Someone To Save You

Again, I am so sorry for the long wait, butI haven't been writing much of anything lately. This is the last chapter and it didn't really end the way I wanted it to, but it was all my plot bunnies were offering, so I hope you enjoy! The characters may not be ine, but the Tin Man DVD finally is!

Chapter 12:

The journey back to the cottage was significantly more pleasant then their last trip there. There was no hiding or lurking about in the dark, no sneaking about in towns for quick appointments with a local Ferrier. No, this time it was relaxing, the two of them making their way back to the Cain cottage with plenty of supplies and a few tearful goodbyes behind them, as well as a promise to return before the month ended.

"We'll be there by nightfall at this rate." Cain smiled, watching as Glitch shifted on his own horse, Nero's brother, Jinx. The Queen had insisted that they each take a horse for their travels. Cain had chosen Nero and DG had insisted that the only person who Jinx liked was Glitch, so that had been settled.

"In time for that star shower, do you think?" The younger man inquired, having heard several of the alchemists and other staff talking about it prior to their leaving.

"We should be." The tin man replied, motioning to Glitch to speed the horses up. "And I know just the place to see it from, too."

As Cain had predicted, night had fallen by the time they'd returned to the house, but it was still too early for the meteor shower to be visible.

"Go rest a bit, and I'll wake you when it's time to go." He promised the headcase, a plan already forming in his mind.

Glitch agreed, still a little emotionally overwhelmed with the twists and turns the past week had taken them through. "Alright." He said, retreating to the bedroom and settling down for a brief nap.

Meanwhile, Cain set to work. He gathered a few blankets and prepared an impromptu picnic for the two of them to enjoy once they got where they were going.

And then it was time to wake Glitch up.

Which was a task easier said than done. Not that he hadn't learned any tricks for doing so in their time together.

"Hey, sweetheart," Cain whispered, leaning down beside the sleeping man. He pressed his lips against Glitch's neck in a soft kiss and he felt the man begin to stir. Another soft kiss, this one on the lips.

"Is it time to go yet?"

Cain was no longer surprised when Glitch recalled things. It seemed as if he could go for longer and longer spans of time without glitching, especially if woken up like that. "Yeah," he supplied. "It's time."

Slowly, the couple made their way through a small path behind the Cain house. It looked to be little more than a path formed by animals, but when it finally widened, they were perched on top of a hill overlooking the house and the forest beyond. It afforded them a great view of the night sky.

"Wow!" Glitch gasped, absorbing the surroundings. "Wow!"

Cain, who'd spread out the blankets while Glitch was glitching, motioned for the other man to sit.

He fell into place beside Cain, leaning against his side. "It's such a beautiful view from up here!" He proclaimed. "And what a wonderful surprise this is!"

The tin man produced the quick meal he'd thrown together for this, sandwiches and apples, with hot chocolate to drink on the cool fall night. "The meteor shower should be starting now."

The two laid back, eyes on the sky as the moons continued to rise. A few moments later, a flash of light went streaking across the sky.

"DG says you're supposed to make a wish, you know." Glitch informed him, matter0of-factly, as he munched on an apple.

"Oh?" Cain smiled. "Really? Then I guess we should make a wish, huh?" He closed his eyes.

"What'd you wish for?" The other asked, watching as several more stars went shooting across the sky.

"A dance."

"A dance?" Glitch echoed, with a curious eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, with you." Cain answered, climbing to his feet. He offered a hand to Glitch, who took it with a smile. "So, what do you say? You lead, I'll follow?"

Glitch paused. "There's no music."

"Who needs music? It all comes from the soul, right? How bout from the heart instead?"

Unsure, but willing to try whatever Cain was going for here, he stepped closer. A bit awkward at first, as Cain had never danced with another man before, but they managed. Glitch got their hands in all the right places and started to move, just a simple swaying motion, like he was dancing to a slow song, and the rest of the world started to melt away. It was just the two of them and the night sky and its falling stars, with none of the chaos they'd spent the week running from.

Cain thought it was the right time to finally answer the question Glitch had asked him when they were on the swing in Finaqua.

His lips brushed the other man's, his blue eyes meeting the other's chocolate brown ones in the pale moonlight. "In case you had any doubts, Glitch, this means I love you."