Series: CSI
Title: Slowly
Written: 06 February 2005
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Gil/Greg
Words: 2,154
Warnings: PWP, Citrus.
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine. Ohh yes. I do.
Summary: Grissom is onto Greg.


Greg jumped and gasped lightly, closing his eyes slowly in frustration. He was glad he had hesitated to empty the contents of the pipette he was holding onto the DNA specimen. Grissom would have caused him to get the clear liquid everywhere. How had he managed to sneak up on him anyway?

"Yes, sir?"

"Don't call me sir."

"Sorry -"

"Do you have my samples processed yet?"

"Working as fast as I can."

Greg nodded slowly, looking at Grissom, putting on his best 'I don't care what you think' face. It made Grissom grin. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hurry up."

Grissom turned around and walked out of the lab.

Greg fumed and tried to concentrate on his work. Since he wasn't really the shy type it had been easy not to blush in Gil''s presence - he was still at work, he could at least restrict his thoughts to be more professional, though he thought he was not to be responsible for his actions - but that didn't stop him from lingering on his 'impossibly' handsome features when he had looked at Grissom.

He finally got everything up to speed, doing calculations in his head while thinking of other things, mindlessly going through the routine. He was waiting on the printout when Grissom came back inside the lab.

"Are you finished yet?"

"Almost. Waiting on the reading."

Grissom walked closer to him. He was only 6 inches away. 4 inches. He was getting really nervous.

The printer began printing and he let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He hoped that the noise from the printer had hidden it though. It embarassed him that Grissom made him so nervous when he got close to him. Naturally, he guessed, anyone would feel this way. Grissom was intricate and complicated, and extremely hard to read. Pinpointing his purpose was impossible, and that is what made him so nervous. The thought that he could be coming closer to him to - there he went again.

'Think professionaly Greg. Jesus.'

He noticed that he had been holding and looking at the printout for well over 5 seconds, and quickly turned to hand it to Grissom. The look Grissom was giving him made his eyes widen. And then Catherine walked in.

"Thanks Greg-o."


Catherine dumped some things in plastic bags in front of him on the desk. He tried to notice, really, but he was too busy staring at Grissom, who turned and was walking out as quickly as Catherine had shown up.

Catherine snapped her fingers in front of Greg's face.

"Greg! What's the matter with you? Get to work on these, okay?"

Greg inhaled deeply and sat down, letting it back out before looking at the rather large pile of evidence Catherine had just dumped on him.


Catherine gave him a concerned look as he wiped a bit of sweat off of his forehead that seemed to have been collecting for a few minutes. She patted his shoulder and walked out of the lab.

'Okay, what the hell was that?' Greg fought the urge to panick, but it wasn't working very well. 'That look is definitely readable. That look means..'

He cut himself off, willing himself to forget about it and work on the tasks he had in front of him.


Catherine watched Greg after she walked out of the lab. She saw him hesitate, and saw his shoulders shake a little, then he shook his head and got back to work. Well something had just happened between Grissom and Greg that she didn't know about, but it sure had the boy shaken. She walked to Grissom's office.

Knocking first, she opened the door to his office. She found him sitting at his desk, playing with his rubix cube.

Grissom looked up at her, and motioned her in.


Catherine shut the door and walked over to his desk.

"What's going on with you and Greg?"

Grissom looked up at her with a black expression. Unreadable as always.


"Greg was acting funny after you came out of the lab back there."

"I was under the impression that Greg always 'acts funny', Catherine."

Grissom turned his attention back to the rubix cube he held in his hand. Catherine gave him a wary look.

"You know he just wants to impress you. He's told you that you make him nervous before. You're not taking advantage of that, are you?"

"Of course not, Catherine. Don't you have some work to do?"

Catherine eyed him for another second, and he looked up at her with a look that told her to go away.


Catherine turned around and walked out of Grissom's office.

Grissom smirked. Of course he was taking advantage of that. That and a couple other facts he happened to figure out on his own. Greg could be read like a book, you'd only have to look at him for a couple seconds to know his entire life's story. Metaphorically, of course.

He'd gotten all he needed to know in the lab a few minutes ago.


'God. Could things get any worse?'

It was near the end of the shift and Greg still had a half-dozen DNA samples to run. He checked his watch. Ten minutes until his shift was over.

Catherine opened the door to the lab.

"Hey Greg-o are you almost finished? Everyone else is cleaning up."

"Nah, I'm going to have to stay over tonight, I got behind."


Catherine paused. 'Got behind doing what? Worrying about Grissom probably..poor kid.'

Greg looked up at her as she was thinking curiously.

"Goodnight Catherine."

Catherine nodded.


She walked out, going to meet with Warrick, Sara, Nick, and Grissom. Some of the others had planned to have breakfast together. She wondered briefly if Greg had been invited. She saw Grissom locking up his office and stopped abruptly to speak to him.

"Hey Grissom."


Grissom locked up his office and turned around to go meet Catherine and the rest of the team, and saw Catherine standing in front of the lab.

"Hey Grissom."


He walked over to her. She was standing with her hands on her hips, the way she usually did when she was about to tell him that she didn't approve of something.

"Greg is staying over until he gets his work finished. He claims that 'he got behind' but I don't see how, he hasn't had that many things to run today. Did you have anything to do with this?"

Grissom willed himself to blink his annoyance away and cleared his throat.


"Come on, I'm hungry. Let's go with the team to get some breakfast."

"I'm staying here with Greg."

Catherine facefaulted.

"I don't think that's a good -- "

Grissom gave her a serious look and cocked his head to the side ever so slightly. This was his 'I dare you to question me again' face.


Catherine threw her hands up and walked away. Grissom made sure that everyone was gone before he sidestepped into the lab.

'At least two hours until dayshift begins. Should be plenty of time.'


Greg swallowed hard as Grissom stepped into the lab. He put down the equipment he was working with and took off his gloves, discarding them into the trash can.

"Working late."

It wasn't a question. Greg avoided looking directly at Grissom. Instead he pretended to busy himself with something so that he could turn his back to him and pray that he would just go away, and leave the new heartache that he had caused for today alone. But then again, he didn't want him to go. What he really wanted was something entirely different --

He froze as he heard Grissom slowly walking closer to him. He stared straight ahead, using every ounce of his will to stop his shoulders from shaking, though that will was too little to stop his quivering hands. He laid them out on the table slowly, silently wishing they would stop.

He readied himself as he heard Grissom stop walking, and he closed his eyes slowly after seeing Grissom's reflection in the glass in front of him. He had stopped just behind him, barely touching the back of his chair. Then he felt something warm slide over the tops of his hands, and felt something tickling his arms. He opened his eyes very slightly to see Grissom's hands covering his own.

He swallowed hard, his breathing quickening. Grissom was touching him. From behind. Grissom's hands - Grissom's hands were..

Grissom leaned down, touching his arms to Greg's and began kissing his neck very, very lightly. He felt Greg shiver and saw him close his eyes again, a light blush rising on his cheeks. He smiled and kissed his neck again, and again very, very lightly.

Greg gasped internally when Grissom's lips touched his skin again. The barest contact set the whole area - and another as well, he noticed; his pants were suddenly tighter - on fire. He dared to lick his lips quickly, when had they become so dry?

Grissom trailed his hands up Greg's arms slowly, timing his kisses a couple seconds apart. He wanted to be extremely careful, and extremely seductive. He breathed gently on the back of Greg's ear as his hands reached Greg's shoulders. He rubbed them softly for a second before sliding them back downward slowly, down the front of Greg's chest underneath his labcoat.

This time Greg gasped audibly and tensed as he felt Grissom's hands rubbing against his chest. He was going down. Down, down, down. That was the only word Greg could remember as Grissom's hands reached his stomach. Then, they found the bottom of his shirt. They went underneath.

Grissom grinned as he finally placed his hands on Greg's bare skin. Smooth, warm, and oh so tempting. But he remained on task and took everything slowly. He let his hands rest on Greg's stomach for a few seconds before slowly sliding them upward again, lifting Greg's shirt with them. He kissed Greg's neck an almost insignificant amount harder and more frequently as he came upward.

Greg was doing his best not to cum in his pants, in all cold, hard reality. Grissom at work touching him, touching him nicely, touching him sexually. He didn't have time to think. He didn't want to miss feeling anything. Grissom's hands were on his abdomen, slowly stroking the skin there, agonizingly slowly. It was all he could do to not turn around and beg Grissom to take him. He wasn't thinking about how none of it made any sense, how it would never work between them, or how they could both get caught and lose their jobs. He wanted more.

Grissom grinned when he finally reached Greg's chest and began rubbing Greg's nipples softly. He was surprised to hear the faintest moan escape Greg's mouth, because Greg seemed to be struggling to keep everything in. He chuckled very softly and licked Greg's neck, pinching his nipples suddenly.


Greg arced his back and panted, tossing his head back onto Grissom's shoulder. He couldn't take it anymore. It was too intense, he couldn't be quiet a second longer.

"Grissom.." Greg breathed, bringing his arms up to wrap his hands around Grissom's biceps.

Grissom chuckled and released him, turning him around in his chair quickly, and kissed him soundly. He pushed his tongue into Greg's anxious mouth relentlessly, his moans coinciding with Greg's. His hand quickly found and explored the bulge in Greg's pants, causing Greg to break the kiss to moan again.

Biting his lip, Greg tried very hard not to simply fling himself out of his chair and onto the floor. But suddenly Grissom stopped. His hand left his erection and came back up to rest on Greg's side, and he opened his eyes to see Grissom's face mere centimeters away. He leaned in to kiss him again but Grissom stopped him.

"Greg. We can't do this here."

Greg swallowed hard as reality came crashing back to him. He nodded slowly as Grissom stood up and smiled at him.

"Let's take things slow, Greg-o. What do you say?"

Greg found himself suddenly aware of how much saliva his mouth was producing and he swallowed again.


"Are you willing to be in a relationship with me, Greg? I'd rather not get involved if it's only going to be sex."

Greg blinked at him, opening his mouth slightly. These words touched him on the deepest level that existed.

"I want to be with you."

Grissom smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him again.

"See you tomorrow. We'll have dinner after work."

Greg smiled excitedly.

"All right."

"Better get back to work on those samples. Wouldn't want you to be here all morning."

Greg chuckled as Grissom kissed him one last time, then turned and walked out of the lab.