News of a Lifetime

"What are you talking about grandad", Leo asked the ghost of Albus Dumbledore. Even as a ghost Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mirth, pride, and meloncoly at the only survivng order memebers.

"You and Gemini have a chance to start a new life. And to change everything about this one. You two will go back in time, to the marauder's era."

"But headmaster, I thought, that time traveling back in time is against ministry laws. Also changing the past could result a rip in this dimension and throw our whole universe out of orbit AND CAUSE THE APOCOLYPSE!!!" Gemini exclaimed.

Dumbledore chuckled, "As always you are correct, Ms. Gemini, but we have found a loop hole. The ministry is defeated, even if you were deteced, they couldn't do anything to you, because they aren't there, Voldemort and his followers killed them all, as you know," Dumbledore told sadness comeing off him in waves.

"Yes, yes I know, but what about the ministry in the past, I'm pretty sure they are there still."

"Gemini, your lives are in danger here, if you stay you are good as dead, but if you go, then you have a chance at living, and changing the lives that were lost today, the ministry officals can't do anything to you because technically you haven't been born yet."

Gemini silently contemplated the idea. A determined look appeared in her chocolate eyes. "How will we get there?" she asked.

"You will travle by…portkey, if you will,"

"Okay, whats the object professor," Gemini asked soaking up the knowlegde

"Me," Dumbledore said innocently

"What do you mean?"

"You two will hold onto me, and I will do the rest,"

"How can we hold onto you if you're a ghost?"

"Magic, my dear, magic," Dumbledore looked over at Leo, who had yet to speak, "Leo my child are you allright, you haven't said a word since I told you."

"I'll get to see my parents; I'll get to see my love again", Leo whisperd silent tears, running down his cheeks. But a smile was placed on his face.

Ddumbledore smiled saddily at his grandson. A thought suddenly brought Leo out of his thoughts. "What will happen when we come back?"

Dumbledore hesitated, a momnet. "Well you see, there's the catch, you won't be coming back. There's nothing for you hear, and when I bring you back I'll only have enough time to tell the other Dumbledore, whats going on before I fade away. If you manage to alter the past corrcetly I'll live. And the ghost me won't be needed."

Dumbledore paused to let the information sink in.

"He's right my sister, there's nothing for us hear, our friends are gone, our parents are gone, our mentors are gone, even Crookshanks and Hedwig are gone. But if we go back we can give their lives back, sure we might never see them again, but I'm willing to take the chance of them having a happy life, not one filled with paranoia and grief, I would like for us to go back", Leo said to his sister in everything but blood.

"You don't have to tell me twice my brother, we will live forever and I would rather live forever in a world of peace and happiness, then one of murderers and sorrow."

Nodding to one another they spoke, "We'll go," brother and sister said together.

Leo and Gemini aka Harry Potter and Hermione Granger sat there staring out of the window, for once true happiness radiating off of them.

Should i continue??

And yes i know a lot of people do write 'Harry and Hermione go back in time and save the world' stories, but it'll turn out differently, well at least i hope, and if it becomes too cliche just tell me and i'll change it up.

