My very last chapter! OMG! It's like parting with a good friend or something like that.

Another thing is that I would like to dedicate this last chapter to ThReE gIrLs WiTh PoCkY and winglessfairy25. Thank you for your patience and reviews.


There had always been rumours that a war would start up in the North, against the counties Amestris and Drachma. But they were just only rumours. The two counties had signed an non-aggression pact, so that things like war would never happen. And no one even wanted a war, why would soldiers risk and lose their lives for something so pointless?

But there was no point asking those kinds of questions anymore. The non-aggression pact had been broken and the Drachma Army were matching into the cold and snowy North of Amestris. Leaving the county with no other choice but to fight back. Of course, the people at the top didn't want to risk their best State Alchemist being killed or even hurt. So they sent what they thought were the best gunmen they had.

One of them including a woman called Riza Hawkeye.

And in the woman's own opinion, it had happened too fast for her liking. One month ago while she was reading one of favorite's books at her apartment, her faithful dog sleeping by her feet and a cup of lemon tea ready to drink. When all of a sudden she heard a knock on her front door, so thinking it would be her future husband she got up and opened the door.

Her surprised when she saw another military man she didn't know standing there.

After a quick introduction, he had told her that she must leave on the spot for the North to fight in the war. And being the prefect solider Riza was, she could not refused. In ten minutes she was packed and ready to go. She dropped Black Hayate off at her grandfather's, who lived nearby and knew that skilled soldiers were being sent up. Riza's heart could of almost broke when she saw her grandfather's face fell when she told the news. But he said he would look after the dog and gave her a hug. In the end the third party had to split them up, saying Riza had to leave now.

And so there Riza was. Sitting in the small hut on the front lines, listening to the gunshots on the other side being fired. Her hands holding a plastic cup filled with the worse coffee she had ever tasted in her life. Havoc could make a better coffee, and that was saying something.

Maybe life at the front lines would a little better if the coffee was good. But even more than good coffee, Riza wished that she could go home to the waiting arms of her lover. It was more than just the once where Riza would daydream about Roy hugging her around the waist and pressing kisses on her neck.

Getting rid of the sweet thoughts, Riza stood up and placed her coffee on the box table. She then started gathering her guns for battle plus some spare. There had been more than one time when someone near her hadn't a gun with them. Ready to go, Riza turned around only to freeze when she heard footsteps heading towards her.

She guessed that it was probably Armstrong giving her new orders, but that wasn't really surprising. The woman gave orders on the minute, and was the opposite from the rest of her happy Armstrong family.

Tidying herself up so the other woman wouldn't go off at yelling at her again, Riza stood strange and was ready to salute. But the person who walk into the hut wasn't Armstrong, in fact it was the last person she would ever expect.

"Roy?" She whispered, confused and yet happy at the same time.

Before another word could be muttered, the man had moved and then pulled Riza against his own chest. Locking her in a tight hug as his arms circled around her waist. His face was buried in her hair and as he breathed in the smell, Riza couldn't help herself but smirk. He always did that, but the smirk was gone in a second as she just discovered what was happening.

Roy was with her.

In the North.

During a war.

Pulling herself free from his hug, she looked up and was surprised to see Roy was smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"What? No hello?" Roy joked, but Riza couldn't find that funny.

"This is a war Roy, you can't be here." She hissed, "you could have been killed just by getting here. You have to go."

"Not without you. If I'm leaving this death place then I'm taking you with me." Roy reached for her gloved hands and held them tightly with his own. "If you're going to be my wife then I want you alive for the wedding."

Riza smiled sadly, ever since the start of the year they were planning to wed. Ever since Roy gave her the silver chain instead of an ring at the start of the year. The day he would reached his dream they would become husband and wife. But right now she had to be here in the North, and Roy had to stay home. There was no way around it unless Armstrong let her go without reason.

She noticed that Roy's grip on her hands was still strong as he waited for her to answer. "Roy," she began "you know that I would leave on the spot if I could. But I was picked by the higher ups, and that means I have to stay."

"Then I'll stay with you." Roy suddenly said, become desperate fast.

Her eyes hardened. "No, that cannot happen. You still need to reach the top." She started up at Roy and her heart broke at his face, but she didn't show it. "You'll have to go back alone."

The seconds Roy stood there in silence almost seem like murder. His grip had not loosened a bit and the smile that was once there had disappeared. Now his face shown no emotion but Riza knew that it was a matter of seconds before he would react to what she had just said.

He himself knew that he could not make Riza come home with him unless she was willing. But what he was really asking himself was why she didn't want to come home. He was a State Alchemist and could ordered round a few people and with a bit of paperwork he could have her in their apartment by late morning. Why would she want to say here?

Finally he let himself ask her the question, "why?"

Sighing, Riza answered. "It just wouldn't be unfair to the others here. They all have families and friends that are waiting for them too, what makes me so great that I get to go home and the rest of them don't?" She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, and then lightly kissed him on his lips. "I'm sorry."

Roy didn't say anything, his arms just snaked their around her body again and pulled her into his own kiss. Unlike her own, Roy's kiss was more desperate. His tongue pushed her lips open and entered her mouth. And while Riza very much enjoyed this, she knew that anyone could come into the hut at any time. She pulled away hoping that Roy would get the message, but he just simply moved his head towards her neck and started pressing butterfly kisses up and down it.

A gun shot was heard and both of them pulled away from each other and turned towards the door, were the shot came from. And all the blood fell from their faces as they saw the one person they both feared.

"Enjoying yourselves?" Major General Olivier Armstrong asked she placed her gun away and stepped away from the wall she was standing against.

"Major General?!" Riza said and took a step away from Roy to salute, he himself doing the same thing. "I ask for forgiveness for my actions and-"

"Save it Hawkeye, I was only coming in to give you an order."

"And what may that be?" Roy bitterly asked, and his answer came in the form of two blonde females glaring at him with daggers.

"Non of your good for nothing business!" Olivier snapped before turning to Riza again. "Hawkeye. My order is for you to be sent back." She didn't noticed the shocked looks from both Roy and Riza. "I want the best for this war and you daydreaming all the time isn't helping, so I'm sending you back. Now be gone! I don't want to see you again in this place."

Turning on her heel, Olivier walked out of the hut. She was glad to see Riza's face, her mouth was hanging opening and her eyes were wide in compete surprised. However she was disappointed and angry by how Roy's face now had a smile so big it could match her younger brother's.

If you could see it, that is.

Much later in January, the start of the new year and the end of the war between Amestris and Drachma. Olivier was given a letter sent by First Lieutenant Hawkeye.

To Major General Olivier Armstrong.

I do thank you for sending me home last December along with Mustang. I am sure you are aware that both me and him can called each other lovers. I ask you to keep this to yourself as we do not need the higher ups knowing.

The only payment I can give you is the compete shocked and dumbfound face Mustang will have when I tell him my unexpected news that I am now with child.

Sincerely First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye.

Olivier laughed and wondered when she could get the train station.

Oh my goodness I have finally finished this. I'm really happy but at the time I'm going to miss it.

And a very big thank you to everyone who review, added this to their favorite list or/and just even read this.