She was never more surprised when he hugged her. She'd just been talking with him and the next minute she knew, he was laughing and had hugged her. It was surprising, but only because such intimacy with him was unheard of. In that first moment of disbelief, as his arms wrapped around her, she never even thought to question why he'd done it.

Slowly she brought her arms up around him and gently placed her hands on his back. Hardly believing the situation she'd found herself in, she closed her eyes and quietly let the breath out that she'd been holding in. There was something so warm and comforting about his arms around her. She knew, of course, that she shouldn't indulge in the sensation and that she definitely shouldn't read more into this rare show of affection.

Then she felt him move away from her. As reluctant as she was to the separation, she didn't let that show. She just smiled as he ran a hand over her head, slightly ruffling her hair. He smiled down at her and when he walked away, she watched him go and her smile faltered. As much as she wished things were different, she wouldn't say anything to him. She couldn't. She wouldn't dare. No, those sorts of feelings were best kept to herself.