It's me! Heichiro Ofuda

and Aeri Kalish Eagarce

At your service

This will be the last chapter for Second Chance.

I noticed that you didn't write many fight scenes here, Heichi-chan.

Yeah. To those who missed the detailed, bloody fight scenes in Death Row, don't worry.

Does that mean you'll write them here?

Indeed it does! and you'll be helping since you'll be taking over the last story.


Don't worry. After Kent finishes with his story(I highly doubt it) he'll be back. And we'll have someone pick up the pace in the next story.

Okay! So this is Remember: the Goal! read and be happy!

Remember: the Goal

The Ikkou drove off into the distance quietly. The hum of Hakuryu's engine was the only sound they could hear. Each had his own thoughts about what had happened.

'Kougaiji and the others are now so powerful.' thought Hakkai, 'They could be a problem if we need to face Gyumaoh.'

'Kougaiji has his sister back. This could be trouble.' thought Seiten Taishou

'We can do it! I know we can!' Gokujin fought against Seiten's thoughts as though it bothered him

'Damn! Kougaiji has the brat back. My knees can't handle her anymore.' was Sanzo's concern

'Doku's stronger now. So is every one of them.' thought Gojyo, 'we need help.'

'I have to stop Gyumaoh no matter what!' Ashura kept repeating this in her mind as Gokujin sat on her lap.

With these thoughts and more in mind, they drove off... to the west.

"No." Gyumaoh said to Kougaiji

"B-but you promised!"

"You failed to stop the Ikkou. You're still as useless as ever!"


Kougaiji ground his teeth. Lirin paced back and forth outside while Yaone and Dokugakuji were watching her. Then they heard a loud cry.


Kougaiji had had enough and tried to attack Gyumaoh. The demon waved his hand and sent Kougaiji flying towards the door. Lirin was listening through the door when it flew open with Kougaiji. Lirin and Kougaiji ended up in a heap against the wall. Wearily, they stood up. Dokugakuji and Yaone ran to their side, weapons at the ready.

"You dare to try and attack me? You'll pay for that insolent little act!"

"Yes, honey, show him what you can do." said Gyokumen, tightly wrapped to Gyumaoh's arm.

Soon, hundreds of demons swarmed around the four. Seething with rage, Kougaiji attacked the nearest one and sliced his head off. The head rolled on the floor spurting blood everywhere. As the body fell, the blood gushed from its neck like a fountain, showering Kougaiji.

"He... He didn't vanish!?" Kougaiji was bewildered

"Lord Kougaiji!" cried Yaone, "They seem to be transformed humans!"

Kougaiji and Dokugakuji looked and sure enough, the telltale signs of demons were there but they were incomplete. Some had long pointed ears, yet they had no markings. Others had markings but their hands were those of humans. Some were even taboo children. Lirin was horrified.

"What have you done!" cried Kougaiji, "You monster!"

"Kou!" said Dokugakuji, "We've got to get outta here!"

Kougaiji looked for a way out but they were surrounded.

"We've got to fight!"

Lirin nodded, she understood. Quickly, she sliced open a demon to her left and proceeded to tear apart four others behind her. The blood stained her shirt and her pants causing them to hang heavy and tightly on her body. Yaone's whips lashed out at the demons that tried to attack. The spray reached her and soon even she was soaked in blood. Kougaiji and Dokugakuji were no different. Kougaiji's abdomen was completely red and his hands were sticky. Still, they were able to push on and create an opening towards the door. Demon's dropped left and right. They were all missing body parts. Yaone yelped in surprise as genitals flew across their path.

"Sorry." said Dokugakuji, "I don't know what I'm slicing anymore."

The floor was think with blood; their shoes began to stick to the floor. They pushed through the door and ran outside into the hallway. Arrows rained down on them and cut them. Their blood began to mingle with the fresh blood still on their bodies. The adrenalin kept them going. They ran until they got out side. Nearly blinded by pain and the blood of the humans, they went on. They ran for days until one day, they just passed out.

Epilogue: The Watcher

As the Ikkou drove forth uneventfully, Sanzo felt weird and woke up from a deep slumber. Seeing that The others save Hakkai and Ashura were asleep, he settled back into relaxation.

Unbeknownst to the Ikkou, two pairs of eyes watched them as they went in their journey toward their goal.

Epilogue: The Helper

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Someone looked disdainfully at Kougaiji and his friends. He chuckled before whistling. Soon, another pair of hands came.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

The two carried the group to a cottage. One carried both Lirin and Yaone. The other carried Kougaiji and Dokugakuji. They set them onto different beds. They tended the wounds and cleaned the blood off. They kept watch until they were sure that the four were stable.

That's it! The end of Second Chance!

So tune in for The Last Leg!

How'd you come up with that?

I just did.

Good work, nice one on Kougaiji and Yaone too. So you guys, don't worry Aeri can handle the bloody parts.

See you next time!