1Just in Time

Disclaimer: I do not own Hannah Montana

A/N: I just recently got this idea and thought it would be a pretty cool idea. Hope I was right. Fell free to tell me any ideas I could add to the story.

He was falling, deep into the darkness that surrounded him. I could stop, no matter how much he tried. Suddenly, he came to an abrupt fall, hitting the soft ground. Getting up, he looked around. The darkness a gotten a tinge of red in it, adding to his fright. Pictures of his brothers, family, and friends, dead ,played in front of his eyes, almost like a movie. His heart was pounding a mile a minute

What was this?

What this supposed to be a warning?

Suddenly, the movie stopped. A figure stood in front him, hidden in the shadows. Squinting, he couldn't make out who it was. The figure became clearer, and he gasped at who it was.

It was him.


Joe Jonas awoke to his alarm clock, sweating and heaving wildly. What was wrong with him? He had been having this kind of dream for two weeks, and it was doing him no good. His usual goofy and childish behavior had turned into a deep persona of dullness. Putting his hand to his chest to calm down, he got up and went to the bathroom, where he splashed some cold water on his face. Sighing deeply, he looked around. There was no darkness around him anymore, just his regular room. Sleep had become a living hell for him, and this usually made him very cranky. Walking out of the bathroom, he bumped into his younger brother Nick. "Hey, Joe. What's wrong? You don't look so good." his brother flashed him worried eyes, which only added to his dread. "Nothing, Nick. I'm okay. Really, I am." said Joe, giving him a small smile. "I dunno. You've been a little distant these past couple of days. Are you sure your okay?" said Nick, a bit worried. "I'm fine. Nick!" said Joe harshly. Nick cringed under his brother's harshness, Joe sighed, mumbling a small 'sorry'. Nick looked at Joe, now more worried than ever. Deciding to go to Kevin for advice, he walked away. Joe walked away to his room in a daze.

A/N: How do you like it? It's short, I know, and the next chapter will be short, but after that, I'll try to make them longer. Now, review. They make me happy. :)