Hey guys this is my first story so some reviews would be appreciated ,Thanks.

(I dont own naruto or anything that really has to do with naruto so yeah!)

Chapter 1// Sakura's Misson begins!

"Sakura!!"A really annoying voice came from behind her. She flinched in annoyance. "What is it Naruto??" She asked giving off the sign she didn't really want to talk.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Its feudal to even think about going alone!" Turning to face him she placed her hands on her hips and cocked an eyebrow,

" Naruto.. I'm not a little kid anymore. I've been under Lady Tsunade for a while now. I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself. And I promise...This time I'll find him."

Naruto looked at her with the stupid expression he always makes when things don't go his way

"Fine..." He said agitated that he wasn't invited.

"Good. I'm glad we agree" She replied turning around on the balls of her feet

"Oh...!" She said looking over her shoulder "This is between me and you. Got that?!"

"Yea Yea.."He said with a flick of his wrist turning around also heading back to the ramen shop where he was always found.

She knew she could do this. She knew she could find Sasuke this time, She just knew it!

It can happen she thought encouragingly to herself.

While taking a moment to watch Naruto leave she continued on her way to her apartment only to run into Ino.

"Sakura..."Her former rival/ best friend said.

"Ino..." Sakura said just as coldly.

They both snubbed there noses in the air and continued to walk away from one another

Pig... She thought

She shook off Ino and reminded herself of her misson. She couldn't help but think of Sasuke. His onyx eyes, His raven hair, His masculine body. She couldn't help but drool over that part of him. But then she started to remember about the night he left..


"If you leave I'll scream!" She shouted only to be shocked he wasn't standing in front of her anymore.

"Sakura...Arigato." And before you knew it he knocked her out placing her on the cold bench.

End of flashback.

What exactly did he mean by that? I spilled my heart out to him was he saying thank you for caring or Gah.. I dont know. She thought to herself. It was all to confusing for her to figure out now. She would ask him as soon as she found him. She shook her head and opened the door to her house as she had finally returned home.

"What to do first..."She questioned herself..

"Well..I could take a shower since I'm not going to be able to do that until I bring sasuke home..."With a deep sigh she began to run the bath water. Taking off one piece of clothing at a time she was finally undressed. She stopped the water and slowly sunk into the steaming water. She sighed once more as this was very relaxing. She washed her body with a lathering cherry blossom soap that Tsunade got her for her birthday. As she stepped out of the tub she gazed at herself in the mirror. She had really grown up since the last time she had seen sasuke. Her breast were full, and nicely shaped, she had a stomach and abs as flat as a wash board. Her legs were perfect and her butt wasn't to bad either. She liked her body and she wasn't the type to complain about it.

I wonder if sasuke will like the 'new' me.. She pondered a light red of crimson covering her cheeks.

"Oh snap out of it Sakura!", She exclaimed to herself. She got dressed in her usual clothes and began to back her bag. She took a look outside and sighed "hurry up and get dark already..." she mumbled under her breath. Fumbling through her bag she figured she had everything and by that time it was dark so she decided to head out. Walking to the front door she grabbed her hooded coat and put it on. Stopping by the table in the foyer she placed a note before walking out of the door shutting and locking it.

'Lets do it Sakura!' Her inner self said.

Walking the path that sasuke took the night he left, the thoughts of that night kept replaying over and over in her mind. She was so fixated on that night that she didnt even notice somebody was following her. She took a good look around to make sure no one was watching her she hopped the huge gate that guarded Konoha. Finally her misson began!

End of chapter 1. I know its kinda short but there are still more. Just give me a little bit:)