A/n: Sorry for the wait... My humor muse left me. Fortunately, I managed to get this written before it completely left me.

It was the third gym class. Miss Helga (evidently tired by Galinda constantly shrieking whenever a ball was thrown to her side of the court) decided to have to students run outside. It was an overcast day, with temperatures in the seventies. Elphaba peered nervously up at the sky.

"Miss Helga, I don't mean to bother you, but..."

"But what?" snapped the Hippo. "You're running, and that's final."

Elphaba sighed. There was no arguing with her. "And my sister? What's she to do? Perform a miracle so she can run just for your wonderfully wonderful gym class? In fact, let's just give her wings to make it even easier on her." Gosh. Cynicism was just so fun.

Teacher stared at student, trying to decide if she was being insulted. In the end, she decided she was, and replied, "Don't you use that sarcasm on me, young lady. You will just have to push your sister."

"You're kidding, right?!"

"No, I am not. You will only have to do half of the circuit, though. It's your choice."

Elphaba glanced at the sky again, weighing her options. The sky was rapidly becoming darker. "Deal." She took off with Nessa.

Miss Helga turned to the rest of the class. "Well, what are the rest of you waiting for? Go!" She made a shooing noise, as if Boq, Fiyero, Galinda, Tibbett, and Crope were simply annoying wild animals.

"Ma'am, I'd just like to point out that I am not an annoying wild animal," Fiyero piped up. "I do not like being treated like one!"

"Yeah!" agreed Galinda.

"I want to live in a world where hot people- like me- do not get treated like Boq is everyday."


"Yes!" shouted Galinda.



Miss Helga blinked. "Well... okay..." she said, obviously confused. "I'll get right on it."

"You've got to be kidding me," muttered Boq. Upon seeing the glare from the Hippo, Boq, Galinda, Fiyero, Tibbett, and Crope took off. The last two promptly found a secluded area near the trees and...Well, you know.

Boq and Fiyero got smart quickly. They discovered that if they ran right next to Galinda, they could see her... voluptuous bosom bouncing up and down.

"I just love running, don't you?" exclaimed Galinda.

"Uh-huh," responded Boq.

"Sure," said Fiyero.

"It's just so exciting!"



"Do you guys like running, too?"

"Who wouldn't?" asked Boq absently.

"Bosom," said Fiyero.

"Bosom?!" she exclaimed.

"I mean...um... chest."


"It, uh, shapes your chest?" Fiyero himself asked this as a question, as if asking Galinda if this was a formidable excuse.

"Ooh, right! I forgot about that!"

Boq would have inwardly groaned, if his thoughts weren't Boobs boobs Galinda boobs.

Now, instead of staring in front of them, as any sane person would do when running, Boq and Fiyero stared at Galinda and her...assets. Which probably isn't the best thing to do while running. Especially when a girl who does not like rain is running ahead of you on the hill, and it is starting to rain.

"AHH!" shrieked Elphaba, diving off into the trees near the side of the road. In a desperate attempt to save herself, Elphaba suddenly let Nessa go. Nessa, with no one to push her up the hill, quickly started rolling backwards down the hill.

Galinda, Boq, and Fiyero continued jogging up the hill. "I do like this running business! Think of all the weight I'm going to- RUNAWAY WHEELCHAIR!"

Boq and Fiyero were both startled out of their fantasy world. When they saw what was coming, each of their eyes got as wide as saucers. All three slowed down to a stop. They couldn't move; they were like deer in the headlights.

Fiyero knew that this was going to be very, very painful. He could feel the bruises forming even before getting run over. When the time came, Nessa didn't feel more than a bump. Fortunately for Fiyero, the whole ideal was over in less than a second; the mental scars, however, would last him a lifetime.

Boq took off after Nessa. He, however, wasn't the most balanced person on earth, and running downhill isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. He tumbled down the hill like a giant snowball, gaining momentum with each passing second.

"Oof. Ow," moaned Boq while flying down the hill.

Emerging from the bushes, Tibbett and Crope could not believe their eyes. Nessa was flying backwards down the hill, while Boq was tumbling after her. Fiyero was lying on the ground, looking similar to a smooshed ant. Galinda was watching everything with her mouth wide open; Elphaba was sobbing quietly to herself, moaning about the water.

"How do we always manage to miss all the good stuff?!" asked Crope angrily.