
He couldn't remember when exactly Sam got restless; a year, maybe 2 years after that night at the crossroads, but he had.

For the first time neither of them knew what to do. They'd had a mission until then. It had always been 'kill the yellow eyed demon', even before they knew what it was, or had a catchy nickname for it. Then Sam's mission changed swiftly to 'save your brother' just like Dean's had been after their dad died. Dean's job was to enjoy his last year, make the most of his time. Then…nothing. Suddenly nothing. No ticking clock for Dean; no worries for Sam.

Sam's powers had gone. He had demon-blood in him still, but the demon was dead, so it didn't mean anything anymore. All the other children like Sam were either dead, or those from the 'other generations' were no longer in danger of becoming 'special'.

Sure there were still evil things, demons, but most of the ones they'd let out Dean and him had hunted down when Jo was still pregnant with Ashley. Anything else now, well even to Dean didn't seem like their responsibility anymore. Dean was fed up of being a hero. He wanted to be a man for a change; wanted to try being a regular Joe. It wasn't exciting, but it was different, and surprisingly it wasn't bad-different.

That's what Sam had wanted with Jess, a normal life. He'd lost that chance and it fuelled him to find the thing that killed her. In those years he hadn't had the time to stop, or even consider trying to have what he'd had with her with anyone else. But after Dean talked about stopping it made Sam think about all those girls he'd met on the road, especially Sarah and Madison. He was scared when he met Sarah, scared that if he grew to love her – having the notion that one day he could – he'd lose her. Then when he lost Madison, he felt like his fears had been proven right once again. He couldn't be happy; never would.

The last time Dean had mentioned seeing Sarah again Sam had shrugged it off; said "Maybe…some day." He didn't expect this time to be any different, so he didn't mention it. He did one better. Dean was happy now and didn't want Sam to be too scared to make himself happy. He knew he was interfering, but even when Jo gave him that look – that 'Do you know what you're doing?' look – he knew he was doing the right thing.

When she showed up Sam was pissed at him; really pissed, but he was happy to see her. A part of her had waited for him, even if she didn't know it; part of her had held back with other people, thinking that they just weren't Sam, and as soon as Dean had called her, told her Sam was hurt and wanted to see her she didn't think. She didn't think 'How did he find me?', 'Why now?', 'Its been too long' or 'We're probably totally different people now', she just caught the next bus their way.

Of course Sam wasn't hurt, and when she got there and saw this, it all made sense to both of them.

She was older, so was Sam, God they were all older, too old to mess about with stuff like this anymore, because it hadn't been that long and no one's feelings had changed. It didn't take long for them to become a couple, to move in, to get hitched. Dean and Jo never did though; told themselves they weren't the marriage type. They all settled into a routine. The two couples living quite close to each other, and Dean and Sam had the relationship they'd both always wanted. Dean was happy because they were close, and Sam was happy because they were living normal lives, and it seemed to work out for all four of them, and Ashley.

AN:- Because this is so short I'm going to put up the first Chapter tomorrow...I just wrote a prologue this time because I needed to set the scene being that there are a few years inbetween this story and the first one...also because I wanted to have SamSarah in this one without having to go through their relationship and how it formed over years in loads of detail, because I don't really want to write SamSarah in loads of detail...I just wanted Sam to have someone, and I liked Sarah, but their relationship is never going to be anything but background for DeanJo storylines...

After Chapter 2 tho I am going to take a break in posting, probably til mid January, but no later...theres a mini cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 2 so I'll try to get upto there first before the break, because I want to leave it at a good place...