I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist, but if I did…

This is a series of one shots about Roy and Riza. Mainly about their lives together in the military. But the others will be in this as well, giving the fanfic humor and laughs.

First chapter of the series, enjoy. Written for New Year.


"Havoc, you're crazy."

"Good thing too, otherwise I wouldn't be brave enough to do this."

Second Lieutenant Breda sighed deeply as he watched Second Lieutenant Havoc rummaged around Colonel Mustang's desk. Throwing paper into the air without a single care, and letting them fall to the ugly brown carpet under his feet.

When Breda first saw this when he entered the room, he could of hit the man in the face. Or do something that would of stopped him. If the Colonel saw what Havoc was doing, it wouldn't end nice. But instead he was playing watchdog, (he had shuddered at the expression) for a insane man with his insane plan. Which Breda had no idea what it was about.

"Why am I even doing this, and more to the point what are you doing?" He asked after cheaking the hallways were safe. Havoc looked up from the desk and gave the other man a smirk, which made Breda gulp.

"I'm looking for something." He replied.

"Looking for what?" Havoc smirked only grew after hearing the question, which made Breda back up against the wall. Stopping his search for the time being, Havoc sat down in Mustang's chair and put his feet up on the desk. Causing small bits of mud to fall onto the desk. He then took out one of his cigarette and place it in between his lips. But his lighter didn't come out from his pant's pocket, as he had been forbidden to smoke in the office.

"You know how Hughes always wanted the Colonel to get a wife?" Havoc finally asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"Well he isn't the only one." He watched the other man give him a questionable look before continuing. "Well I have always believed that our favorite alchemist needs a wife, and a good one at that too. Who knew that she was here in this building all this time."

"I'm still not following you."

Havoc narrowed his eyes, not able to believe that Breda still didn't get it. Taking his feet off the table, he sat up in the chair.

"What I'm talking about, and what I am trying to find is something that shows the Colonel and his right hand woman are made for each other. Really I thought everyone knew that, even you."

"Of course I knew," Breda muttered. "I just don't understand what that had to do with you going through that desk." He walked away from the door to a near by seat. "If there was some kind of proof, then he wouldn't keep in the office. It would be somewhere in his apartment."

"I guess you're right but I just thought that…" Havoc stopped speaking when his eyes caught a opened envelope on the floor.


It wasn't a white envelope like any other kind. It was a very light blue with Hawkeye's first name written in black ink. He reached down and carefully picked it up, trying not to leave any fingerprints on it. As the envelope was turned the other way around, Havoc noticed a letter tucked into it.

"Haovoc? What's what?"

Being careful like before, the letter was pulled out of the envelope. And Havoc began to read it. Breda watched the man in front of him, and started to wonder what he had found. After about a minute of Havoc reading the letter and Breda starting to think he should break the silence, the man with the cigarette in his mouth jumped right out of his seat. Making the other man fall out of his'.

"I've found it! I've found it!" He cried and then shoved the paper into Breda's face, "this proves it. I can't believe it!"

"Get this out of my face you dumbass, now could you explain for me?" Breda asked when he had pushed Havoc back into where he was sitting before.

"Well, it's a love letter from you know who. Looks like he is going to ask someone to marry him, and had given her a silver necklace to replace a ring."

"Really? Who?" Breda asked, and just as Havoc was going to speak the name, he was stopped by the voice of someone.

"That's not for you to know."

Both men could tell who was now in the office, and slowly they began to turn around. They gulped when they saw Colonel Mustang, standing in the doorway. "Now if one of you could be so kind," he continued. "Why is my office such a mess?"

"They did what?!"

"They were looking for something," Roy Mustang answered as he drank his coffee. "So they thought it gave them the right to mess up the place. So I ordered them both to clean it up. You should of seen their looks when I entered the room, I had to keep myself from laughing."

"Were you sure it was both of them?"

"Breda kept muttering that he was just tricked into being a watch dog for the door. I swear, a chill ran right through him when he said that expression."

"Well tricked or not, he still took part in it."

"That's my point. But something really got to me." At that point Roy put down his mug on the coffee table and turned to the person he was talking to. "Havoc couldn't stop smileing, I did asked why God know how many times. But he said nothing."

"I think I know the reason."

"Well, it's just a thought." Roy said, grinning as he took out the envelope from his pocket. He had been able to grab and run with it without Breda or Havoc seeing. The person next to him took the letter off him and started to quickly scan it.

"It's a beautiful letter."

"I'm just glad that I got a 'yes' for a answer."

"Well how could I say no?" Riza Hawkeye asked as she reached for the silver chain around her neck. "I never was someone to wear a ring. This necklace was prefect, and still is."

"Well, until that day." Roy whispered, moving closer to the woman he loved. "We'll try keep our secret getting out.

"But what about Havoc?" Riza asked as she moved into his hug.

"He'll keep it, of course it means that the man can smoke in the office again."

Not much Royai, more Havoc and Breda acting like fools. But you got to love them. If it's not too much trouble, then please leave a review. Next chapter should be on it's way very soon…I hope.

Happy New Year.