A/N: So this is the sequel to Never Again, and I defiantly owe the idea and encouragement to xoxpinkpantherxox, because she said I should write it, so, here it is. It will be a full fledge story, I think…and I hope it's not too predictable, that would suck…(nervous laugh).

Troy Bolton sighed as wind rocked his Honda Civic, the cloudy sky threatening rain. He turned his tired blue eyes to the park to his left. He watched a group of kids run down the slides, climb the monkey bars and play tag like nothing else mattered, like being a kid would last forever. His blue eyes found the digital clock on the dashboard. He gripped the steering wheel as the stoplight in front of him turned green, his eyes finding the smiling and carefree faces of the kids one last time.


It had been two hours, two agonizing hours since they had learned the horrible news. Gabriella shifted uncomfortably next to him, one hand clamped tightly around his, the other balled into a fist in her lap. He tilted his head, it was the reaction he was expecting, rage mixed with worry.

The two had spent the last two hours dwelling on the fact that Gabriella's crazy and deranged father had escaped from prison. That he was probably going to come after her, and that the man that had stripped her of her innocent childhood was out in the real world…again. He let out a heavy sigh as he pulled into Gabriella's neighborhood, the car rocking with the right hand turn.

"They'll find him," Troy reassured, his blue eyes shifting to look at her.

"Does it matter?" he was surprised by the question, "He'll just find another way to get out again."

"Don't think like that," his hands tightened around hers, as his car stopped in her driveway, "As soon as you give up hope, he's won."

She gave him a weak smile, "How can you be so sure?"

His eyes softened as his hands tightened around her again, "Because, I just know."

"Very reassuring," she smiled and said sarcastically.

"I do what I can," he returned the smile and then looked to her front door, "You want me to walk you to the door?"

"Can you come in and stay for a little while?" she gave him a sheepish smile as her hand found the door handle.

"Anything for you," he leaned over and kissed her, then pressed his forehead to hers, her chocolate eyes holding his attention, "I would do anything for you."

"I love you," it was a whisper that shook his heart. He smiled at the person who could make butterflies appear in his stomach.

"I love you too," he replied, both of them smiling, "Come on, lets get inside."

Troy hauled himself out of the driver's side, the strong wind making a shiver run up his spine. He pulled his sweatshirt tighter around his neck as he joined Gabriella in their walk to her front door. They entered, Troy placing his keys on the small table next to her stairs as he glanced around the open foyer for any sign of her mother.

"Where's your mom?" he asked following Gabriella into the family room.

"Business trip," she replied walking towards the kitchen as he plopped down on the comfortable couch, "Her work sends her all over the place these days, she's in Main right now."

"I'm just grateful she's the only one that goes," he smiled reaching for the remote, "I couldn't stand you moving away."

"My mom promised me that they couldn't relocate us until after I graduate," she replied sitting next to him on the couch, a bag of Cooler Ranch Doritos and French Union Dip in her hand.

"You've discovered my weakness, Miss. Montez," he smiled reaching for the bag of chips.

"The one weakness we share, Mr. Bolton," she smiled as she opened the dip. Troy turned on the TV, the news channel popping up. The smiled quickly fell from his face as a picture of Gabriella's father appeared on the screen. Troy quickly changed the channel, only to have the same pair of dark, unforgiving eyes stare back at him. After the fifth channel to hold the picture, Troy snapped the TV off with an aggravated sigh.

"So, what movie should we watch?" he asked as he went towards the rack of DVDS under the TV. He knelt on the ground, his finger skimming over the many titles. He smiled when he realized that they were alphabetized and he shook his head as the smiled widened.

"If we're going to watch a movie," Gabriella's voice was hesitant, "can we call the others?"

Troy turned and smiled, "What, my company isn't enough for you?" her eyes went wide as her mouth opened to spill out a defense, "Gabriella chill, I understand, safety in numbers, I get it."

"Just, don't choose anything with crazy parents, ok?" she smiled and pulled out her cell phone.

He smiled as she spoke into the receiver. From what he could tell, Taylor was frantic and angry with them for not calling her sooner. Troy gave Gabriella a smile as she ended the call with Taylor and dialed Kelsi's number.

"She coming?" he asked, his hand hesitating over Live Free or Die Hard, a good, strong family movie.

"Both her and Chad are on their way," she answered, a small smile on her face, "They were already halfway here when I called."

"Expected nothing less from Taylor," he smiled and said to himself, his head spinning to the front door as the doorbell rang. He looked to Gabriella's eyes, shrugging his shoulders as he stood up. "I got it." He went to the front door and paused, smiling as he heard Gabriella reassure Kelsi that they were both fine.

Troy's hand found the bronze of the door handle as he turned the knob. A chilly wind entered the house as he opened the door, expecting to see someone he recognized on the other side. Troy's smile dropped as his blue eyes went wide. For the man standing on the other side of the door was none other than Ethan Montez, Gabriella's father.

Troy turned his head back into the house, his mouth opening with a warning that he would never get to finish, or even start. He felt something press against his chest and he turned back around to face the father. His eyes shifted down to the small tazer in the older mans hand.

"Remember me," Mr. Montez sneered as his thumb adding the needed pressure to button on the tazer. Troy's body went rigid, ten thousand volts shooting through his system. It was only when Mr. Montez pull back that Troy took a breath, staggering backwards. His hand went out behind him, coming in contact with the desk next to Gabriella's stairs.

The last thing Troy remembered was placing his hand over the spot the tazer had touched him, the hand on the table behind him knocking over the lamp and his keys. He had to do something to warn Gabriella! It was the last thing he thought as the floor came rushing up to meet him, his system crashing as he was enveloped in total darkness.

.-.-.- Insert Dramatic Music -.-.-.
