Unexpecting circumstances and I told you so moments.

Sorry about the wait got tired and busy and then tired again. Maybe slapping myself could get some sense into my thick noggin.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters I just enjoy playing with them.

After a minutes of mind boggling numbness and no conception of where he was, Eragon woke up to find him self in some room with a table that had strange instruments and a few candles. Next he saw writings on the walls and a fine looking lady in the corner reading something out of a book. He tried to struggle out of his chair he was tied too and then tried magic but felt a powerful force pulling weaker and weaker the more he tried.

The woman turned around and smirked at Eragon, to which he noticed her auburn red hair and saw that she had one blue eye and one emerald green eye. Her hair flowed freely down around her and goes down her to the small of her back and the only thing she wore was a sapphire dress with no straps but tight on her and pushed her bosom up to add to her appearance. Her beauty is that of Arya's in which no man could ever look away to which Arya might be quite jealous of her and Eragon.

"Nice try rider, but you may find my power much greater than your but more than my masters I'm afraid." She says sassily.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Eragon asked angrily.

"Oh please don't make me the bad guy, only my master makes me do this…honestly I would have been much nicer to you…or I could make you pain much more comfortable, would you like that?" She says calmly.

Eragon eyes her suspiciously and keeps his mouth shut for a few moments.

She sits on his lap facing him moving his hair the way she sees fitting while Eragon pulls his head back in anger and commitment to Arya.

"I know about your little ambush and attempts to escape, all are futile…but you don't have to worry about a special person…" She says as she gets up and goes to one of the corners across from Eragon.

She waves her hands and Arya appears tied up and gagged trying to call out to Eragon but to no avail and tears flow down her cheeks. The woman slaps Arya across her cheek leaving a huge bruise and make Arya shut up, Eragon tries another time to untangle him self but still doesn't work.

"Don't worry she be fine, but you on the other hand may not see the light of day." She said looking over at Eragon grinning happily.

As she comes over to Eragon she suddenly stops and rolls her eyes obviously forgetting something.

"Please forgive my manners, I've neglected to give my name to you; you may call me Mistress Sarah or Sarah for short." She says waving her hand again and Arya disappears.

Eragon spits in her eye causing her to flinch and raise a hand to smack Eragon stops for a few seconds studying Eragon's mad face then goes through with it making him turn his head with the impact.

"Please don't make me angry, I like my subject healthy for their treatments." She says hopelessly.