
Miley and Erik got married when they were 25 and had two beautiful twins, a girl and a boy. Miley already knew what she was going to name them before they were born—Leslie (the girl) and Jake (the boy). Leslie was strong, independent, and beautiful. Jake turned out to be a great actor, charming, and athletic. Jake Ryan still lived on in Miley's heart and she named him the godfather of the children, even if he was no longer alive. The godmother was Mikayla, who time made considerably nicer. Every night, Miley would still look up at the sky and locate the star that Jake Ryan had bought for her. And, one night, she noticed that the star looked a little like a heart. And another night, she noticed it was located in the chest of a constellation—and not just any constellation—it was the constellation of an adorably cute man.

And they all (except for Jake) lived pretty happily ever after