Once again I will tell you that I do not own anyone, although I wished I did! XD BUT I do own any OCs (original characters) So anyone not apart of Bams crew or Ville's Band…

- Love and kisses Lemmikki- Lumi

Chapter one: News

Bams P.O.V.

I stared at the large mirror in my room. I had gotten it a little over a month ago from my best friend Ville Valo when he told me his deep dark secret about where he was from.

Everyone believes Ville is from Helsinki Finland, that is in fact a lie. Ville is actually not from anywhere you would be familiar with, a place called Selmika. It is a place in this worlds alternate universe, Tratsalam. I don't completely understand it, but then again its extremely complicated.

I sat on the end of my bed, staring at my reflection. I know it sounds conceded, but I wasn't exactly being patent about Ville's tardiness. Sighing, I made to stand up but unexpectedly Ville ran through the mirror and landed on top of me! The forced pushed us back onto my bed. "Greetings," Ville said blushing slightly at the way we were positioned. "Good morning to you too, babe," I said growling at him, causing his blush to instantly darken.

I love messing with him when he just come from Selmika, he gets embarrassed over everything we do, its actually beyond adorable. I suppose its because he is so used to the royal way of things, being hit on like he is here.

Ville started to get off me, blush still in place, but I grabbed his shoulders keeping him in place. "Nope, I am sorry; I can not allow you to leave." I said smiling broadly up at him. He sighed, knowing it was a losing battle and fell limp against my chest.

Ville's P.O.V

I ran. There was nothing I could do other than run. I had to get of here for a while. Not paying any attention to anything, I ran full speed towards the mirror and landed on top of an unsuspecting Bam, forcing him back onto his bed, me landing on top of him.

"Greetings," I said, my face growing hot as I realized that I had landed exactly between his legs. He didn't seem fazed in the slightest as he said calmly, "Good morning to you too, babe." He growled deep in his throat, the sound sending tingles up my spine, making my face grow hotter.

I began to get off Bam, for fear he might make me feel something I wish I hadn't, but Bam grabbed my shoulders and kept me in place. "Nope, I am sorry; I can not allow you to leave." He said, grinning up at me. Sighing, I went limp against his bare chest. He wrapped his arms protectively around my back.

We stayed in this position for some time Bam gently stroked my hair. After a while, I lifted my head to meet Bam's blue eyes. "Bammie," I said cautiously, biting my lip slightly. He looked at me through those gorgeous eyes and I wished I could stay lost in them forever. "I have to get married."