This is another little somthing that i wrote when i was thinking about school, i kinda miss school... NOT! XP

Another ItachiXKisame, wait... more like all partner on partner pairings again...




It all started when I saw him, it was weird I never thought someone could keep me thinking forever. Blue hair, and golden green eyes. I guess this was what my mother told me about… What was it called?… Ah, yes I remember now… it was called love. But why me? Everyone I "loved" died, except my brother.

My poor, poor little brother, Sasuke. I hate the fact that they left him with me, I mean he's not bad to be around only thing is he's changed since they died. I think is was their death, that changed him. He was so happy, then suddenly His loving parents die and he's left with me. His cold brother who wants nothing to do with him. I hate how he looks at me before he leaves for school, wanting me to say good bye or see ya later. He's a child he doesn't deserve this, he deserves more, he deserves a happy family.

Funny, my brother notice the way I stared out the window and thought of the same thing over and over. He asked me.

"Itachi. What are you thinking about?" Sasuke stares up at me, I didn't notice him walk around to stand in front of me.

"I have a crush." I'm surprised by my own response, I hadn't thought that I would answer.

"You do? What's her name? Is she pretty?" I look down at Sasuke, His dark black innocent eyes stare back up at me.

"Her? His name is Kisame."


See where i got the name? XD
