(A/N-Howdy! This is my first fanfic. iCarly rules! Please review!)

"There goes Jake," Carly sighed to Sam as the object of her affection walked by, oblivious to the girls staring at him. He was perfect in almost every way, except that teensy, minor little flaw of...being a stinkish singer. Oh well. Carly could overlook that little fact.

"Pfft," Freddie said with an annoyed tone. Anyone who stole Carly away from him was not worth the time of the day, in his opinion. It was obvious that Carly liked him way more than Jake. She just...hadn't caught on yet. "What's so great about Jake? I'm better looking than him." He looked at Carly hopefully, willing her to agree.

"You just keep believin' what your mom tells you, huh, Freddie?" Sam smirked, flipping a blond curl over her shoulder.

"Oh, yeah, like you're the fairest of them all," Freddie scoffed.

"Aw, come on! Do you guys have to yell at each other all the time?" Carly asked, stalking off to where Jake stood, chatting with his friends. Sam and Freddie could just be so irritating sometimes.

Sam glanced to where Carly was. She wanted to follow her best friend, but...insulting Freddie was so much more tempting.

"So, how's the title of Biggest Nerd in the World treating you?" she asked in the tone one might ask about the weather.

"You know, your insults hurt!" Freddie exclaimed.

Sam opened her mouth to retort, but then Carly jogged up to them. "Guess what?" she squealed.

"What?" Sam replied.


"WHAT??" Freddie yelled. He stormed over to his locker and began rummaging through it.

Sam ambled over to him. "What're you looking for?" she asked with an amused grin on her face.

"I'm not going to tell you. All I'm going to say is that it's big, heavy, and it's got Jake's name written all over it."