My name is Rose Tyler. I'm nineteen years old…I work in a shop called Henrik's….there's not much else…

The bus lurched as it pulled up to the stop at the end of Givens Road, allowing the four passengers who always got off at that stop every day to get off. One of them was a young woman dressed in jeans, a grey t-shirt, and blue anorak. She paused for a moment as she got off the bus and pulled a tiny mp3 player from her pocket and adjusted the volume. Her blonde hair was plaited into two pigtails that fell just past her shoulders and given enough time at work they'd be freed from their braided confinement and left free to hang in waves around her face. She wasn't anything completely special…not a model, not a singer, not an actress…she was just a normal girl living a normal life.

I don't do much…go out with my mate Shireen is really it. I just ended a really bad relationship a while back and she's trying to get me out there again, but I'm not sure. I could kick myself for moving in with Jimmy…all he did was give me hell and what do I have to show for it? A dead end job folding pants and living with my mum until I can get back on my feet. What kind of life is that?

Her day was always full of tedious, mundane, and all around normal activities that she fooled herself into enjoying, but knew somewhere there was a better life. Yes, a better life…she dreamed of a better life. She dreamed of it so often that sometimes it was hard to tell what were dreams and what was reality. Sometimes during her time at work she'd drift off into her mind and think up amazing stories for herself…stories filled with adventure and rescue and daring-do where she was the heroine alongside a brave, dashing and ultimately amazing hero. Alas though…these dreams hadn't come true yet.

Sometimes I find myself wondering why I stay here. Why do I work that job and stay with mum when I know I can find something better? Why don't I go and take my A levels and go to school? Why don't I try to find someone to date? Well…there's Mickey, but I've known him for too long as a friend. He's too safe. I know he cares about me, but where's the fun in that? I mean, if all I wanted to do was go over to his flat and watch him sit on the computer as a date I think I could do that without being his girlfriend, couldn't I? I don't know…I'm stuck. I'm so stuck. And those dreams aren't helping any…they just make me more restless.

She dreamt at night…dreams of another life, another place, and another Rose. That Rose had no problem being chased by monsters and running away, taunting them. That Rose did things, great things, and helped people. That Rose didn't just go to work, come home, eat chips, and go to bed. And those dreams were so real! When she would wake up she could still feel her heart racing and her legs cramping from running. She could still feel the cold of being locked in a cell and having no conceivable way out. She could still feel the hand of her hero pressed into hers. She could still hear him screaming her name as a golden light and singing covered her. She could still see those eyes in midst of the golden halo, but she couldn't see anything else.

My name is Rose Tyler. I dream of doing something great. I can feel that I'm destined to do something better than this. I can feel that maybe sometime or somewhere I've done great things. Maybe I really was an action hero and mum's just refused to tell me. She's too protective. I can feel that this life isn't enough for me and I'm ready to take it on. I'm ready to be more than just Rose Tyler.

And she would be.