(Chokes up with tears) I'm so happy everyone loved it and I will surely miss writing these stories! Although it pains me to say this, this will be the last chapter (Unless I somehow manage to scrape up an epilogue for the entire thing, how I will I'm not sure but I'll think of something…).

But many thanks to:

The-New-Nightingale: I'm sure why is an obvious reason, but I will say again, THANK YOU so VERY much!!!! For allowing me to use your sentences and reviewing my story!! It was fun to write these chapters and mini-stories using your sentences as the plot. I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

Poison's Ivy: I'm also sure the reason is obvious, but THANKS for being an awesome friend! I sure had fun watching you guess :). Thanks for reviewing every time and putting up with my evilness to guess. ;p It's been fun and I really will miss your guessing!

Mika, sad raven, Alex-chan Kyiozumi, MaxAlex4ever, and roar: THANKS A BUNCH for reviewing and reading!! I'm glad you all liked the mini-stories and I'm glad you took the time to stop and review!

MaxAlex4ever, The-New-Nightingale,Poison's Ivy, and SilverDemonSoul: Thanks for adding this story to your alerts!! Also, thanks for reading!!

MaxAlex4ever: THANK YOU SO MUCH for adding this story to your favorites!!!!!! I'm glad you loved it so much!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'll move onto the story now! I based this chapter off a sentence by The-New-Nightingale. This one is based off of "Silence".

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. Neither do I own the general idea (the sentence) of this mini-story. That goes to The-New-Nightingale.

Type: Mini-story

Title: Speechless

Pairings: RedxRae


Was…it all a dream?

Raven opened her amethyst eyes and found herself floating in a silent, peaceful lake. The water surrounded her pale body as it gently soothed the aches in her body. Raven touched her lips, where it still tingled with such a sensation, and the warm spots on her body where someone's arms had wrapped around her with comfort and security.

Had I really seen X?

Raven brought up the memory of last night and her body shivered at the horrible memory of Robin. The waters, seeming to have sensed her fright, comforted her with their soft waves. Soon she moved onto the more happier memory of seeing Red X again. She smiled softly as she remembered his lips on hers and his arms around her.

Just where am I now?

Looking around her surroundings, Raven found she was no longer in her room. A vast lake greeted her in all directions and there seemed no end to it. "Hello?" Raven called out and the only answer was her echo.

Raven stood up, the water following and flowing around her body to form a silk, blue dress. A gold ribbon tied around the waist and continued straight down the middle in the front of the skirt. "Hello?" Raven called out again, paying no mind to the clothes that had magically appeared.

"Hello Love," Raven spun around, an excited look in her eyes.

"X!" He stood before her, his green eyes smiling as his arms were outstretched, waiting for her. She ran into his arms without a second thought and laughed, happy to be where she belonged. "So it wasn't a dream!"

"No Love, it wasn't." He held on tighter to her and inhaled her scent. Unmistakably, it was jasmine. "I've missed you Love. I've felt empty without you in my arms."

"So did I X," she whispered. She smiled contently and sighed, happy to smell his spicy scent again and to hear his voice. "Tell me…" Raven started, disturbing the silence. "This all won't disappear, right? I mean, it's all real, right?"

"I'm afraid not, Love."

"What do you mean?" Raven pulled away. Her face deformed to a horrified look.

"This," X gestured to her, "is only momentary."

"You mean this is a dream?"

"No, not a dream Love, more like…a vision." X smiled and smoothed back her hair, kissing her forehead. "Don't worry dear. In due time we'll be able to be together again."

"What do you mean?" Raven asked again, but already X was slipping from her grip. She stretched out, trying to grasp his hand but he slipped through her fingers. "Huh…?"

"I'll see you soon, Love." X shouted out as he disappeared.

"Wait!" Raven reached out for the fading thief. "X!!"


Raven gasped, shooting up in her bed. "X!" She looked around as if expecting him to suddenly appear out of nowhere like he always did in the mornings, but he never came. "X…"

She remembered now, X had taken a bullet for her and had died, and Robin…Raven rubbed her arms to rid the chilling feeling she now felt. She did not want to see her leader today, or any other day for that matter. Raven moved out of bed to head towards the bathroom.

Deciding not to worry over Robin for now, Raven turned the faucet in the shower and stepped in once it was hot. She allowed her body to adjust to the heat and sighed with delight as her muscles released tension. She cleaned herself then stood underneath the water for about ten minutes as she pondered everything.

Raven slowly turned off the faucet and then coughed. She was surprised to suddenly find her hand the faucet blood red. Her body started to shake as her eyes widened. Is this what you meant X when you said I would be joining soon? Raven coughed again and watched as the blood dripped from her mouth and flow down the drain.


"Dude, are you sick or something?" Raven wrapped up the bloody paper towel with another and quickly threw it away.

"No, it's just a coughing fit." Raven answered Beast Boy as she tried to sip her tea again, only to cough it and blood up in the sink. She quickly washed it down as she heard heavy footsteps approach her.

"Are you sure you're not sick Rae? You don't look too hot." Cyborg said worriedly as he scrutinized his baby sister.

"I'm fine, really." Raven assured as she put the cup in the sink, giving up on trying to drink her tea.

"Hmm…" Cyborg studied Raven carefully then said, "Alright then, if you say so." He walked off and Raven sighed with relief.

Suddenly something burned in her chest and she grabbed it, gasping as she tried to breathe. Raven's grip on the counter slipped and she fell to the ground, coughing uncontrollably.


"Friend Raven!"


Raven passed out on the ground with blood staining her cloak at the ground before her. She could hear her friends' voices but they slowly were drowned out.

"Don't worry, Love. It'll all be over soon."



Raven went in and out of consciousness and therefore only caught snags of some conversations. But already she knew what the result would be.

"What do you mean you can't do anything?! What's wrong with her?!" That was Cyborg's furious voice.

"I'm sorry, but it seems that something caused a small puncture in Ms. Raven's heart and caused her to slowly internally bleed. She'll die within a day or so. We can't do anything about it." That was a doctor.

"Can't you give her a new heart or something?" Raven was surprised to hear Beast Boy so distressed.

"You need to remember that Ms. Raven is half-demon. We cannot supply the kind of heart she needs to survive."

"And you cannot do anything to save her?" After Starfire's comment she drifted off to the sleep again.

Switch in Conversation

Raven's eyes never opened but she could hear voices again…

"What do you mean we won't save her?! This is Rae we're talking about Rob!"

"And I'm telling you Cyborg, there's no way we can save her! You heard the doctor!"

"I can't believe my ears!" Beast Boy wailed. "You of all people Robin should want to save Raven!"

"Look, it's hopeless! We all just have to forget about Raven."

"How can you be so cruel Friend Robin?"

Bastard…Raven thought as their words became slurred then disappeared.

Switch in Conversation

Raven awoke to shouting this time.

"You mean to tell me…that this is all ROBIN'S fault!?" Cyborg's voice was disbelieving.

"When…When one of my assistants tested Raven for being sexually active…the results were…well, the results say that recently she had been sexually assaulted."

"You mean…he raped her?!" Although it was Beast Boy who spoke, he also not believing it but unable to ignore the evidence, there was a sudden cry and Raven recognized it as Starfire.

"I…can't believe it…" Cyborg this time.

"No wonder he asked her to come to his room the other day…" Beast Boy mumbled.

"No! There is no way Friend Robin would do such a thing!" A pause. "Would he?"

The rest of the conversation was lost.

Switch in Conversation

"What…what…" It seemed like Beast Boy was afraid to finish that sentence.

"Yeah…I…I found the seamen on Rob's bed and a used condom in the bathroom…"

There was a gasp then crying. Raven definitely felt sorry for her friends, but Robin had gotten what was coming to him.

"What are…what are we gonna do now?" Beast Boy asked.

"We're gonna approach Robin and ask for the truth. If he lies to us…then we have evidence against him and…and we…" Raven wasn't sure if Cyborg had said anything after that. But his voice had been bitter.

Switch in Conversation

"Rae, I don't know if you can hear me, but I hope that you'll get this message wherever you might be." Raven had to internally smile at that. "We got him Rae…Robin I mean. I can't…I can't believe." There was a pause and Raven could heard Cyborg struggling as he tried not to cry. "I'm sorry Rae…I'm sorry we couldn't see it. We all knew he was madly in love with you, but we never…God, I'm so sorry Rae!" Raven wished that right now she could reach out to Cyborg and comfort him. Tell him it wasn't his fault; tell him that he didn't need to be sorry at all but she couldn't and soon she couldn't hear his crying anymore. "I'm gonna miss you a lot…sis."

Switch in Conversation

"Hey Raven…look…we both know I'm not very good with words…" Raven laughed to herself. "But just hear me out, 'kay?" He paused, as if she would answer. "I'm sorry about what happened Rae, and I wish I could have somehow stopped it. But…but I know that you're happy wherever you are!" There was a long pause and Raven could hear Beast Boy quietly crying as he laughed. "I remember the night when I caught you with Red X…you practically begged me on your hands and knees not to tell anyone. Although I wanted to tell so bad…I saw the way you smiled and laughed with him and…it reminded me of Terra." There was silence. "I…I miss her you know? And when I saw you with Red X and the way you looked so happy…it reminded me of when she smiled at me, when she laughed at my jokes." Beast Boy quietly laughed, "Would you listen to me? I sound like a sap…but…" Raven suspected that Beast Boy had stopped to look out of a window or something. "I hope you're happy. I mean, that's what X would want you to be, right? I would want Terra to be." Raven could hear a stifled cry. "I…I gotta go Rae…I'm gonna miss you."

Switch in Conversation

"I…I do not know what to say, Friend Raven." Raven could hear Starfire sigh. "I cannot believe that Robin…that he…" Unlike the boys, Starfire freely cried in front of her. "I—we trusted him, Friend Raven. And he…he did such cruel things to you." Raven knew that Starfire was in love with their leader, and hearing this had broken her poor heart. Raven listened to her friend cry more until finally Starfire decided to be the strong girl she was. Raven could hear her muttering encouraging sayings to herself and finally she said aloud, "Raven, may you rest in peace. I will surely miss you, my Friend." Raven felt Starfire smooth her hair back before she walked out of the room. Raven smiled to herself and finally fell asleep again feeling content and happy that her friends will always care about her.



Raven opened her eyes and was surprised to find X. He smiled and held his hand out to her. "Come on, Love. It's time to go."

"Go?" Raven whispered as she took his hand and stood up. "Where are we going?"

"To someplace better," X answered her as he led her towards a bright light.

"Someplace better?" Raven curiously looked at the light and shielded her eyes as she was blinded. X stepped through and disappeared and Raven paused before the light as she hesitated.

"Come on, Love. Don't worry. It's safe." Reassured by his words, Raven stepped through the light embraced her. Raven closed her eyes as a warm feeling overtook her. "Love."

Raven opened her eyes and smiled when she saw X waiting for her. He wrapped his arms around her and they stared into each other's eyes.

The pair of them, could say more with one look more than most people could with 100 words.

Raven laid her head against his chest and smiled as she whispered, "I'm home."

The End


Ahem, for all of those who thought that was the end…YOU THOUGHT WRONG! Yes, this is still the last chapter, but like I said, if I managed to think of an epilogue I would put it, so don't close this window yet because coming up soon is an epilogue!!!





Epilogue (A/N: This is an epilogue for BOTH mini-stories, although more for the 2nd mini-story than the first.)

"You're late again." Reina Erikson smiled as her amethyst eyes shone. She playfully slapped her friend's—Holly Castrone—arm.

"I am not!" Reina insisted as she grabbed her apron off its hook and put it on. She tied it in the back and walked up the counter.

"The boss should really dock your pay," Holly muttered as she stepped away from the counter to let Reina take over the cashier.

"You're just jealous that the boss likes me more." Reina childishly stuck out her tongue and tied up her dark indigo locks so they wouldn't get in her face while she worked.

"God I love your hair so much!" Holly switched the topic as she played with a stray strand of her hair. "I can't believe it's your natural color."

"Well, it is." Reina told her as she tucked the strand behind her ear. The bell to the coffee shop dinged and both Reina and Holly looked up as a young man around their age, probably a college student like them as well, walked in. His casual, untidy brown hair and stunning green eyes had them both wide-eyed as he gave them a dazzling smile.

"Hi, I'm new around here and the kids on campus say this is the best place to get coffee." He looked at the two, mostly at Reina. Purple and green met as the two stared at each other. Their eyes widened slightly in realization.

I feel…like I've seen this guy before, Reina thought as she stared at his green orbs. "Have we…" before she knew it, her mouth formed the words, "met before?"

She saw the young man curiously raise his eyebrow and smile wider. He stole a glance at her nametag and said, "Maybe we have, Reina…in another life."

For some reason, she believed him. Reina smiled back and said, "Yeah, maybe we have."

"So, how about that coffee?"

"Oh, yeah." Reina blushed. "So what would you like to order…?" Reina trailed off as she noticed she didn't know his name.

He smiled again, "Ryan Xavier, but you can call me X."

The Real End


Now it's the end!! I hoped you guys enjoyed it!! Thanx for reading and reviewing this story!!! I will definitely miss doing everything but I'm glad this story ended happily. Was everyone able to tell who the two people in the epilogue were? It was pretty obvious. :D

Thanx again for reading!!



This is officially the first story of mine ever finished!!!!!!!!!
