys, so Rory helped me out."

Lorelai unwraps the small box and pulls out a gift card to the home appliance store in Hartford.

"Thank you, sweetie, you didn't have to do this," Luke says, giving her a sideways hug and kiss on her head.

She shrugs, "I know, but I wanted to ."

Next is Rory. She ands a gift to each of them, Luke's takes up his and Lorelai's side of the table, and Lorelai's fit in the palm of her hand. "Now, I had these all paid for when I first found out you were engaged. I hope you like them."

Lorelai opens her gift, "Oh my god. Rory, this is beautiful! Thank you."

"You're welcome, do you want me to put it on you?"

She nods.

Once it's in place, she fingers the silver chain. She's labeled now.

Mrs. Danes is written in cursive and attached to the chain.

When Luke opens his gift, he's equally thrilled. He has fancy new pots and pans. He can cook fancy meals for Lorelai and their children now.

Finally, its Emily and Richard's turn.

"Now, this gift is in your name," Richard says, gesturing to Lorelai and Luke, "but really it's for all of you."

Emily hands Luke and the girls each a small box, Luke is also handed an envelope from Richard.

Inside the boxes are a set of keys, and inside the envelope is a deed.

"You bought us a house?" Luke says, in awe.

"Yes, it's still in Stars Hollow, don't worry. It's a very lovely place. Big fenced in yard, white columns-" Richard is cut off by Lorelai.

"You bought us the Twickham house?!"

Richard shrugs, not recognizing the name, "I suppose. The only problem with it was a giant hole in the floor, but we've had that taken care of."

"You guys shouldn't have done this," Lorelai tells her parents, with tears in her eyes.

"Nonsense, we wanted to do something for you. We know how you both love Stars Hollow, so that's why we were looking there a couple months back. Please, accept our gift?" Emily asks, reaching over to grasp Lorelai's hand.

Lorelai hugs her mom, "Of course we will. Thank you, Mom," she stands and hugs her father, "Thank you, Daddy."


Later that night, in a separate part of the house.

Everyone has done gone to bed, and drifted of to dream land.

Leaving the newly weds celebrate.
