A/N hey guys!! I know this is another one of those Edward bites Bella stories, but i've worked really hard on it- and it has a twist. Please read it. I will love you always!!


I perched, restless and worried on the edge of the bed where Bella lay. I stroked her hair gently as I watched her clouded eyes and pretty features distorted with pain.

I vaguely remembered my own transformation and although I couldn't't recall it clearly I had enough of an understanding of what she was going through to make me fearful for her.

Jasper had left a few hours ago, claiming that it was impossible for him to be in a house with anyone so tense and stressed. Even his power over my feelings couldn't't restrict the wave after wave of anxiety and pain that came crashing down in my mind. I felt so helpless just sitting there that I wanted to scream. I had made it my job in the last months and years to protect her and here I was, the reason that she was going through the most painful experience of her life.

Even sympathetic Alice had given up on me and been forced to leave. At first she had sat by me and talked, but the conversation went around in circles of confusion and worry and before long Alice had had enough.

Carlisle was due to return from his shift at the hospital in about an hour, but the clock seemed to grow larger and larger as I stared at it, the second hand ticking slower and slower. I desperately needed his all too ready assurances that everything was OK and that her condition was completely normal. I needed him to talk some sanity into me and do something in attempt to take my mind off Bella's writhing form (even though I knew that nothing, nothing could distract me from the worry that was associated with her.) My long life had granted me incredible patience but it all went out the window as I watched restlessly.

"Edward," she moaned my name her voice saturated with incredible and unimaginable pain.

"Oh my poor Bella," I replied feebly even though I had no hope that she would hear. I took her clammy hand in mine and continued talking.

"It will be OK. The transformation should be almost complete. It has been three days and this torture will soon be over. Shh now, it's OK." I said more to comfort myself than anyone else.

The clock finally ticked its way to the hour and the sound of chiming echoed around the almost empty house. The house was brand new and was filled throughout with a hard, almost unfriendly, white light. Esme had only begun her decorating, but the floors were already covered with beautifully polished floorboards or thick, soft white carpet. The pale walls perfectly complimented the antique furniture and the hangings completed a picture of gracefulness and splendor. Even in the early stages of the decorating, the house's interior looked fit to be pictured in the centerfold of a dozen magazines. As always, Esme had outdone herself, but it wasn't like it mattered. All that mattered in my life right then was the restless girl on the coach, her forehead beaded with sweat.

I had been so relieved that I had been able to bite her without inflicting other injuries or giving in to the temptation of her sweet blood. Again it was difficult to pull away-almost impossible, but I had grown slightly more immune to her blood since the last time its delicious flavour had touched my lips. At first I was unable to hide the satisfaction I felt in completing such a difficult task, but my pride had soon given way to the anxiety that enveloped me now.

"Carlisle," I breathed a sigh of relief as he sidled up to me, resting a tense hand on my shoulder.

"Edward listen to me," he began coldly. "I know you are worried but you can't let her pain rule your life. You are worrying too much and it isn't good for either of you. It isn't easy to watch someone you love going through this and you really ought to…take a break and do something…distracting. Leave her with me. You are just an amateur at this sort of thing and you should let the more experienced people take over"

I stared at him in surprise, not only because he was speaking to me aloud, but also because the intent of his words was so far from what I'd expected. And why was his demeanor so cold? I tried to pick at his thoughts, but to no avail. He was keeping his mind heavily guarded-something else that was completely abnormal.

"You…want…me…to…leave her?" I asked.

He nodded his head sharply.

"It would be better if you were to go and leave her in my care. I am much better trained at this."

The hurt evident in my eyes, I turned from him and flew out of the room. Even though I'd tried my hardest to do what was best, I had to agree that my experience in this area was by far inferior to Carlisle's. But the thing I didn't understand is why he was acting so…so odd about it.

A/N so what do u think? Is it OK so far. Please please review!! I need to know what you like and don't like so I can make it better. You know u want to! It only takes like what? a minute??

luv all u guys!! xx dancinqween09